
Marvel's God of wrath

The true personification of wrath is has arrived. This is more for fun.

Thomas_Hodge · Komik
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30 Chs

World-War Hulk!


" Mmm, Hepzibah watch the claws. You too Laura."

Cessily groaned while waking up.

" Sorry cess."

Laura said as she retracted her claws.

" Yeah, Sorry"

Hepzibah also said

" It's time to get up. We've got training today."

Cessily said trying to get the women out of bed. To no avail.

' Why haven't you come back? Did you forget us? Have you moved on? Where are you asura?'

Cessily wondered while she showered.

" Hey! Come on girls we've got training to do today."

Julian said as he hammered on the girl's door.

' Why is he so loud this early in the morning!'

Laura wondered.

Laura walked over to the door and stuck her claws through the door.

" Whoa!"

Julian barked on the other side of the door as the womans claws nearly hit his junk.

" Hey, that was uncalled for."

Julian said to the woman.


Laura yelled back.

" Jeez fine, be late then. I don't care."

Julian said before walking away.

' What's her problem. She's been acting like a cranky bitch ever since...Oh! today's the day huh? I forgot. So, it's been five months since he left. I feel bad for them.'

Julian thought as he walked away.

After the three girls finished their showers, they joined the students of the institute in the danger room.

" Now then students. Today was supposed to be training day, however everyone else has been called away. As such we will resume training once they've returned."

Beast said to the group.

" Hank!"

Charles called

" What is it Xavier?"

Beast asked.

" You and the students need to see this."

Xavier said.

" Guess we get some action today after all."

Julian said to the new x men.

" Let's go see what's got Xavier spooked."

Noriko said.

" Hell Yeah!"

Santo yelled as he and the group ran upstairs.

" Puny humans. I've come to SMASH. And you should know who's to blame."

Hulk said as a transmission of the Iron man, mr. Fantastic, Doctor strange, and black bolt appeared on screens all over the world.

" You call them heroes. I call them Monsters. Listen to what they told me before they tried to kill me--"

Hulk said.

" I have always thought of us as friends bruce. So, I am truly, genuinely sorry. But for your sake and ours. We're sending you away. It's the only way we can be sure."

The recording of Mr. Fantastic said.

" Iron man. Mr. Fantastic. Doctor strange. Black bolt. They shot me into space. Sent me to a planet called sakaar. Where I could be cut--even killed."

The hulk said as a recording of his adventured on Sakaar played all over the world.

" Where the emperor made me a slave. And then a gladiator. They sent me to die."

Hulk said.

" But I survived with my warbound. Korg. Miek. Elloe. Brood. Hiroim."

Hulk named the warriors that had come with him.

" We made a world. I was the green king. And caiera the oldstrong was my queen."

The hulk said as images of his wedding and queen flashed across the world.

" But your heroes sent a bomb. Killed millions of my people. Now this city will fall. You have twenty-four hours to evacuate. When I return, I want to see Mr. Fantastic, Iron man, and Doctor strange. And if they're not here. I'll do this to your whole stinking planet."

Hulk said while holding up the beaten and bloody body of black bolt before his transmission cut.

" So, on a scale of one to ten. How fucked are we?"

Julian asked anyone who could answer.

" Ten give or take one hundred."

Noriko replied.

The words of the hulk sent the people of the world into panic. Heroes began evacuating all of New York as fast as possible. Iron man donning his new hulk buster armor was the first to engage the hulk. Openly admitting that what the hulk had said about him as the truth. Iron man managed to push the fight out of new york city before fighter jets all bombarded the hulk.

" Will you burn with me as I burn with you?"

Caiera asked as hulk remembered the night they wed.

" I will."

The hulk replied.

" This is where you belong. With your people. With your queen. With your child."

Caiera said before the bomb that was in the ship with Hulk exploded. Kulk had tried to escape the blast with Caiera, but was too late.

" I will never leave you."

Caiera said before the blast turned her and the hulks child to ash.


The hulk said before snapping out of his flashback.

The hulk jumped after Iron man tackling the man in the air and began doing what he did best. Smashing. He beat away at Iron man, tearing the armor from his body as his fists rained down on the man. Beating him unconscious.

The hulk having finished off Iron man landed in front of the avengers.

" If we're gonna do it. Then let's do it. He's just one guy after."

Luke cage was saying before Hulks warbound appeared.

" We are the hulks warbound. Hiroim the shamed."

" Korg the kronan."

" Elooe kaif."

" Miek the unhived."

" No-name of the brood. And we stand with the hulk."

" Damn!"

cage said.

The baxter building.

" Ah hell reed. What did you idiots do that for?"

Ben grimm asked

" We thought we'd be saving the earth ben. Not endangering it."

Reed said.

" Well, that didn't work, did it?"

Johnny storm asked.

" Not now johnny. We have to focus."

Susan storm said.

" Yes, we must focus. For I believe it won't be long before the hulk finishes with the avengers."

Black panther said.

Back to the avengers.

" Some mess huh bruce? Let me help."

She-hulk said to her cousin.

" Can you bring back the hivelings who died in crown city? Can you bring back the mother of elloe kaif? The elders of hioim the shamed? Caiera the oldstrong, the hulk's bride and queen?"

Miek asked

" I'm not talking to you bug."

She-hulk replied.

" Walk away jen."

The hulk said.

" Bruce if tony and the others were involved in this, we'll figure it out, we'll put them on tiral. You know me. I'll stand with you to the end. But we have to do this right and--"

She-hulk was saying before hulk cut her off.

" Now."

The hulk demanded.

" I can't."

Jen said reluctantly.

" The stop talking and start fighting."

The hulk said.

" Jen?"

Ms. marvel called

" Just wait! If we don't throw the first--"

Jen was saying before the hulk attacked her.


Hulk said as he punched at, She-hulk.

" Damn-- It " Jen said as she punched hulk in the face, Drawing blood from the man.

" Bruce."

was all she-hulk could say before the hulk grabbed her by the mouth and slammed her into the ground.


Ares yelled as the battle began.

" God help us."

She-hulk said.

The fantastic four plus Black panther and storm watched as the avengers were taken down with relative ease and soon after the fantastic four fell as well.

With the X-men

" he's tearing them apart."

Cyclops said.

" No kidding, that's two teams comprised of the world's best heroes decimated. He even got Tchalla and storm."

Kitty said.

" I hate to say this, but I miss big red."

Wolverine spoke.

" You speak of comrade asura?"

Colossus asked.

" Yeah, I do."

Logan replied.

" But hulk doesn't have a reason to come after us, right? I mean we weren't responsible for what happened to him."

Kity said.

" We'll find out won't we."

Cyclops said.

The X-mansion.

" Xavier. I want Xavier. NOW!"

Hulk said as he landed outside the X mansion.

" Dr. Mccoy, did you see--"

Elixir asked.

" I saw elixir. I've already sent a mayday call to the others. Prodigy, round up the students and take them into the sub-basement. Get them out through the old Morlock tunnels."

Beast said.

" Tell the professor what's happening the students' safety is priority one. Understand?"

Beast asked prodigy.

" Yes sir."

David replied.

" We'll buy you as much time."

Beast said.

" Buy--? Aww, YEAH! I'm gonna fight the hulk! Playing in the majors, baby! You ain't nobody in this business till you've fought the hulk! This is awesome!"

Santo cheered.

" This is not awesome. This is not a game. I've fought the hulk before. And I've never seen him like this. This is not the wounded child hulk, or the barroom brawler hulk. This is a hulk so fueled by rage he could destroy everything in his path."

Beast said.

' Dear god asura, where are you. We need you.'

Cessily thought.

" This building houses one-quarter of the mutants left on earth. ON EARTH! We're not fighting for fun, or to prove who is stronger, or bring to bring justice. We're fighting to prevent Genocide."

Beast said as hulk banged on their mansion.

" I'll try to talk to him. But the hulk's never been one for talking. So, we need a plan. I'd never asked this of you if the stakes weren't so high and the other instructors weren't away. If anyone doesn't feel--"

Beast was saying before Cessily stepped forward.

" Dr. Mccoy we get it. And we're in.'

Cessily spoke.

' Damn right!"

Julian agreed.

" Let's go kick the hulk's ass."

Noriko said.

" You're going to make wonderful X-men. All right, here's what we'll do."

Beast explained his plan before answering the door.

" Hello Bru...Hulk What--"

Beast was asking.

" Xavier. Bring him here."

Hulk said.

" You know I can't do that."

Beast said.

" Out of the way, I'll find him myself."

Hulk said.

" I'm afraid I can't do that either."

Beast said.

' Wasn't asking."

Hulk said as he back handed beast away.

Julian and the New- X men began their assault on the hulk.


Julian yelled

Santo slammed his fists into the hulks face knocking him back.

" Keep hitting him! Don't let up!"

Noriko yelled as she blasted the hulk with electricity. The others still dog piling the brute. Hepzibah and Laura trying to cut through his skin while Julian and Sooraya blasted him.

" Mccoy! You got two seconds to call these kids off, or what happens to them is on you."

Hulk said clearly not fazed at all by their attacks.

" Ready josh?"

Beast asked.

" I. It's just my death touch--"

Josh was saying.

" Can't kill the hulk. It's an overdose of your healing touch, so I'm hoping it'll overload his healing factor. Which is the only way we stand a chance."

Beast said

" What if you're wrong? What if I do kill him?"

Josh asked.

" Son they'll probably give you a medal."

Beast said as he carried the boy close to the hulk.

" Time's up."

Hulk said as he smashed the ground and knocked the mutants away.

" Get ready josh!"

Beast said dodging the hulk.

" NOW!"

Beast yelled.


The hulk yelled as Josh hit him with his death touch burning out his healing factor.

" You may want to rethink this hulk. Do you understand what we just did?"

Beast asked.

" Yeah. Made me madder!"

The hulk said as he glared daggers at the man in front of him.

" Attack formation sigma!"

Beast yelled as he and the new x-men resumed attacking.

" Stupid mutants. Don't need my healing factor to break these punks."

Hulk said as he tore off a piece of a pillar and swung it at the mutants.

" Telekinetic right? Try focusing with ruptured eardrums."

Hulk said to Julian as he clapped. The force of the clap rupturing the boy's eardrums.

" Monster! Get away from him!"

Sooraya yelled as she blasted hulk with a massive amount of sand

" Doesn't surprise me. Xavier hiding behind his students. Surprises me you're dumb enough to go along.'

Hulk said before using the schools water system to blast the sand girl away.

" Damn you, BANNER! They're KIDS!"

Beast yelled as he attacked the brute.

" Don't talk to me about kids."

Hulk declared as he punched the man away.

" Porco! I can't believe I used to pretend to be you when we played superhero battles!"

Santo said as he slugged it out with the hulk.

" You're the one who can control his body when it's in pieces. Question!"

Hulk said before ripping the boy's arms off.

" HEY!"

Santo yelled

" Can you still control them when they're in Connecticut?"

Hulk asked as he threw the boy's arms and legs off into the distance.

" Aw, dude that's just harsh."

Santo said

" COME ON! Who gets crippled next?"

Hulk asked

" H-Holy...What is he?"

Noriko asked

Snikt Snikt

" A target."

Laura said before lunging at the hulk.

" Who're you. Wolverine's sidekick? You're a couple claws short."

Hulk said as he caught the woman by her arms.

" No."


" I'm Not."

Laura said as she cut the hulks eyes out with the claws in her feet.


The hulk yelled as he grabbed his face where his eyes used to be.

" He's hurt! Hit him hard!"

Beast yelled as the remain Mutants attacked hulk again.

" Don't let up! Take him down!"

Beast yelled

Unfortunately, Hulk managed to punch them all away again knocking Noriko out.

" Nice try. But my eyes just grew back. Whatever the gold kid did wore off. He's not gonna do it again. As for this one. You better hope she heals like wolverine."

Hulk said before throwing Laura as hard as he could through the mansion.


Hepzibah and Cessily yelled before attacking the hulk again.

" It didn't have to be like this. I just wanted Xavier. But no one makes me weak. NO ONE EVER AGAIN!!!"

Hulk yelled before driving his fists into the backs of the two women driving them into the ground. Cessily's head was turned into liquid metal.

" Josh, can you?"

Beast asked

" Not this soon. I expended too much power last time."

Josh answered.

" Then RUN, son. Run for your life."

Beast said to the boy as hulk stood over them, his arms ready to smash them both.

" GRAAAAAH!" The hulk yelled as something hit him in the back.

" You're real impressive beatin on kids' bub. But It's grown-up time."

Wolverine said as he slashed away at the man's back.

" Hnh. THIS is the fight I was expecting. BRING IT ON!"

The hulk said challenging the Newly arrived X-men Colossus, Shadowcat, Emma frost, Cyclops, and Wolverine.

" No hulk. I believe you said you were here for me. Now that I've seen my students to safety, you've got your wish."

Xavier said stepping towards the green behemoth.

" XAVIER. You're walking again. I can fix that.

The hulk threatened.

" Yes, I know you're the strongest one there is Physically. But my power lies in another area."

Xavier said as he entered the hulks mind.

" Im-Impossible The hulks mind has always been unique. Difficult to control. But I've never encountered anything like this. The rage like an elemental force. I can't overcome it. And the feedback is enveloping everyone."

Xavier said.

" Good lord what he endured on that planet. Weakened, Enslaved. The trials he faced unimaginable. And yet he found happiness. Friends. A kingdom, A wife. A child on the way. So, why is he. Oh god."

Xavier said as he and all the X-men saw what the hulk had gone through on sakaar.

" Hulk. I had no idea."

Beast said feeling sorry for the man in front of him.

" You all saw that huh? Xavier's pals did that to me."

Hulk said

" Hulk. Bruce. Reed and the others sent you into space yes. But the bomb that destroyed your city I can't imagine them ever doing such a thing. But i don't know. I wasn't there when they made their plans."

Xavier argued.

" I know. But according to what I beat out of black bolt, you were supposed to be. You were one of the guys they decided was smart enough to play go. To decide what to do with me--WITH ME-- like I'm a rabid dog. So, I'm asking you a question. If you'd been there, when they were debating whether to ruin my life, how would you have voted?"

Hulk asked the man

' Charles? Let me give you a hint: No!.'

Emma said to the man through their psychic link.

' I can think for myself, Emma.'

Charles said back

" Two seconds. Then i start smashing."

Hulk said.

" The honest answer is this. I wouldn't have agreed to exile you forever. But I would have voted to send you away while we searched for a cure."

Xavier said angering the hulk.

" You're right; I have been guilty of playing god. And there's nothing I can do to make up for it. But perhaps I can atone. I'll surrender willingly."

Xavier said.

" Smart move. Don't worry you'll have stark and the others to keep you company soon."

Hulk said as he reached for Xavier.

" One moment, tovarisch. The professor may have agreed to his surrender. But we have not."

Colossus said as he and the X-men got in between Xavier and the hulk.

" This is insane. Stop blocking my power, Emma."

Charles said.

" Stop trying to make us back off charles."

Emma retorted.

" This really how you want it? All of you?"

Hulk asked.

Scott looked back at the professor and replied.

" All of us!"

Scott answered before Blasting the man.

" NO!!"

Charles yelled as the X-men battled the hulk.

" Everyone back! I'm going to max power!"

Scott said while blasting the hulk.

" Scott, stop this please. You of all people know I deserve this."

Charles argued

" Not the point! Now, shut up and let me focus."

Scott yelled while fighting off the approaching hulk.


Kitty yelled as the hulk picked the man up by his head.

" Damn it, girl. You're just making this worse."

Hulk said as kitty phased scott out of his grip.

" Wrong, bub. that's my job!"

Logan yelled as he clawed away at the hulk.

Hulk retaliated by back handing the man through the forest.

" I'm joining the fight now. But my students-- The cuckoos-- are mentally monitoring you from a distance. If you try to stop us, they'll block you. So may i suggest you stop your pointless histrionics and make yourself useful by helping elixir tend to the wounded."

Emma said

" All right."

Charles relented.

" But this is madness."

Charles said as he dragged the concussed Cyclops.

" M fine I just need a minut."

Scott mumbled out.

" i won't argue."

Emma said talking to charles as she joined colossus and beast in dealing with the hulk.

" Stupid mutants! You can't stop me! You can't even hurt me!"

The hulk said as he battled the three mutants.


Laura yelled as she rejoined the battle attacking the hulks back with her claws.

" So, you do heal like wolverine. Good to know1"

The hulk said before knocking the three X-men aside to deal with Laura.

" Laura watch out!"

Cessily yelled as hulk brought both his fists down on the woman. The Hulk continued to pound away at the woman beating her into a crater. Kitty stepped in and phased the woman out of the hulks path of destruction, saving her life.

" Please, stop fighting bruce before you make us hurt you!"

Beast yelled as he Emma and colossus rejoined the battle.

" HAH!"

Hulk yelled as he punched colossus away again.

" Then I'm afraid you leave us no choice."

Beast said.

" Except what? To get squashed like bugs?"

The hulk asked.

" No. To do this!"

Kitty yelled as she phased the hulk into the ground. Crippling the man.


The hulk roared in pain.

An ingenious plan, though one that didn't work as the X-men were in shock that Hulk was able to break free so easily. The hulk recomposed himself before clapping so hard that everyone still standing was blown away.

" You! You're like Xavier. You think you're so smart? Figure this out!"

Hulk yelled as he grabbed Emma frost and forced her straight into the ground.

" Emma, I'll free you as soon as I've beaten this monster!"

Colossus said as he begun swinging away at the hulk again.

" You got guts colossus!"

The hulk said as he and colossus locked hands with each other. Both men trying to overpower the other.

' There was a time you would have made a decent opponent for me. But Things've changed. I've changed. And now you're just a piece of scrap metal."

The hulk said as he snapped Colossus's arms.

" Leave Petey alone, Hulk! It always comes down to you and me anyway."

Wolverine yelled as he engaged the hulk.

" This isn't another one of our throwdowns wolverine. Things're different."

The hulk said.

' Yeah, you're skins harder to cut. So, I'll go for something softer."

Logan said before slashing hulks eyes.

" HRRR HAHAHAHA! Your little sidekick tried that earlier. I was hoping you would too. Cause you had to get close enough to grab."

Hulk said

" Sure, healing factor a lot like mine. Means we can do this all night bub. I'm game for that."

Wolverine said taking another swipe at the hulk.

" Not me. I've got things to do. I know i can't kill you, but there are other options. You ever see a boxer who took too many shots to the head? They can't walk right. Can't do much of anything. The brain's all scrambled. So, let's see what happens when your brain bounces against that metal skull of yours. Over and over and over again!"

The hulk said as he slammed his fist into the man's head over and over again until his body goes limp.

Xavier and the other X men who were watching the brutal scene before them suddenly heard a voice in their heads.

' Can you all hear me?'

Rachel called out.

' Rachel is that you?'

charles asked.

' Rachel?'

Emma asked.

' Daughter is that you?'

Scott asked

' Yeah, it's me. I'm on the way.

' I thought you were all still in space fighting against Vulcan.'

Charles said.

' We can worry about that later.'

Rachel said to the man.

' Well, I hope you aren't alone. Because we're getting destroyed out here.'

Kitty said.

' My dear kitty. I'm not alone. I brought back up and he's very pissed off. Look up!'

Rachel said.

Everyone stopped fighting the X-men, the students, even the hulk looked up to see a ball of fire, almost like a comet, approaching their position fast!

" Heh heh heh!"

Logan laughed

" What's so funny?"

Hulk asked the barely conscious man.

" Yer in for the fight of your life hulk. He's coming."

Logan said before passing out completely

" You're here. You came for us. Asura."

Cessily cried out as a loud voice rang across the the fields of the institute.