
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
190 Chs

Chapter 38 Rescue


The spear collided with the lion's hoof, and Sun Ze was directly knocked away by the bull-lion's brutal force. He hit a big tree and stopped, with a trace of blood on his mouth.

"elder brother!"

Sun Yan saw it and couldn't help but screamed. She quickly came to Sun Ze and asked with concern, "Are you okay?

Are you hurt?"

Sun Ze shook his head slightly, wiped the blood from his mouth, exhaled fiercely, and said: "It's okay, I didn't expect the power of this bull lion to be so great, I can't resist it."

"Or we can just run away."

Although Sun Yan's strength had reached the early stage of the Earth Yuan Realm, that was accumulated by using spiritual medicines. She had never experienced any battle and was a little uneasy. When she saw Sun Ze being knocked away by the Niu Shi, she became even more uneasy.

"Cousin, I'm going to restrain this bull lion, and you take the opportunity to get the exotic fruit."

Sun Ze was unwilling to leave in such disgrace, so he came up with a plan and said to Sun Yan.

"Ah, shall I go?

I'm a little afraid to go…" Hearing that Sun Ze wanted to get the exotic fruits by himself, Sun Yan backed off and trembled as she spoke.

"Don't worry, cousin, it's okay.

I won't let the bull lion hurt you."

Sun Ze felt helpless about Sun Yan's timid appearance and could only comfort her.

"Then... then you must protect me well."

Sun Yan also knew that she was very timid, so she came out with Sun Ze to exercise her courage. Now after hearing Sun Ze's assurance, she plucked up her courage and spoke carefully.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me."

Sun Ze stood up and patted his chest to assure.

After receiving Sun Ze's assurance, Sun Yan felt much better and no longer looked so panicked.


The Niu Shi looked at the two people chatting and became even angrier. He moved quickly and rushed towards Sun Ze.

"Cousin, take advantage of now!"

Sun Ze roared, picked up the Water Spirit Spear, and fought with the bull-lion.

Sun Yan took advantage of the fight between the bull and the lion to quickly run towards the strange red fruit, wanting to seize the strange fruit.

Niu Shi quickly noticed Sun Yan's actions, turned around quickly, and wanted to kill Sun Yan, but Sun Ze would never let him succeed, and hurried forward to stop him.

Niu Shi had no choice but to fight with Sun Ze again, but his eyes were still fixed on Sun Yan's figure. Seeing her getting closer and closer to the strange fruit, Niu Shi was completely furious. He used all his strength to slam into Sun Ze.

"not good!"

Faced with the fierce attack of the bull lion, Sun Ze's face changed slightly, and he quickly used his most powerful martial arts to resist.


The moment the bull-lion charged, Sun Ze felt as if a mountain was rushing towards him. Even if he used all his strength, he could not stop it.

This was exactly what happened. Sun Ze was knocked flying again as expected, and he broke dozens of large trees before he stopped.


Unable to hold back his anger, Sun Ze spurted out a mouthful of blood and nearly fainted. Fortunately, he had a strong will and took some healing pills before he fainted, which made him feel better.

After knocking Sun Ze away, Niu Shi turned around and attacked Sun Yan.


Looking at the bull-lion approaching, Sun Yan trembled all over, as if she was frozen in place. She dared not move and could only scream in shock.

However, it was too late for Sun Ze to stop it and he could only watch the scene.

"Cousin, quickly use your martial arts to resist!"

Helpless Sun Ze could only shout like this, hoping that Sun Yan could escape.

Unfortunately, he overestimated Sun Yan's courage. At this moment, Sun Yan didn't even dare to move, so where did she get the courage to use martial arts?

Seeing the bull-lion getting closer and closer, Sun Yan couldn't stand the pressure and was frightened into fainting.

The Niu Shi didn't care whether she was unconscious or not and still rushed over.


Seeing that Sun Yan was about to be killed by the bull lion, Sun Ze could not help but roar, but it had no effect.

At this moment, Sun Ze regretted. He regretted that he should not have coveted the exotic fruit, and he regretted even more that he let Sun Yan go to get the exotic fruit. If not for that, perhaps this tragedy would not have happened.

At this critical moment, a figure as fast as lightning passed Sun Ze in an instant, came in front of the bull lion, and punched it.

The bull-lion was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground by the huge force, letting out a painful howl.

Sun Ze opened his eyes wide, staring at it all in disbelief, as if he was dreaming.

"Tsk, such a hard body, it makes my hand hurt."

Lin Yuan shook his numb hands and couldn't help but mutter.

Being thrown to the ground, the bull lion had never encountered such a situation before, and roared again, gathering all the strength in his body, and used his most powerful horn to hit Lin Yuan fiercely.

Facing the bull-lion's full-strength attack, Lin Yuan remained calm as water. The sword energy in his body quickly condensed at the fingertips of his right hand, and then he gently waved it in the air. A flash of sword light passed by, and with unparalleled sword power, it directly cut off the bull-lion's horns!

Afterwards, Lin Yuan did not give Niu Shi any chance. His figure suddenly flashed and came in front of Niu Shi. The powerful sword energy condensed in his right hand again, and then he punched out.

A huge explosion was heard, followed by a gust of wind blowing in all directions, bringing up dust. Sun Ze, who was standing aside, could not help but close his eyes tightly, and only opened them when the strong wind stopped.

"No…No way!"

When he opened his eyes again, Sun Ze showed a look of disbelief.

The bull-lion, which was as strong as the Diyuan Mirror, had its stomach pierced by Lin Yuan's punch. It lay on the ground, motionless, with a large amount of blood flowing out, staining a large area of ​​the land red.

"This level is not good enough. I still need to hone my skills."

Lin Yuan took a look at the dead bull-lion and couldn't help shaking his head. It was obvious that he was still not satisfied with his own strength.

Having said that, Lin Yuan slowly left under Sun Ze's gaze. He didn't even look at the exotic fruits beside him and just disappeared in front of Sun Ze.

"He...he didn't come here for the exotic fruit?"

Staring at the gradually disappearing Lin Yuan, Sun Ze looked at Sun Yan lying on the ground, quickly got up and woke up the unconscious Sun Yan.

"Cousin, cousin."

Sun Yan slowly opened her eyes and saw Sun Ze, who looked anxious. She was a little confused, so she asked, "Brother, where is the bull lion?"

Hearing this, Sun Ze glanced at the bull-lion that had been pierced through the body, and couldn't help but tremble slightly. He said, "It was killed by someone."


Sun Yan was slightly startled, and slowly stood up, and saw the dead bull lion.

"Ah..." After a scream, Sun Yan fell into coma again. Sun Ze had no choice but to put the exotic fruits into the Qiankun bag, then carried Sun Yan on his back and left the forest.