
Married to the mysterious ceo

Salma_Abdul_rahmn · perkotaan
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3 Chs

Chapter 2:Sold!!

"Ughh"leena woke up with a banging headache "where am I"leena said as she stared at the unfamiliar place "wear this "a lady in a costume said "why"leena said with a puzzled look "just wear it and don't piss me off"the lady said "ahh..o.ok"leena said fearfully

Leena wore the costume,and was thinking of escape plan,just the two big men held her hands "let go ,let go of me"leena yelled at the two men but they didn't budge

Leena was thrown in a showcase glass, "wait are they selling me" leena thought . Leena banged the showcase glass but no one seems to mind her


"This way Mr.Davis " a man said point a seat

Mr Davis pov

"Who is that"I asked "Oh that lady , her boyfriend sold her"jame replied

That girl ,she had the most beautiful eyes,her hazel eyes,she was curvy,she a long silky

black hair,her petite body


"A virgin"the host said "1million"the host said again

"5 million " a old man said

"10 million" A young man "who is that"Mr.Davis asked James "young master of the Wilson James replied "10 million, going once,going twice"

"20 million " Mr Davis said " whoa who is that"the people in the auction hall asked themselves "which family is he from" a lady asked "I've never seen him before "a man replied

"60million "the young master of the Wilson said "100million" Mr Davis said calmly "He's so rich " the companions of the old rich men whispered among themselves

"100million ,going once,going twice,SOLD" the host said


"Where am I" leena said while holding her head "this room looks nice"leena said

Just then a door opened snapping leena out of her thoughts "I see you're awake " a man in his late 70s said "ahh,who tf are you and what am I doing here " leena yelled at the old man "mind your language my lady, rule number 23 "the old man said "f*ck you and your rule" leena said yelling at the old man