
Marvel's God of wrath

The true personification of wrath is has arrived. This is more for fun.

Thomas_Hodge · Komik
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30 Chs

The strongest there is vs The angriest there is! Part 1

The voice that rang out loud through the fields of the Mansion was suddenly; A massive explosion taking its place as a large object suddenly struck the ground. The shockwave of the collision blew everyone who was still on their feet away completely, destroying the land around it. Grass had been burned black as charcoal, dirt and sand was turned to glass from the extreme heat the object produced. The foundation of the mansion shook, but thankfully hadn't collapsed. The heroes, students, and even the Hulk had been completely covered in dirt and dust.

" What was that?!"

Hulk asked angrily as he picked himself up from the dirt that had been covering his entire body, seething from having been blown away like it was nothing.

" Who did that? Come out now or I'll smash everything and everyone here until there's no one left."

The hulk proclaimed arrogantly.

As he was speaking the smoke from the impact had begun to clear and a person could be seen standing in the crater. While hulk glared at the crater waiting for his opponent to be to step out, the X-men had begun to stir themselves. Logan being among the first to recover from the impact followed closely by Colossus, then cyclops and Emma, the last one to recover had been Kitty Pryde who had managed to avoid most of the impact by phasing through it.

" You know how to make an entrance don't ya kid."

Logan stated wearily as he coughed up blood.

" I'm sorry."

A voice stated from the crater sounding ragged.

" Don't be. Give'em hell kid."

Logan said to the man right before he passed out again.

" Scott, get the others inside the mansion and get far away from here. This place isn't going o be safe."

The voice ordered giving scott no room to argue.

Scott didn't reply to the man he simply nodded his head and began to gather everyone who was still in the area.

" Who are you? You're a new one."

The hulk exclaimed as he laid eyes upon the man standing before for the first time. While the two stared each other down another more familiar voice called out to the man rather weakly.

" Asura!"

Cessily called out weakly, trying to maintain her consciousness, her eyes begin to well up with tears of mercury as she gazed upon the mighty back of her lover. Asura turned his back on the green behemoth in front of him further enraging the beast of a man, so much so that his massive veins began to bulge throughout his entire body. Asura, however paid the man no attention as he made his way over to the injured young lady. He delicately picked up her injured body, holding her in his arms for the first time in half a year. He looked down on the woman with a gentle smile on his face.

" You fought well my love. But now it is time to rest. Leave the rest to me."

Asura spoke as he cradled the woman in his arms. His gentle words and his soft and gentle touch only affirmed to the woman that he was there, he had returned, and that everything would be alright.

" I missed you."

She said, trying her best to hold back the tears struggling to break free.

" I know and I'm so sorry my love. I put you in an impossible position. And for that I am sorry, but I promise you I will never again leave your side."

Asura explained to the woman, his words breaking her will and allowing her tears to flow freely. His gentle expression turned to one of sadness as he watched the young woman cry in his arms. After a few minutes the young woman's cries ended and as she stared up at the man she watched as a single tear rolled down his face. Asura was ashamed of himself for he knew that she was only like this right now because of him.

" I love you, Cessily!"

Asura spoke breaking the silence between the two before leaning down and capturing the woman's lips with his own. The two sat in silence for what felt like an eternity before cyclops came over, ready to retrieve the last of the students.

" Take care of her scott."

Asura said as he handed the woman over scott and turned back towards the green giant across from him.

" I will."

Was scotts only reply to the man as he made to leave with the girl in his arms. As the two left Cessily turned her head to back towards the man she loved. His strong back facing her.

' Be careful my love.'

Cessily thought before finally giving in to her exhaustion, passing out in the arms of the veteran X-man.

" You think you can stop me by yourself? I don't know who you are but if you want to die then fine."

The hulk stated arrogantly as he looked upon the only remaining threat in his way.

" A mistake has been made here hulk, but I think you are confused by whom it was made by."

Asura said with venom responding to the man's taunting with a little bit of his own.

" You talk big, but if you fight like those chumps, I crushed earlier then you're in for a bad time."

The hulk stated.

" The time for talk is over hulk."

Was all asura said in response.

The two glared at each other, the tension in the air so thick that it felt like you die just by being so close. Then the two gladiators began walking towards each other, slowly increasing their pace before breaking out into a full-on sprint.

" Rahhhh!"

" Rahhhh!"

The two roared as they grew closer and closer to each other, the ground shaking at the force of their running. When they were close enough the two beasts leapt at each other. Hulk throwing a fist in an attempt to hit asura. Asura on the other hand had dodged the fist, hulk had thrown and speared the man in midair. the two wrestled with each other briefly trying to overpower the other, Snarling and growling like mad dogs at each other before asura threw the hulk cleanly through the forest. Hulks body destroyed much of the forest as he was sent flying, Asura followed after the man as he sprinted through the forest.

" Ugh! He's strong."

The hulk grunted as he recovered from his collision with the youth, Spitting up blood from the force of the impact. Hulk got to his feet readying himself for the incoming man. When Asura arrived, he was met by the hulk. The two men had both swung back readying a fierce blow and had collided once more. Another massive shockwave could be heard as the part of the forest they were currently in was suddenly launched into the sky, creating a clearing where the two men could be seen trying to overpower the other with their fists.

" Not bad! You're the first real challenge I've had since I got back. I was expecting thor to be here, but I guess he got tired of this planet and its people too."

The hulk stated as he tried to push back against the man in front of him.

" Your arrogance will be your downfall hulk."

Asura replied

" Arrogance? You think I'm the arrogant one. I wasn't the one who decided to play God with someone else's life. You can thank Iron man and his pals for all of this."

The hulk responded.

" Iron man? His pals? What do they have to do with us? In case you haven't realized we have nothing to do with them."

Asura replied back with venom in his voice.

" Xavier was one of those pals. He might not have been there to decide my fate, but even he admitted he would have sent me away. In my eyes, he's just as guilty as stark and the others."

The hulk exclaimed briefly gaining the upper hand in the match of strength, though his finishing statement had enraged his opponent. Asura's eyes widened with shock and anger at the green giant's words.

" You attacked us because of what might have happened. You brought a vicious battle to my School, threatened the lives of my students, hurt my friends, and MY WOMEN ALL BECAUSE OF WHAT MIGHT HAVE HAPPENED!"

Asura ssaid, his rage increasing the volume of which he had spoke. The moment Asura heard those words, things began to change the force of hulk's fist slowly, but surely began to be pushed back.

' What is this, he's getting stronger!'

Hulk thought as he felt his fist getting pushed back more and more every second.


Asura yelled before growing more four more arms, something that had shocked the hulk so much, but not more than when asura had slammed every other fist he had into the man's body flinging him further backwards violently. The hulk, not one to be outdone, emerged swiftly from the crater he was in this time, much bigger than before, much angrier. `The hulk's fist rushed towards asura. Asura himself returning the gesture.

" Argh!"

Asura grunted as the hulks fist overpowered his own and slammed into his chest. Asura spat up blood as he realized he had been launched viciously back onto the grounds of the institute.

' Damn, I got careless. I made him mad.'

Asura thought as he wiped the blood from his mouth, not knowing the hulk was already chasing after him. Asura looked up to see a giant shadow closing in on him. The hulk had jumped after the man and was getting ready to land on the man. Thankfully Asura had managed to recompose himself soon enough to dodge out of the way of the massive man.

The others who had left looked up once they heard another loud explosion, looking back towards the mansion to see Debrie and other things soaring into the air.

" They're really tearing the place up. I don't think I've ever seen so much power being thrown around."

Emma stated.

" Trust me frost, you haven't seen half of it."

Rachel stated as she drew the attention of everyone still conscious to her.

" Rachel, what is going on. How did you guys know we were in trouble? What happened with Vulcan? Where are the others?"

Charles asked as the others all stared at the woman intently waiting for answers.

" We didn't know you guys were in trouble at all, we were already on our way back to earth. And to answer your other questions, Asura was fighting both Vulcan, Gladiator, and the entirety of the Shi'ar imperial guard. But Vulcan used a weapon and bombarded Asura with five hundred stars. Vulcan had used the opportunity to unite the people of Shi'ar and swayed them over to his side, making him the official ruler of the Shi'ar empire. We had no other ways to win, seeing that any further fighting would result in the deaths of millions of innocent people Asura said it was time to give it a quit. We lost."

Rachel explained solemnly. Her expression shared by her father Scott and Kitty.

" I see, and what about Alex and Lorna?"

Scott asked worried about his brother.

" He said he couldn't leave. He and Lorna both chose to stay and continue the fight. Hoping to find another chance at beating Vulcan."

Rachel explained to her dad.

" I see.'

Scott said as he and the others hung their heads in sadness. Soon a massive object landed near the group blowing them off of their feet again. The group looked on in horror as they saw the figure appear through the smoke.

" I told you. I'm not leaving without Xavier."

The hulk proclaimed angrily as he held Asura by his throat. Both men bloody and bruised.

" Asura!"

The stepford sister yelled in shock. The remaining students sharing their terror.

" Damn."

Was all Scott could say as he looked on the strongest mutant being held like a child.

" You thought you could stop me with this?"

Hulk gestured to the man in his hands.

Hearing the insult, Asura's eyes suddenly jerked open. he extended his hand and blasted hulk right in his chest point blank.

" Fine, hulk. But remember I gave you a chance to do the right thing."

Asura sated before reengaging the raging beast.

" Rahhhh!"

The two men yelled into each other's faces as they drew their fists back. The two men began pummeling each other, going back and forth trading heavy blows with neither man gaining much ground on the other. The forces generated from their blows tearing up the ground below them.


The hulk asked angrily as he continued to pummel away at his opponent.


Asura replied


The hulk exclaimed angrily, freely expressing his rage.


Asura asked as he drove two fists into the hulks stomach and two others into his face. Hulk responded by punching back at the man shattering another one of his arms, leaving the man with only three remaining.

' I can't keep losing my arms. I only have three more. Gonna have to avoid taking too many more of those punches.'

Asura thought as the hulks fist closed in on his face, knocking him from his thought train and launching him across the field. Hulk jumped into the air and landed on the man. The others looked on in horror as they watched the hulk beat the man ruthlessly.

" Let me fill you in on a lesson you need to learn. I."

The hulk started as he slammed his fist into the man's face.

" AM."

He said continuing his assault.


The hulk finished as he prepared to bring both of his fists down onto the man's head when suddenly he felt a strong energy blast hit his back.

" Get your filthy fucking hands off my man."

Rachel ordered her eyes glowing with anger.

" This loser is your man? How pathetic."

Hulk stated.

" He's more of a man than you are hulk. He at least isn't picking a fight with children."

Kurt said as he teleported on top of Asura and teleported him away. Soon the rest of X-force arrived.

' Damn it no! They aren't strong enough. I need power. I need more power.'

Asura thought before blacking out.

" More bugs to smash! Fine, but remember Xavier, I gave you multiple chances."

The hulk said as he faced down the remaining X-men.

Here we are folks, the end of part 1. I know there are some of you who are going to complain about him losing, but you got to realize something. The hulk and every opponent he's faced seriously so far ARE NOT PUSHOVERS! This is only the beginning of the final battle. So stay tuned for part 2

Thomas_Hodgecreators' thoughts