
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
190 Chs

Chapter 152 God-killing Crossbow

The southern border, Black Dragon City.

Lin Yuan stopped outside the Black Dragon City. The soldiers in the city were filled with murderous intent, and their aura continued to rise.

For a moment, a tense atmosphere spread.

"I say again, get out of here, or die!"

The city gate guard looked at Lin Yuan's figure coldly and said with murderous intent on his face.

"I don't want to be your enemy, I just want to enter the South Territory."

Lin Yuan remained unmoved and spoke calmly.

"Archer, release your arrows!"

The guard said no more, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he spoke sternly.

The next moment, countless feather arrows shot out from the city wall, and the dense arrows covered the sky, making it like a dark night.

Lin Yuan looked at the countless arrows in the sky, and his expression gradually became serious.

The feather arrows are not ordinary, they are made of black steel stone unique to the southern region and are extremely powerful.

"Sword energy fire!"

Without much words, powerful sword energy gushed out from Lin Yuan's body, turning into red flames that surrounded him and formed a protective shield.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

! ! "

The whistling sound was getting closer and closer, and a feather arrow broke through the air and shot into the fire of sword energy.

The next moment, the feather arrow was burned to ashes by the scorching flames!

On the city wall, the guard was very surprised to see the flames condensed from the sword energy.

"You are so young, yet you have been able to cultivate the way of the sword to the first level of the Heavenly Sword. This is truly remarkable."

"Unfortunately, you are not from my Southern Region..." The guard shook his head regretfully, and then said with a fierce look in his eyes: "Prepare the God-killing Crossbow!"


Following the commander's order, dozens of soldiers walked down the city wall with excitement in their eyes.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly. He felt vaguely that he couldn't just sit there and wait for death, otherwise he might easily capsize in the ditch.

"Meteor Sword Rain!"

Thinking of this, the sword energy in Lin Yuan's body surged into the sky and transformed into countless sword blades, falling towards Black Dragon City like meteors.

"Form a formation!"

The defending general shouted loudly, and hundreds of soldiers moved quickly, soon forming a square formation.

"Military soul appears!"

Many soldiers roared in unison, and a huge evil spirit spread rapidly.

The next moment, a black dragon several dozen feet long appeared out of nowhere above their heads, and its powerful aura made Lin Yuan's face darken slightly.


The black dragon slowly raised its head, looked at the sword falling from the depths of the sky and let out a loud roar.

The roar seemed to carry a powerful attack force, which easily shattered the sword blade that was falling at a high speed!

"Young man, I'll give you one more chance, leave here or die!"

The garrison commander stood above the soldiers and spoke indifferently.

"I can't do it!"

Lin Yuan responded calmly again, "Besides, you don't have the strength to kill me."

The general laughed in anger and said sternly: "What a arrogant little devil! Since you are so eager to die, I will grant your wish!"

As soon as the words fell, the black dragon suspended in the sky surged again.


The huge roar shook the earth and rushed towards Lin Yuan with an invisible impact force.

Lin Yuan's expression remained unchanged. He slowly extended a finger, and powerful sword energy condensed at his fingertips.

The next moment, a beam of blue light shot out!

The faint light beam appeared and disappeared under the roar of the black dragon, but its speed did not decrease at all, and it went straight to the black dragon's eyebrows.


With an explosion, the black dragon disappeared into thin air.

The many soldiers who remained on the city wall could not help but spit out blood due to the collapse of the black dragon.

Obviously, they all suffered serious injuries.


The guard's pale face was filled with shock.

He never expected that the talent of the young man in front of him was so terrifying. At the age of just over ten, he had reached a level that was unattainable for ordinary people.

"I didn't want you to do this, but since you insisted, I have no choice but to teach you a lesson."

Lin Yuan exhaled, and the energy mixed with the sound spread throughout the Black Dragon City.

The guard's face was gloomy, but he suddenly revealed an indescribable strange smile.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly, glanced at everyone and looked behind him, his face gloomy.

Behind the outer guard general, a huge black crossbow was being carried laboriously by dozens of soldiers in the Formation Realm.

Their faces are covered with sweat and their feet are trembling.

It is hard to imagine how heavy this crossbow is. Even a strong man in the realm of creation cannot bear it.

"Haha..." The guard trembled, slowly stood up, and laughed.

"Little devil, I have to admit that you did exceed my expectations, but you still can't escape today."

As he said this, he leaped behind the crossbow, quickly grasped the bowstring with both hands, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"This is a unique killing weapon in my Southern Region, called the God-killing Crossbow. It has killed many supreme beings in the past. Now that you can use it, your life will not be in vain."

After saying this, the guard gathered all his energy, exerted all his strength, and slowly pulled the bowstring.

After a few "creaking" moments, the bowstring was pulled to a half-open state, and the black arrow on the crossbow also emitted a faint black light at this moment.

Lin Yuan's expression became more and more serious.

He felt a fatal crisis, which was even more dangerous than the battle against Wang Lei.

"Go to hell, little devil!"

Pulling the God-killing Crossbow to half-open seemed to have exhausted all the defender's strength, and it was difficult to pull it even a little bit.

Even so, he firmly believed that even if he could only exert half of his strength, it would be enough to kill the opponent.

So, he let go, and the arrow flew out through the air, whistling!

The arrow shot through the air, and the originally faint black light became brighter and brighter, and the breath of death was overwhelming.

Lin Yuan showed unprecedented solemnity, and the sword energy in his body burst out in an instant.

Endless sword energy converged in front and turned into a giant sword. The blade was covered with red flames, as if it was going to burn everything to ashes.

"True Flame Breaks the Sky!"

With a whisper, the giant sword flew forward rapidly, wrapped in blazing flames.


The arrow collided with the giant sword, and violent energy waves swept around. The earth exploded, and even countless tiny cracks appeared on the city wall, spreading like a spider web.

"Break it for me!"

A hint of madness flashed across Lin Yuan's eyes, and a steady stream of energy was injected into the giant sword in front of him.

With a roar, the giant sword burst out with a powerful force, and the red flame madly absorbed the surrounding heaven and earth energy to strengthen the power of the giant sword.


A huge explosion sounded, and the arrow emitting black light turned into ashes in the explosion.

Without the protection of arrows, the giant sword moved straight forward, pointing directly at the defender!

"not good!"

The faces of everyone present suddenly changed. Lin Yuan tried his best to stop the giant sword, but the giant sword seemed to have escaped his control and continued to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, becoming bigger and stronger.

At this critical moment, a beam of cold light fell vertically from the clouds and hit the giant sword.


The indestructible giant sword broke into countless pieces with a cracking sound and finally scattered in the air.

"Stop it."

From the depths of Black Dragon City, an indifferent voice was heard, accompanied by a terrifying aura that was so powerful that it was suffocating!