
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Komik
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190 Chs

Chapter 79 Li Jue's Plan

Inside the Changle Gang's warehouse, the flames formed by the condensed sword energy covered the entire warehouse. The temperature was as high as a mountain. Shi Hu and the other two who were sitting cross-legged on the ground were covered in sweat, but they could not move.

"Ah..." The burning pain from the soul made the three of them extremely painful, and they kept letting out miserable roars.

Lin Yuan, who was standing in front of the three people, was indifferent to their miserable roars. The temperature of the sword fire gradually increased, and their screams became louder and louder.

Outside the door, Shi Tianzhi had no idea what had happened in the warehouse. He could only feel an extremely terrifying sword intent and continuous screams.

"I don't know what happened."

Although he was anxious, Shi Tianzhi could only wait here.







...Li Mansion.

"I will make the entire Changle Gang be buried with Ping'er!"

An angry voice came from the hall, causing the servants in Li's house to tremble all over. They looked timidly in the direction of the hall, confused as to why the master of the house was so angry.

In the hall, Li Jue was filled with murderous intent, and there was a sadness that was hard to conceal in his eyes.

"Master, let me go. The Changle Gang has indeed been a bit arrogant recently. It's time to teach them a lesson."

The person mentioned was the old man who was sitting below Li Jue. He was wearing a gray robe, and from time to time, a frightening cold light flashed from his turbid eyes.

This person is the great elder of the Li family, and also the second powerful person in the Li family who has reached the Qi Creation Realm besides Li Jue.

Li Jue's eyes swept towards the eldest elder of the Li family. His furious heart eased slightly, but his expression was still ugly.

"Shi Tianzhi doesn't have the guts to provoke our Li family. He has someone behind him."

Li Jue remembered what the general said to him yesterday, and his eyes became even colder.

"Master, are you talking about the County Magistrate's Mansion?"

The eldest elder of the Li family quickly thought of the County Magistrate's Mansion, and his calm face gradually became serious.

As the eldest elder of the Li family, he was naturally well aware of the relationship between the Li family and the County Magistrate's Office. He also understood that there would be a fight between the two sooner or later. What he did not expect was that this destined fight would come so soon.

"Yes, the woman in the County Magistrate's Mansion is planning to attack us."

Li Jue said with a gloomy face and a cold voice.

"That woman is from the Huangpu family. If she wants to attack us, can we handle it?"

When the Great Elder heard about that woman, he became a little hesitant.

Ordinary people may not know the identity of that woman, but as the current elder of the Li family, he has long known the identity of that woman.

That's why he was so hesitant.

The Huangpu family is one of the four major clans of the Great Yan Dynasty. They are the royal family of this dynasty, and that woman is the biological sister of the current emperor and also the wife of the current county governor!

Li Jue heard the Great Elder's hesitation and felt a little dissatisfied, but he did not show it.

Of course he knew that the other party was really concerned about the woman's identity, so he didn't say anything.

"Great Elder, you should know that we have no right to choose. If we don't resist, the Li family will be completely uprooted. At that time, how can we face our ancestors?"

Li Jue's voice was not loud, but in the eyes of the Great Elder, every word was like a huge rock, pressing him down and making it hard for him to breathe.

Yes, even if they choose to surrender, will Huang Puzhi let the Li family go easily?

The answer is obvious: no, they will even be wiped out completely to prevent any future troubles.

"Master, what do you want to do?"

After a period of silence, the hesitation in the eyes of the Great Elder suddenly disappeared, replaced by dead silence.

"Let that woman disappear from this world!"

Li Jue's voice was like a demon from the underworld, full of coldness and murderous intent.

"Kill her!"

The elder's expression changed slightly, and he asked in a deep voice: "If you kill her, the Huangpu family will definitely strike back at all costs. You are leading the family into the abyss."

"It's not us who killed him, so what does it have to do with us?"

Li Jue gave a sinister smile, with a gleam of calculation in his eyes.

"Weren't we the one who killed him?

Master, what do you mean?"

The Great Elder didn't understand Li Jue's words for a moment and asked again.

"Yang Yong will naturally help us solve this problem, but we have to create this opportunity for him."

Li Jue narrowed his eyes slightly, silently thinking in his mind how to lure that woman out.


Is he from the county magistrate's office?

Will he kill that woman for us?"

The Great Elder frowned. He always felt that this matter was not that simple. It might be a conspiracy to plunge the Li family into the abyss.

"Humph, he will. He has wanted to kill that woman for a long time, but he just hasn't found the right opportunity."

Li Jue was very confident about this matter and had no worries at all.

"Grand Elder, tomorrow you take the two elders with you to the Changle Gang. It's better to make a big noise. I want everyone in Tianshui City to know what will happen if you anger my Li family!"

Li Jue's face was full of violence, and the coldness in his eyes was like an ice river, freezing to the bone.

"I see."

The Great Elder nodded. He probably knew what Li Jue was thinking. He wanted to use Changle to lure the snake out of its hole and catch it all in one fell swoop.

"Master, the general of the county governor's mansion has arrived."

At this time, a guard came to report.

"Let him in."

Li Jue signaled the Great Elder to hide for the time being. The latter nodded and walked quickly to the back room.

After a while, General Yang Yong walked over slowly with an indifferent expression.

"That woman is about to take action. How are you prepared?"

Yang Yong asked directly getting to the point.

Li Jue sneered and told Yang Yong all his arrangements.

"Luring the snake out of its hole?

Very good, when the time comes, I will personally kill that woman!"

Yang Yong nodded slightly at this plan, with a strong murderous intent deep in his indifferent eyes.

"In that case, I wish us a pleasant cooperation."

Li Jue looked at this cold-blooded man and sneered in his heart, but his face was full of smiles.

"It's been a pleasure working with you."

Yang Yong nodded, and after discussing the details with Li Jue, he left alone.

"Huang Puzhi, even if you are a member of the royal family, in this Dahe County, I want you to die, and no one can stop me!"

In the silent hall, Li Jue's cold words as if from the underworld rang out.