
Marvel's Death Merchant (CN)

Looting Terminators, Mechanical Octopuses, Mechanical Arch-Enemies, Galactic Fleet, Pacific Rim, Transformers' advanced technology establishes a Mechanical Empire. Devouring and assimilating, Super Bodies, New Ironblood Warriors, Endless Infinity, Superpower Outburst, Legend of the Dark Night, Naruto, Edge of Tomorrow... With the power, genes, and technology from these, they establish a Steel Empire belonging to the Techno-Cult, becoming the most powerful arms dealer in Marvel history. PS: The real world is centered around Marvel movies, with comics as a supplement. The protagonist focuses on technology, with magic as a support. NOTE: I DO NOT OWN THIS, I ONLY TRANSLATED THE NOVEL FROM CHINESE TO ENGLISH. If you want to support me and help me keep doing this then click here : paypal.me/CerAomine

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55 Chs

Chapter 1

Umbrella Corporation was established in the mid-19th century by Edward Ashford, the sixth-generation heir of the European noble family, along with American arms dealer Oswell Spencer and biochemist James Marcus. They founded a pharmaceutical and arms trading company called Umbrella, which rapidly expanded into a global mega-corporation within a few years.

During World War II in the United States, Howard Stark's Stark Industries merged with Umbrella Corporation, becoming two major pillars of the country's military industry. Osborne Industries, on the other hand, being a smaller company, garnered less attention and had relatively weaker strength. Among them, Umbrella Corporation stood as a politically and economically influential international monopoly, spanning various sectors such as pharmaceuticals, medical hardware, and defense products, encompassing the majority of high-tech industries.

Umbrella Corporation, founded by the three founding elders, has its headquarters in New York City. The company's iconic building in the city prominently features a red and white intersecting umbrella logo. This distinctive logo has made Umbrella Corporation the only company in the world to use an umbrella as its symbol. The Stark Industries and Umbrella buildings have also become iconic landmarks in New York City.

Underground Research Facility of Umbrella Corporation, New York City, United States.

B.O.W (Bio-Organic Weapon) Program Headquarters in New York City, T-Virus Biochemical Weapons Laboratory.

"Boss, after three years of research, we have discovered that the majority of the subjects, after being slowly infected with the T-virus in the cultivation tanks, enter a stable mutated state. We have named them Tyrants, using T as the prototype. Shall we begin monitoring the experimental data now?" The dimly lit, massive, and meticulously organized underground laboratory came into view as a researcher presented the experimental data.

"Very well, we can begin. I can't wait to see which one is more powerful, the group of 30 Lickers or the Tyrant Prototype, designated as T-002." Tang Tian squinted his eyes as he looked at the Tyrant Prototype in the glass container before him, nodding slightly. He could see that its entire body had a pale, zombie-like complexion, and it was covered in incredibly muscular and robust physique. Its arms had a diameter of over twenty centimeters, and its right hand boasted enormous and exaggerated claws at the fingertips. Furthermore, the nails on each fingertip were much longer than a military knife, resembling a collection of knives stacked together. The Tyrant Prototype was truly synonymous with immense power.

During the research on the T-virus, derived from the Progenitor virus, as a biochemical weapon, numerous failed variations were created. The zombies, Lickers, and Hunters are all products of T-virus mutations. The combat capability of zombies is negligible, scoring only 5 points. However, both Lickers and Hunters can easily eliminate more than 30 mercenaries in combat. These conclusions were drawn from experiments conducted at the African branch office.

Ahem, sorry for the digression. Let's return to the battle scene between the group of 30 Lickers and the Tyrant Prototype.

"Roar!" A thunderous roar echoed, causing the entire laboratory to tremble. In the safety zone outside the combat area, the "Red Queen" faithfully recorded the scene in the cultivation vessel. A colossal figure, standing over three meters tall, slowly emerged from its frozen state. This was none other than the Tyrant T-002.

"Ready, boss," said the Russian man, Dostoyev. In an instant, his eyes turned blood red. Following that, a group of frog-like creatures with peeled skin, degenerated eyes, thickened and clawed finger joints, exposed brains, and elongated mouthparts appeared. These were the Lickers.

Dostoyev, who controls the Lickers, has injected himself with a mother virus that shares a similar relationship to a queen bee and worker bees. This enables him to possess the ability to control the bio-organic weapons at will. However, it goes without saying that the T-virus, which has the potential to destroy the world, will not be sold. Its distribution will only be considered once it can be safely controlled.

As expected, the battle unfolded as predicted. Under Dostoyev's control, the Lickers launched their attack on the Tyrant, entangling it with numerous tongues. However, the Lickers underestimated the power of the Tyrant, and in an instant, the terrifying strength of the Tyrant shattered six Lickers into pieces. The remaining Lickers faced the same fate: five were eliminated by the sharp claws of the Tyrant, and the remaining 19 Lickers were completely annihilated by the Tyrant's second form. In the battle between 30 Lickers and the Prototype Tyrant, the Prototype Tyrant emerged as the clear victor.

"Clap, clap, clap." With the sound of applause, it brought the astonished researchers back to reality, and everyone joined in the celebration.

"You've done well, everyone. I appreciate your hard work. Each one of you will receive a bonus of $5,000 this month," Tang Tian said calmly, while the researchers became excited. One should not underestimate the value of a $5,000 bonus during the World War II era when the purchasing power of the US dollar was significant. Although researching biochemical weapons was unethical, who knows? In a money-driven world like the United States, there are few things that cannot be achieved with wealth.

"Alright, inform Dr. William to accelerate the research on the G-virus. The research funding will be doubled once again to $20 million. Leave the Antarctica base to Alexia for handling, and also call Wesker over," Tang Tian rubbed his temples, taking a moment to relax before speaking.

"Alright, boss," confirmed the African-American bodyguard standing next to Tang Tian.

"Damn it, you goddamn system, didn't expect me to be back, did you?" Tang Tian muttered to himself with a smirk before leaving.

Those who have experienced the world of reincarnation understand its horror. After transcending reincarnation, Tang Tian continued his search for various high-tech advancements and genetic modifications in the world of advanced technology and intricate storylines. However, during an altercation over the possession of a time-travel artifact, he incurred the wrath of the governing deity, resulting in a cataclysmic explosion surpassing even a supernova. As a result, with only a fraction of the power of the "Seven Artifacts" and his own soul, he found himself in this world.

Due to the combined power of the "Seven Artifacts" representing time, space, energy, mind, taboo, soul, and chaos, even in their partial form, they possess the power of a minor deity. This allows Tang Tian to manipulate certain aspects of the rules in the Marvel Universe, thanks to his arm bearing the hexagram pattern, which represents the utilization of his million karma points as a dimensional merchant. With this power, he regains the ability to traverse time and space and establishes Umbrella Corporation as his foundation for existence. In the Marvel world, Umbrella Corporation retains only its villains and scientists, eliminating all other elements. Tang Tian, now taking the place of the former chairman, Oswell Spencer, controls an ever-growing Umbrella Corporation, becoming the new chairman and wielding immense power.

The outcome was successful, and Tang Tian's foresight allowed him to thrive in his future life, becoming stronger and stronger. After joining Umbrella Corporation's "Super Soldier Program" and encountering Sebastian Shaw, a mutant known as the Black King among the Nazis, Tang Tian realized that this world was the Marvel Universe. With this knowledge, Tang Tian, who was aware of the impending danger, spent three years continuing his research on the T-virus and bio-weapons. The success achieved so far with the creation of the Prototype Tyrant indicates that the power of the Tyrant, after incorporating mutant genes, will undoubtedly reach a higher level in the future.

"Victor and Wolverine are likely to appear during the Vietnam War. The genetic traits in these two immortal beings are also impressive, so we can consider transplanting their genes in the future." Tang Tian pondered for a moment but decided not to dwell on it for now. It was because the timeline for the events of Wolverine Origins 1 had not arrived yet. Currently, the most valuable asset was the "Super Soldier Enhancement Serum."

Although Umbrella has only been developing for twelve years and its influence is not yet significant, high-ranking officials in Western governments have already been secretly infiltrated by Umbrella's spokesperson. When necessary, this infiltration can help reduce some troubles and overcome obstacles that limit Umbrella's entry into the global market. However, the second world war remains a significant barrier. This war, which had the highest death toll in human history, severely affected the speed at which Umbrella could control the world.

Captain America, also known as Tang Tian, is still interested in getting to know him. After the conclusion of Captain America's storyline, it leads directly to the events of the first X-Men film. Currently, the development is relatively relaxed and gradual. Tang Tian has the ability to travel to other movie universes for heists. The Big Tech Cult is not known for its peaceful development. War and heists are what arms dealers should engage in, as war can drive technological advancements.

Author's note: After giving it some thought, I've decided to start with Captain America. Along the way, there will be time-traveling to other worlds for plundering. I've been thinking about this new book for a long time, so I hope you all can support it. I will make sure to handle the chaotic situations appropriately, and your support is what drives an author to write.