
Chapter 8 getting schooled literally

The past week of classes has been pretty normal around, except maybe physical education and history I have been hanging around Kurt and Kitty while taking to Rogue when the opportunity presents itself. The PE classes had changes because some people had mutations that increased strength and speed like myself, colossus, quicksilver and a few others. So those with enhanced physiques were separated and made to do exercises closest to out level as we could get.

which is where I learned something interesting. Cole and Delson are fucking strong like really, i mean I saw in my last life that Cole could be as strong as 900 something tons cuz he lifted the Beast by himself and I'm nowhere near there but being able to lift 52 tons with barely any strain is just insane.

I still don't Match up to colossus as he has a punching strength of about the same and I know in the grand scheme of things it's not that much but still it's amazing because it's just a supporting power and not my main.

in terms of speed I'm nowhere near Cole's top speed of reacting to lightning and ray field lasers. But I'm able to react to gunshots after they've been fired and can move to fast enough to dodge them if I'm passively using electricity or video, which again very impressive but nowhere near the top.

Onto history things were mostly the same but they did go over some notable mutants in history like apocalypse. While Logan was going over the current unit I flicked though the history textbook and found some interesting things, such as Captain America exists but hasn't been active again for long so it's not just the X-men in this universe, which makes things worse and makes me glad I dot DMC cuz those guys are ridiculously powerful, like I saw some arguments to put Vergil and Dante at low multiversal.

All the other classes were about as normal as you could get for year 12 but it was manageable. And after a week of doing extra menial tasks to prove I was making an effort to be better I was finally allowed to join combat and power training in the afternoons.

The training was taking place in the danger room with it looking like a regular boxing gym with the ring changed to be a lot bigger to accommodate those with different physiques.

arriving in the room after everyone I could hear Logan start talking "alright brats today we are changing it up, we are doing mock 1v1 battles and before we start I'll go over the rules. No killing, no shots below the belt and no purposely crippling strikes, just because we can heal them doesn't mean we want to" I could almost feel him looking at me for that one.

"And for the first round it's gonna be the new kid against anyone who volunteers" after he finishes I see a bunch of hands go up including quicksilver, cyclops and surprisingly colossus.

"alright new kid you get to pick" he said with a shit eating grin.

"Ight I pick colossus" out of all the people here he has the most straightforward power and the kindest which is great as this is my first fight with powers and I don't want to immediately die.

colossus smiled kindly "I hope we have a wonderful fight" god the himbo energy of this man is unmatched like I've never talked to him before but from just that I can tell.

"yeah just be warned I've never fought with powers before" god I hope he doesn't kill me.

getting into the ring I take a moment to pick my power for this fight as I'm not good enough to swap on the fly mid battle. Thinking it over the best one for fighting a man made of metal would be neon cuz of the massive speed boost it allows.

feeling the world slow minutely I focus on the fight.

POV 3rd person

before the match starts colossus transforms himself into metal while Alex starts glowing neon blue.

As Logan calls for "match start" Alex blitzes to colossus in a trail of light before extending his hand like a knife. The appendage starts glowing brighter before solidifying into a blade of light.

running past colossus Alex spins and swings his blade at his opponents back but colossus move out of the way before backhanding the space Alex was.

as the fist swings closer to him Alex dashed to the side swiping at colossus's heel making a small scratch 'too thick' collapsing the blade and refocusing his efforts on colossus's face he lobs a stasis bubble at it.

with a small pop the bubble activates lifting colossus of the floor and freezing him in time. As the bomb pops Alex fires as many neon beams as he can including a few phosphorus beams all of them stopping in the bubble just before hitting colossus. When the bubble's time runs out all of the beams hit him at the same time launching him out of the ring and into the wall.

"match end" Wolverine calls the end of the match.


'god damn was that a rush' hurrying over at full speed to where colossus landed I ask "yo colossus you ok man I didn't think that would even work against you" and I didn't I was meant to be a stunning move to get in with heavier hits.

"Da it is all ok my friend was a good match" oh no I hit him so hard his assent is heavier. "Are you sure that was a hell of a hit" asked Logan as he came up to us.

"yes I am ok just need a bit of rest" nodding his head Logan turned to me "quick thinking with the bubble but shouldn't rely on it there are many people who can ether dodge it or just straight up not be affected by it" nodding my head I started off back to the crowd.