
Martial Magician

Miles Li was a remarkable martial artist in his past life, and his prowess was undeniable. His death was a tragedy, but his rebirth in a magical world full of monsters and magicians was a blessing. Now, Miles Li is able to combine his martial arts expertise with the power of magic, creating a formidable force that is sure to be respected. His skills are to be commended, and his ability to adapt to such a different world is remarkable. **************************************** 2 CHAPTERS A DAY THIS IS A SYSTEM NOVEL! EXPECT GRAMMAR MISTAKES! COMMENT OR ADD TO LIBRARY IF YOU LIKE IT! ENJOY!!

CASANOVA · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Quest Complete

And there, I was, naked. Walking around the forest searching for this quest.

"..! "

" The baby! " I pointed out.

I would run to the baby and pick them up. "Aww..you're so cute!..Yes you are!"

I would hear loud growl coming from behind me. "EEK..!" I ran away from the bear, which was chasing after me.

"My agilitys to low, I can't out run a bear!" I said.

I would spot a cliff. I would speed up heading toward it.

Just as I got to the end, I would shift my body to the left, and the bear would run right off the cliff. *BOOM*

I heard.





[AWARDED: Cracked Metal Sword.]

"Nice..two level ups in one!..but a cracked sword? really?" I'd sigh..

"Well what about the baby?" I asked

[NEW QUEST: Return The Princess]

"P-PRINCESS!?.." I yelled.

[Head to the north of here, there is a small village there waiting.]

And so, I walked. And walked. And walked....I would eventually arrive at this so called village.

"So you're a village princess.." I would sneak up to a random door and lay down the baby.

Giving a small wave, as I left.

I overhead a voice from the village. "GASP..THE PRINCESS HAS BEEN RETURNED!"




"I'm leveling up pretty fast." I said to myself.

" 'Stats' " I said.


Name: Miles Li

Level: 3

STR: 7

AGI: 7


STA: 5

MAN: 8

DEX: 9

VIT: 10



I would put two points into my stamina, and the rest into my endurance.

[END: 5 (+3)]

[STA: 5 (+2)]

I would close the menu.

Walking along I'd find a long, beaten cloak. Moving quickly, I would put it on, hiding my naked body.

I would walk for hours on end, no activity. Until I'd look ahead at the sunrise. Light would beam down on the gigantic town I saw.

I'd walk down this large mountain I stood upon. heading to the town.


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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