
Martial Peak: The Star Emperor

One night, in the Black Plum Village, a baby came to life and the falling stars made their passage there to celebrate his birth. Follow Mo Fan's journey as he becomes the Star Emperor in the world of Martial Peak. *** *** This is an AU, so don't expect to find everything as it was in the original opera. Reminder: I don't own martial peak, only the OCs that I'll make

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44 Chs

Chapter 7: Sadness & Rage

"Mommy, old man, I guess I'll met you soon enough..."


A cold aura spread everywhere in the forest as the Yin White Spider slowly raised one of its mountain size legs, Mo Fan just looking at it without a hint of fear present: he had already accepted his fate.

The leg of the spider then came towards the golden haired boy, the sheer force and speed of it moving, changing even the air's direction, making all of the sorrounding trees' branches break.

Mo Fan's eyes automatically closed as the ti of the spider's enormous legs came closer to his face, the memories of all his life reflourishing: all the good memories that he spent with his mom, with the old man and all the times that he teased Qing'er.

As those memories ran across his head, a smile couldn't help but form on Mo Fan's face as he waited for the end of his life to come.


Instead of the end of his life, a powerful metal sound refracted, changing the direction of the air once again, forcing Mo Fan to open his beatiful blue eyes.

The back of a man holding a sword was the first thing that he saw, the Yin White Spider with a huge cut on its muzzle, loudly screeching from the pain of the injury.

"Stay back, you monster!" The man shouted, the sword, that he was holding, slowly being covered by a blue energy, Sword Qi.


The monster screeched, before running away somewhere in the forest, the man not bothering himself to run after it. He simply turned towards the little golden haired boy, who had an amazed expression: he had seen a cultivator fight for the first time and it was amazing.

"Kid, what are you doing in this part of the forest this late at night?" The grey haired man asked to the handsome blonde boy, waking the latter up from his state of amazement "I was just h-hunting with my old man"

"Oh oh, hunting in this part of the forest with that little strength of yours? Very couragous of you two" The man said, thouching his very long and grey beard "Can I ask you what did you do to that spider? Yin White Spiders that big usually stay on the deeper part of the forest, so it definitely came here for a reason"

"Well, when I came b-back from hunting, i found my o-old man dead, eaten by some little spiders, so, wanting revenge, i b-burned them" Mo Fan said, stuttering a bit as he struggled to bring up those painful events again: he was holding back his tears as much as he could, if not, he would have fell in a cry.

"Oh, poor creature" The old man said with a hint of compassion for Mo Fan crearly visible in his eyes "What was the name of this father of your?"

"H-his name was Luo Bao" the gold haired kid answered to the cultivator's question, immediately getting another question from the latter "So, you should be Mo Fan then?"

"How do know my name?!" The answer triggered a reaction from Mo Fan. After all, he was just a boy living in a small village, who could possibly know his name outside of it?

"You do know that your father is the best blacksmith of the village and was also the best one affiliated with us?" The old man said, before he continued, not letting the gold haired kid talk "And as for knowing your name, you should know that you are as famous as your father in the village, right? Your swords are as good as his, if not even better!"

"Ah, yes, he was indeed the best one..." Mo Fan said, especially the 'was', with a malinconic tone: he still couldn't the fact that his old man was dead, just like every child would normally do in the same situation.

"I guess that title will now be hereditated to you, young boy" the cultivator dressed with a blue martial tunic tried to cheer up the gold haired kid, clearly failing as a tear fell from one of the latter's eyes.

"What am I going to do now?" Mo Fan said always with that sad tone as he looked at the stars in the dark sky, his eyes getting wet more and more as he was trying to hold tears back.

"What am I going to do alone now, without father? How am I going to protect Qing'er with my weak strength? How? How!" Mo Fan yelled, the sadness of his lost suddendly turning into rage and making him throw a punch to the nearest tree.

But his fist never came in contact with the tree as the palm of a old hand blocked its way towards it "Kid, don't turn your sadness into a anger, the heaven has separated those two for a reason"

"Don't play with me!" Mo Fan yelled, throwing another fist, this time at the cultivator, who blocked it as if it was as simple as breathing "You don't know what I have been trough!"

"My father killed my mother when I was four!" Mo Fan yelled, his voice echoing across the forest as he continued to throw punches filled with a mix of rage and sadness, only for them to be all blocked by the old cultivator "Then I killed my father to revenge my mother!"

"Then a giant Black Tarantula chased me!" Mo Fan continued to yell, but the tone of his voice started taking more of a sad side than an angered, even tears starting to fall from his eyes.

"And now even the one that I considered a father is dead!" Mo Fan yelled, throwing a fist with all of his strength to the old cultivator, who blocked it as he did with every of Mo Fan's punches.

"Kid, do you feel better now that you've put everything out?" The old cultivator asked to the gold haired boy, releasing the latter's hand while waiting for an answer, which didn't take long to arrive "Y-yes"

"Good" the cultivator by the gray long hair and beard said, before a smile formed on his face "Then can I ask you something, kid?"

"Y-yes" Mo Fan struggled to say as his throat ached like it never did before: he wanted to cry so badly, but couldn't do it since he had made a promise with his old man to never shed tears and he didn't want to absolutely broke it.

"What do you think of joining my sect, the High Heaven Pavilion? We need a new blacksmith since your father passed away and maybe you can get even stronger so that you can protect your little sister better" the old cultivator offered, genuinely from the bottom of his heart "What do you think?"

...to be continued



Remember to check my other work "Uniqueness Emperor"