
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Komik
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190 Chs

Chapter 77 Rebuke

"It seems that I came at the right time."

Lin Yuan jumped down and came in front of the three people. His casual tone made the three people's happy hearts tense.

Although he had met him once before, even Shi Tianzhi felt a little unnatural when facing this mysterious man, not to mention Shi Hu and Chang Liang. It was good enough that they didn't tremble with fear.

"How was the harvest today?"

Lin Yuan walked past the three people and sat down in the hall as a matter of course. He glanced at the three people and asked lightly.

…The three of them looked at each other, no one spoke, and the hall fell into silence.

"This time we made a lot of money, which is the sum of our Changle Gang's income over the past three years."

In the end, it was Shi Tianzhi who stood up and answered the questions raised by Lin Yuan.

When talking about these gains, Shi Tianzhi's eyes flashed with struggle and hesitation. Shi Hu and Chang Liang on the side were even more direct, and their worries were written directly on their faces.

The Changle Gang had never obtained so many resources in these years. They were worried that Lin Yuan would also want to have a piece of the pie, or even take it all away without giving them even a sip.

"Don't worry, I won't take your things."

Lin Yuan found it funny to see such an obvious expression. There was an undisguised sarcasm in his eyes, and his indifferent tone made the three of them feel a little embarrassed.

"Shi Tianzhi, how much do you know about the Li family?"

Since he has decided to destroy the Li family, Lin Yuan will not show mercy, but before that, he needs to have a general understanding of the Li family.

"The Li family is the largest family in the entire Dahe County, with seventy branches, each rooted in various places in Dahe County."

"The current head of the Li family is named Li Jue. He is stronger than me, probably at the level of Qi-building realm."

"The Li family has seven elders, five of whom have reached the Form Creation Realm, and two have reached the Qi Creation Realm."

Shi Tianzhi frowned and told some basic information about the Li family while thinking.

"Are there eight powerful people in the Creation Realm in total?"

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and had a preliminary understanding of the Li family.


Hearing Lin Yuan's question, Shi Tianzhi continued: "Actually, what I just said was all superficial. Over the years, the Li family has been trying to annex the Changle Gang, and I will naturally not sit idly by and wait for death. I am also investigating the Li family."

At this point, Shi Tianzhi's expression gradually turned ugly, and even a little frightened.

"As I investigated, I found that the Li family was far from being that simple. They were much more terrifying than I thought."

"The Li family has three supreme elders, one of whom is probably at the last level of the three levels of creation, the creation level!"

"A strong person in the Creation Realm?

So, the Li family has a total of eleven powerful people in the Creation Realm."

Lin Yuan's expression gradually became solemn, and he admitted that he had underestimated the Li family.

"There is really no simple family that can stand for hundreds of years."

While secretly smacking his lips in his heart, Lin Yuan couldn't help but feel an urgent desire to improve his own strength.

"Do you know how powerful the County Governor's Office is?"

Suddenly, Lin Yuan remembered the general and asked again.

"The strength of the County Magistrate's Office mainly comes from the County Magistrate himself and the two generals. They are all powerful people in the Creation Realm. In addition, there are five remaining guests, all of whom are powerful people in the Qi Creation Realm."

As for the County Magistrate's Mansion, Shi Tianzhi didn't need to think about anything, so he just spoke out.

"Two experts in the Creation Realm and five experts in the Qi Creation Realm?"

Lin Yuan was silent for a long time, and he felt more confused.

Judging from the apparent fighting power, Huang Puzhi has no chance of winning at all. The Li family alone is enough to stop her in her tracks. Where does she get the confidence to destroy the Li family?

"Boss, the Li family is here."

At this moment, a hall master entered the hall. When he saw Lin Yuan, he was a little scared, so he walked to Shi Tianzhi's side and whispered in his ear.

Shi Tianzhi's brows were furrowed, his expression was serious.

"what happened?"

Lin Yuan frowned and asked calmly.

"The Li family is here."

Shi Tianzhi sighed and said seriously.

"Then let it in."

Lin Yuan thought about it for a moment and said indifferently.

Shi Tianzhi nodded and looked at the hall master. The hall master naturally understood what the gang leader meant and quickly retreated.

After a while, a man in a light gray robe walked in. He did not conceal the arrogance between his brows, and there was a hint of disdain in his eyes when he looked at Shi Tianzhi.

Shi Tianzhi did not stand up to greet him. He sat quietly in the chair and drank the tea in the cup calmly.

The man frowned slightly. It was the first time that he was ignored like this, and he suddenly felt a little dissatisfied.

"Shi Tianzhi, who gave you the courage to do this?"

The man walked up to Shi Tianzhi, looked down at him arrogantly, and asked coldly.

Anyone who was a little careful would have noticed that as the leader of the Changle Gang, he was not sitting in the hall but in the lower hall, which was very abnormal.

Under normal circumstances, the man might be able to notice it, but now he was in a very irritable mood and felt a little unhappy. He didn't have the leisure to pay attention to other things and just wanted to complete the task quickly.

"Li Ping, watch your attitude when you speak. This is not your Li family."

As the leader of a gang, Shi Tianzhi was pointed at and questioned. Naturally, his face looked very ugly and his tone was not very good.

"Shi Tianzhi, how dare you talk to me like that?"

Li Ping's face gradually became gloomy, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Huh, why not?

Not to mention you, even if it was Li Jue himself, I would not be afraid."

Since he had already offended the Li family, Shi Tianzhi was not afraid of offending more severely, so his tone seemed very tough.

"You..." Li Ping was furious and wanted to cripple Shi Tianzhi. Fortunately, he still had some rationality and knew that he was no match for Shi Tianzhi, so he had to endure it.

"Shi Tianzhi, you better think carefully about what will happen if you go against the Li family!"

Li Ping looked at Shi Tianzhi sinisterly, the threat in his eyes was self-evident.

Shi Tianzhi looked at him coldly, the energy in his body surging quietly.

And at this moment, Lin Yuan slowly stretched out a finger, and a sharp sword intent shot out from his fingertips.

"Help..." The sudden attack made Li Ping panic. He immediately gathered all his strength and tried to take on the sword intent.

However, this attack was not something that he, with his Yuandan minor perfection strength, could withstand.

The sword intent instantly broke through his defense and passed through his body!

Li Ping died tragically at Lin Yuan's hands.

"You...you killed him!"

Shi Tianzhi looked at Lin Yuan in the hall with some surprise and said in a lost voice.

"Kill him if you want.

It's just a small bug at the Yuan Dan level."

Lin Yuan glanced at the corpse on the ground indifferently and said lightly.