
The Suspect

Tyler was jogging across his lawn in the early morning, his usual morning exercise, when he noticed a car skidding into his compound. He was able to duck to the side, jerking himself against the wall before the car ripped the earth apart at the exact place he had momentarily paused to see what was going on.

Victoria jumped out of the car and loudly shut the door to match the anger on her face. She didn't let him say even one word before she grabbed his training-tight shirt and held his jaw erect.

"Are you fucking happy now? Why did you do it? I told you to stop, right?" She yelled at him, tightening her grasp as he tried to push her hand away.

"What did I do? You just almost killed me now and you…" Tyler's throat constricted and he swallowed hard, then tried again to push himself away from her stronghold.