
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
190 Chs

Chapter 144 Mutation

"Ah..." Above the royal city, Wang Lei's face was covered with a look of pain. The energy in his body was surging wildly and was completely out of his control.

"What happened to the clan leader?"

Inside the royal city, all the elders looked at each other, wondering what had happened to their family leader.

"Did it backfire?"

Lin Yuan guessed secretly, thinking that this was a good opportunity, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Let me end your suffering."

A cold light flashed, and the sword intent of the Great Wilderness condensed in the ancient sword. Lin Yuan moved and instantly came in front of Wang Lei and slashed him with a sword.

"Ah..." With a scream, Wang Lei flew backwards and landed on the ground, leaving a hole. His chest was covered in blood and his face was pale.


When the elders of the Wang family saw Wang Lei fall to the ground, they were horrified and hurried to Wang Lei's side to see his condition.


Suddenly, a cold light flashed, and the Wang family's great elder showed a look of disbelief and confusion.

I saw a pitch-black spear had pierced through his body, and the black light was devouring his body.

"In order for the Wang family to continue to survive, I have no choice but to sacrifice you."

Wang Lei stood up, his eyes were bloodshot, with a cruel smile on his lips, and he walked out of the pit step by step.

Everything that happened suddenly shocked everyone. Even Lin Yuan, who was high in the sky, was shocked by Wang Lei's sudden attack.


A loud roar from someone unknown startled everyone, and they fled into the distance desperately, trying their best to escape.

"Traitor, you dare to betray the Wang family, you are seeking death!"

Seeing the elders of the Wang family running away, Wang Lei's face showed anger. Black gas surged on the spear, and then it swept suddenly across. Several black gas burst out and turned into black arrows, which directly pierced through the chests of all the elders of the Wang family!

In a moment, all the elders were swallowed by the black air and poured into Wang Lei's body.

"Hehehe..." Having obtained the energy of all the elders of the Wang family, Wang Lei showed an arrogant smile, and his aura, which had been stagnant, began to grow rapidly again.

"Not enough, I need more strength."

As he spoke, Wang Lei looked at the other members of the Wang family with a greedy look on his face.


When many powerful men of the Wang family saw Wang Lei's appearance, they were terrified and fled in all directions.

But Wang Lei had already been possessed by the devil, so how could he let them escape like that? A flash of bloodthirstiness appeared in his eyes, and then he swung the spear in his hand. Black energy came out and turned into countless black arrows, shooting fiercely at the many powerful men of the Wang family... "Ah..." "No..." "Clan leader, let me go..." For a while, screams continued, and countless powerful men of the Wang family were killed by Wang Lei and used as nutrients, integrated into his body.

"Hehehe..." After killing the last member of the Wang family who was at the Formation Realm level in front of him, Wang Lei's aura had already reached the Five Elements Nirvana realm, and the violent aura permeated the entire royal city.

"Didn't you say you wanted to protect the Wang family?

Why did you want to massacre all the Wang family members?"

Lin Yuan looked at Wang Lei, who was covered in blood, and asked sarcastically.

"This is the price I have to pay in order to kill you."

"Yes, it's all because of you that I have to do this."

Wang Lei's eyes were full of killing intent, and an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Violent power gushed out, and even the earth couldn't help but tremble a few times.


Lin Yuan curled his lips, having lost the patience to continue talking to Wang Lei. He swung the ancient sword in his hand quickly, and in an instant, five sword lights flashed by at a high speed.






Five sword lights fell one after another. Wang Lei didn't even resist and let the sword lights hit his body. Blood kept flowing, but the crazy laughter on his face did not stop, but became more and more crazy.

Lin Yuan frowned. He didn't expect that Wang Lei could actually rely on his flesh and blood body to take on his five swords.

"Next, I will show you what I am capable of."

A cruel and murderous light flashed in the depths of Wang Lei's eyes. Black gas emerged from his spear, quickly absorbing the energy from the heaven and earth, and then pointed directly at Lin Yuan.

"Black Dragon Break."

Countless black air once again condensed into a pitch-black dragon, emitting an extremely powerful and terrifying aura, emitting dazzling black light, and flew towards Lin Yuan.

Compared with before, the power of Black Dragon Break has increased several times at this moment. Lin Yuan did not want to take this move forcibly and wanted to dodge, but the opponent had already locked on to him and he had nowhere to escape.

"There's no other choice but to fight to the death."

Having made up his mind, Lin Yuan burst out with all his strength. The desolate sword intent lingered around his body. The ancient sword hung in the desolate aura, flickering slightly, and a faint aura of destruction flowed out from the blade of the ancient sword.


Wang Lei sensed the aura of destruction, and a hint of uneasiness emerged in his heart, but he was immediately torn apart by the uncontrollable impulse. He became even more crazy, concentrating all his strength and stabbing Lin Yuan fiercely in the chest.

"One sword separates the worlds!"

Just as Wang Lei was about to approach, Lin Yuan quickly grasped the suspended ancient sword and swung it heavily.

Suddenly, a ray of light that penetrated the sky and the earth appeared, carrying an endless aura of destruction, and collided with the black dragon formed by Wang Lei's concentrated strength.


A huge explosion was heard, and the black dragon broke into pieces, taking the Netherworld Soul-Calming Spear with it.

Wang Lei also regained his sanity at that moment.

Looking at the ray of light so close at hand, Wang Lei was very unwilling, but everything had already become a foregone conclusion. No matter how unwilling he was, it was meaningless.

"No..." With a miserable roar, Wang Lei's figure was swallowed by the light and disappeared into the sky and earth without leaving a trace.

"Huff, huff~" Lin Yuan gasped heavily. The sword strike just now had consumed almost all of his energy.

At this moment, he only had enough energy left to keep himself from falling.


Just when Lin Yuan thought everything was over, a figure, filled with rage and a face full of murderous intent, came walking through the air.

"This guy..." Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared, Lin Yuan's face gradually darkened. He really didn't expect that there were still people alive in the Wang family, and wanted to take his life at this critical moment.

"Lin Yuan, you killed my father and destroyed my Wang family. Even if I die in pieces today, I will cut you into pieces!"

The person who came was Wang Yan who was driven away by Wang Zhong.

At this moment, he was already overwhelmed by anger, and an unimaginable powerful force erupted from his body. He held a golden spear in his hand and looked at Lin Yuan with red eyes.

"not good."

Lin Yuan's face changed slightly, and he quickly took out a pill from his Qiankun bag. Without any pause, he swallowed it directly into his stomach, hoping to restore some of his energy.

However, Wang Yan would not give him this opportunity. He attacked directly with overwhelming murderous intent and swept across violently. A spear with a size of a hundred feet condensed and flew towards Lin Yuan mercilessly!