

• SYNOPSIS: Being in the wrong place at the wrong time, a young man died unjustly. Fortunately, he was allowed to have a second chance in another universe with a couple of bonuses. Follow his story! • Author's Note: English isn't my main language, but I still try my best. Anyway, this fan-fic can be considered a wish-fulfillment and will be a crossover with other Xianxia stories. • The first and current universe/MAIN:Martial peak • Planned Xianxia: The Ultimate Scheming System, Tales of Demons and Gods, Against the Gods, Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator.,etc! • Release Schedule: 10 chapter/week, tags: r-18 ; harem ; opmc ; system ;multiverse ; transmigration;

Daoist_guddu · Derivasi dari karya
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71 Chs

Heaven's Class Inheritance (2)

The crowd was moving forward noisily but was stopped by the experts of the three schools. They encircled the 3-kilometer radius of the Bloody Battle Gang's mining area, preventing the crowd from going further.

When one will look to the middle of the encirclement, they could see the five Great Elders from High Heaven Pavilion. They were discussing intensely with one group of people, quarreling, with faces flushed with anger.

It was impossible for one school to monopolize the cave at this point. Although they would wish they could.

However, since this was the Bloody Battle Gang's mining area, they must be the ones to receive the benefits of the cave first.

Then, the three schools enlisted the most profound disciples to enter the cave and search for the situation of the cave first.

Three people, Su Yan from High Heaven Pavilion, Long Jun from Bloody Battle Gang and Fang Ziji from Storm House entered the cave simultaneously.

After a long wait...

Su Yan came back after half a day, followed by Long Jun and Fang Ziji. The three people reported back to their respective schools their findings and then dispersed in three different directions. Meanwhile, the experts of the schools continued their discussion.

After some time they left to their respective sect. to inform the students.

~~~~Currently in High Heaven Pavilion...~~~

Wei Xi Tong looked at the crowd, "If you do not wish to enter the cave, you can leave now. The school will not force you to enter. Also, those that enter cannot complain if they are reported dead!" However, even with the warning, the enticement of the Heaven's Cave Inheritance was too much for anyone to choose to leave.

Wei Xi Tong waited for a long time before smiling. "Since you have chosen to enter, I will tell you, all I know about the place so that you all can be mentally prepared to enter."

All he would know was from the report by Su Yan. Although what she understood was not much, it was better than nothing.

They listened to find out that once they entered the cave, their starting points would be different. The Heaven's Cave Inheritance also had an abundance of world energy, which made it very suitable for cultivation. Moreover, the cave had special exits that had to be used in order to return. Else, the disciples would be unable to exit.

Since all this information was from Su Yan, what Wei Xi Tong knew was not much.

After explaining, Wei Xi Tong said "Because this place was first discovered by the Bloody Battle Gang, they will be sending in 50 people first. After waiting for half a day (6 hours) My High Heaven Pavilion and Storm House disciples will go in. I must warn you, that you must not only be careful of the restriction traps inside. You must also be wary of the disciples from the other two schools. Do not allow yourselves to be able to find a treasure but unable to enjoy it!"

Hearing this, the disciple's heart turned cold as they imagined the scene where they were back stabbed due to finding treasure.

"Disciples of High Heaven Pavilion. If you bump into each other inside, you must help each other mutually and survive! Am I loud and clear?"


"First, we will dismiss you. Find a place to rest and prepare. When the time comes for us to enter, we will inform you." Hence, the disciples dispersed and sought for an appropriate place to meditate.

Li Yun Tian pulled a long face as he jealously looked at Su Mu and Yang Kai, "Young Su, Senior Brother Yang, I am unable to go in…" Li Yun Tian was currently at the Tempered Body's ninth boundary.

Su Mu smiled. "Who asked you to be so lazy with cultivation? You get what you deserve! Look at Yang Fellow apprentice! He worked so hard and is now he is…???. By the way, what level of cultivation are you?"

Yang Kai calmly responded, "Above divine movement realm."

Su Mu stared dumbfounded with Li Yun Tian. They seemed to be staring at a monster! It took a long time before they were able to get over their shock.

"I must hurry and cultivate as well…" Su Mu said dejectedly. Meanwhile, Li Yun Tian tactfully left. "Senior Brother Yang, I should not disturb you any further. You need time to restore…"

Yang Kai nodded and found a peaceful place to meditate. He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, waiting for the moment to arrive!

While sitting in meditation, Yang Kai felt the presence of someone's gaze. When he looked over, he found Su Yan. Immediately, when their gaze nearly connected, she withdrew away he sneered. Su Mu, who noticed this, bowed to Su Yan with a dignified face and glimmering eyes.

Suddenly, a sound could be heard from Bloody Battle Gang. It was time for the 50 people from the Bloody Battle Gang to enter Heaven's Cave Mansion.

When Yang Kai looked through the 50 disciples from Bloody Battle Gang, he knew that these were elites of the schools. Likewise, allowing them leeway for half a day first would definitely result in them discovering and stashing most of the treasures.

Strangely, the Hu Mei'er, was in the center of an encirclement formed by the 50 expert disciples.

She was both gorgeous individuals, who would attract any kind of male. Her beauty certainly reached the level whereby males would gratefully throw their lives away in order to gain the sister's affection. Naturally, if one were to win her heart, the man would certainly die without regrets.

Maximum cultivation for an individual to enter was of the rank below Divine Movement Realm. So, Hu Jiao er was not able to enter because she is already in Divine Movement Realm after intercourse with Yang Kai.

In a short span of time, the half of the 50 people entered the cave and disappeared without a trace. When the Bloody Battle Gang's disciples entered the cave, the disciples from High Heaven Pavilion felt low-spirited.

The dim light from the night sky and the rustling of the forest wind continued as the time slowly passed. Suddenly, experts from three of the schools shouted out, alerting everyone that it was time. Simultaneously, all the disciples woke up.

The Bloody Battle Gang's elite disciples have already been inside for half a day. It was time for the whole group to enter the cave!

From High Heaven Pavilion, Su Yan and Xia Hong Chen took the lead. Behind them were two lines of disciples that formed in an orderly manner. They all took their turn to walk into the cave and vanish from sight.

Yang Kai and Su Mu were walking side by side. When Yang Kai looked over, he could see Su Mu anxiously rubbing his hands.

"If only we are able to arrive at the same location together…" Su Mu said in a low voice.

"We can hope, but that is not what the Great Elder said would happen once we enter. It would also be unlikely that we are going to land at the same spot." But he can after all he has the mysterious small bead.

"Yang Fellow Apprentice, do you know what inheritance this is?"


"Ah, I'm so anxious right now!"

Originally, Yang Kai was not anxious at all. However, while he was whispering to Su Mu, he could not help but feel his heart tightening.

When it was his turn to enter, Yang Kai's vision narrowed. He wanted to know what exactly happened to him why he could not able to enter.

Thinking for a while he suddenly remembered that his cultivation was too high for the qualifications. But he was not worried about entering.

'Yang Yan absorb my cultivation base'

[Ding! HOST cultivation base was now on true element peak]

Then he tried to re-enter he passed through the light barrier. When he entered, he could see a flower underneath his feet. Inside a void; he was all alone. The flower rotated for a while and suddenly vanished. Yang Kai immediately fell.

The whole scenery quickly changed as he gently landed on a field. They looked up the sky to find it to still be blue but without any clouds, moon, sun or stars. On top of him was a black portal.

Suddenly, Yang Kai could see a shadow on the floor. The shadow grew bigger as a figure quickly dropped down from the portal. This person was a girl!

The girl quickly got up and stood firm. She looked around her and quickly noticed Yang Kai.

Lan Chudie seemed happy to meet the boy and walked towards him. "Did you just reach here?"

"Yeah, that's right." Yang Kai nodded in response.

"There are many people that entered this cave together. Since we do not know where each person will be placed, should we wait for a moment, to see if anyone managed to also get placed here?" Lan Chudie proposed.

"Sure" he was not in hurry he already has the inheritance of the holy dragon.

Thus, the pair stood there waiting.

After a while, three more people fell nearby.

Out of these three people, one was a High Heaven Pavilion Disciple, and the remaining two were from the Bloody Battle Gang and Storm House; respectively.

As the five people gathered, in this special place, they did not care much about their background. Surprisingly, they were all harmonious.

After waiting again, no one appeared. Thus, Lan Chudie spoke. "Since no one else is appearing, shall we head off?"

With her beauty and self-confidence, her manner and speech, she immediately became the center of attention within the group.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Before we start, we should be familiar with each other first. It's good to know each person's cultivation level, so as to know who can deal with the more dangerous tasks. I shall start first. My name is Lan Chudie and I am from High Heaven Pavilion. Qi Transformation Stage, level 7. How about you?" the girl asked and looked to another High Heaven Pavilion disciple.

The disciple quickly flatters the girl. "Senior Apprentice Sister, I have heard of your famous name! To think I would be in such luck to meet someone as beautiful as you today."

Lan Chudie was an exceptionally attractive person. Her whole figure was not only enchanting; her pair of magnificent mountains was enough to make anyone's eyes glued. If a man could have her, to only be able to hold those pair of magnificent mountains, he living in heaven!

(A/N: she is a grade below Su Yan in terms of beauty. People just don't dare to approach that ice queen due to her cold personality. However, the disciples certainly admire Su Yan a lot more.)

(Should I take her in my harem?)

Lan Chudie gave a smile, "and you are?" she asked, showing little care for the boy's words.

The boy proudly puffed out his Ċhėst and received his abdomen, lowered his voice and said. "I am Fellow Apprentice Nie Yong. I am a Lower Base Disciple at Qi Transformation Stage Level 4!" The boy smiled mischievously, "Senior Sister, you can feel relieved. If there is any danger, I will be there to help you!"

Lan Chudie's eyes scanned the boy as she showed a faint and sweet smile. "Junior Apprentice Brother, I will keep your words in mind."

She then turned her vision to another person. This man was tall and bulky. He had a broad and sturdy build, taller than Yang Kai by an entire head. Although he looked rough, he also seemed to be simple and honorable. "I am called Zuo An. A Bloody Battle Gang Disciple at Qi Transformation Stage level 5." After he spoke, he stood there silent. It seems that this Disciple does not enjoy talking very much.

Afterwards, Lan Chudie bowed and her vision turned to another person. This time, the disciple was a female. Her stature was quite slender. She was not tall but looked delicate. Moreover, ever since she first arrived, she had a shivering smile on her face. It was obvious that this girl was extremely shy as she avoided eye contact.

"I'm called Du Yishuang. I am from Storm House. Please call me Little Sister Du. I am a Qi Transformation Stage level 6. Nice to meet you." Du Yishuang lowered her head respectfully.

Everyone's eyes were immediately glued to this girl. No one had ever imagined that this girl, who looked to be 14 to 15 years old, to be at Qi Transformation Stage level 6! This delicate girl was the 3rd strongest person within the group!

"Oh that right! What are you? What Qi Transformation Stage level are you currently in?" Lan Chudie looked towards Yang Kai and asked.

Due to the pattern, Lan Chudie naturally thought of Yang Kai as a person in the Qi Transformation Stage. Although he was not at that stage, if he were to use his full strength, it would certainly be comparable to someone in those stages.

Yang Kai embarrassingly starched his cheek and said. "I'm True element peak, I'm from the High Heaven Pavilion, called Yang Kai…"

"You are the infamous Yang Kai?" Lan Chudie's facial expression turned to that of surprise as she continued to inspect him. With Yang Kai's reputation, Nie Yong was also doing the same and Lan Chudie.

"En." Yang Kai nodded. He knew that his name was infamous throughout the whole entire school. After all he defeated two Divine Movement realms alone. This reaction was almost bound to happen after people knew of his current cultivation level now.

Quickly, Yang Kai realized that Nie Yong's gaze turned hostile as Lan Chudie was one that was still full of interest.

It was not surprising that Nie Yong would be hostile to Yang Kai. After all, Nie Yong was a Lower Based Disciple and should be friends if not in a click with Wei Zhuan and Xie Hongchen.

Lan Chudie withdrew her gaze and looked towards all 4 people. "Alright. Since everyone knows each other, and none of us knows the location of any treasure, if we were to discover any, we will collect and respectively assign each one their piece fairly. If there are insufficient treasures collected to be equally distributed, we will settle this with money. How does that sound?"

Nie Yong hastily nodded. "Senior Apprentice Sister Lan is right. I hope that you will maintain fairness for all of us."

The rest did not object to Lan Chudie's proposal and just like that, Lan Chudie had already established her position as leader of this group.

"Since this matter has already been decided, let's go. I will lead the way first. After 2 hours, the person leading the way will be changed." Lan Chudie stopped talking and quickly walked. Those that were behind quickly caught up as they obediently followed her. Nie Yong, quickly ran to Lan Chudie's side and walked shoulder to shoulder with her. The boy continued to flatter the beauty. However, none of his words were taken seriously by Lan Chudie.

Lan Chudie's face would often appear to be smiling, as she continued to chat with the boy, further encouraging him to compliment her.

Zuo an, the robust man, who was directly behind the two was listening to their conversation and showed little care for what they said.

Yang Kai, who was behind them heard Little Sister Du quickly walk up to him. This shy girl quickly walked to his side he turns his head staring at her eyes.

Du Yishuang's whole face turned red after Yang Kai turned his head her mind was in chaos 'So Handsome'.

"Ha Ha" Watching her reaction was quite cute as Yang Kai chuckled.

As they walked, the two pair of people continued to talk. All except Zuo An, who was a loner.

Suddenly, after walking, Yang Kai could feel it. About 300 meters in front, there is definitely some kind of material. As the five advanced, they finally saw the thing Yang Kai felt.

What they saw was a huge pile of crushed stones. Moreover, these stones were not ordinary Yin Stones and Yang Stones. These stones were the equivalent quality of those found in the Black Wind Trade City, sold by Bloody Battle Gang! At least medium or even high quality stones!

Each stone was worth $520 and this pile here definitely contains more than 1000 stones. In other words, if they were to collect and sell all of the stones, it would be worth at least $520,000!

Since all five disciples were ordinary members within their respective schools, they were not that wealthy. Never had they seen so much wealth before!

He was not short of money, but he is not one of those who don't accept free lunch.

At that very instant, everyone's breath was heavy. However, Lan Chudie still remained alert and quickly everyone. "Wait! Check if there are any dangers around first!" It was strange for such wealth to be displayed without traps.

The five people quickly spread out and scouted the area. Fortunately, they did not discover any traps.

Even after scouting around, Lan Chudie did not feel relieved. She picked up a stone and inspected it. When there was absolutely no reaction that occurred, she took a breath of relief and nodded. "Alright, it's safe."

The five members looked at each other first before they all hastily collected the stones. The other member would quickly bag all the stone but Yang Kai was calmer as he simply stood there.

After picking for a while, Lan Chudie's smile suddenly stiffens up. She took another look at the stone in her hand and let out a sigh. Letting it drop to the ground.

Her actions immediately brought doubt to Nie Yong. "Lan Female Apprentice. What's wrong?"

"Stop collecting the stones." Lan Chudie said. " If we were to bring such a heavy bag of good with up as we explore, it would only consume our strength. Likewise, if we encounter any danger later it will only slow us down when we try to escape. If such a scenario occurred, we would probably lose it in the end."

After hearing listening to reason, everyone responded with disappointment. They had forgotten their safety due to their own greed.

Lan Chudie continued. "Furthermore, we have just entered this place. There are bound to be more treasures here. Think about it. There are no traps here. Certainly, if this was that valuable, there would be traps set up here right? So, it is only reasonable that to think that these stone are not worth much as compared to the other treasures this place has to offer. The real treasures are waiting for us to be found!"

Nie Yong nodded in approval. "Yes. It is as Lan Female apprentice said."

Du Yishuang gave a reluctant look to the stones in her hands and tossed it back to the ground.

Only then Yang Kai move and collected all nonchalantly. His actions made Lan Chudie's brow wrinkled.

Lan Chudie did make any remarks knowing people have one or more such treasures. She turned around and began to walk.

Thus, Lan Chudie no longer wasted a single second as carried on. Meanwhile, Zuo An looked at Yang Kai with a greed. On the other hand, Nie Yong was more jealous why he not has those type treasures.

Du Yishuang, unlike the others. She held a good opinion of Yang Kai and supported him.

After a while, the group entered another area. Instead of stone pillars, there were stone figures of life-like humans. There were more than a hundred different stone figures carved with different people with different height, wearing and weapons.

Although Yang Kai knew what they were he didn't warn them.