
Do your magic

The makeup artist girl grinned as she proceeded to open her tool kit. "You suit yellow." she commented. 

Sefi made a face, "no one suits yellow, unless they're the emperor of China." She added in an afterthought. 

This made the makeup artist laugh out loud, she liked this girl's sense of humor. "Your complexion is pale, you can carry it off.  Gives you a delicate flower look."

Sefi couldn't help but giggle. "A delicate flower" was never something she typically associated herself with. She was like a warrior running around the hockey pitches, with the wind blowing around her hair.  think Wonderwoman, absolutely fearless!

"What about the hair? Up or down? Or half up half down?" The makeup artist asked.

"How about chopped off?" Sefi suggested, feeling a glimmer of hope.  

The makeup artist raised an eyebrow, "it's so long, and in such good condition as well. must've taken years to grow this length, are you sure you want to chop it all off? It would be a bit of a shame."

No it won't! Cut it all off! Sefi screamed inside, but on the outside she remained calm.  "It's too hot to have such long hair at the moment."

It was the middle of summer and the weather had been sweltering. The makeup artist gave Sefi a sympathetic look as if to say, "I share your pain" since her boyfriend also preferred her with long hair. 

Most guys preferred girls with long flowy hair, that was a fact, especially if they were Asian. even the guys whose girlfriends had short hair still secretly preferred it if it was longer despite never admitting to it openly.

"OK, I could cut a couple of inches off it just to give it a little tidy up. How about that?" The makeup artist suggested.

Sefi nodded eagerly. Yes, that was a win win. Tidy it up a little was better than nothing.  This hair was starting to drag her down.

The makeup artist worked her magic and when Sefi looked into the mirror again she was amazed.  "You are far too talented." Sefi said in awe which made the makeup artist giggle.

She had used soft peachy coloured eyeshadow and blusher to give Sefi a warm peaches and cream glow. And her hair was trimmed and blow dried into loose curls that framed her face and slim shoulders softly.  She looked quite pretty now.  Sefi smiled a genuine smile at her. 

"Thank you." Sefi said, for working your magic on me. 

"You're welcome." Seeing how her handy work brought a smile to the clients' face always gave her great job satisfaction. It made her love her job more.  She tidied up her tool kit and pulled her trolley to the door. Tracy was waiting patiently to take her to the next room.

Sefi waved her "goodbye", feeling more optimistic in general.  It was incredible what a little haircut and some makeup can do to cheer a girl up. No wonder whenever there is an economic downturn the sale of lipsticks goes up!

The guests of the evening weren't just Nathan and Eve's friends, some were their parents' friends and business acquaintances.

Sefi watched rolls of very expensive cars lined up in the front gates, each one fancier than the next. stepping out were men in formal suits whilst the women wore very glamorous gowns.

Mr Tang was a man in his mid forties, tall and well built and very handsome.  It was easy to see the resemblance between him and Nathan.  He wore an expensive black suit and exuded the confident demeanor of a successful business man. 

Mrs Tang however, was nothing like how Sefi had imagined.  Of course she had expected Mrs Tang to be beautiful.  It was common for a rich man to marry a trophy wife.  But what Sefi hadn't expected was just exactly how beautiful Mrs Tang actually was.

Honestly it was the sort of beauty that made the stars lose their shine in comparison. She had the most delicate facial features and huge eyes, that type that just sucked you in. 

She was tall and slim, dressed in sparkling black dress. She looked like a supermodel that literally just walked off the cover of a magazine.  Her long shiny hair was put up in an elegant  chignon secured with a hair clip made of diamonds, revealing a long and elegant neck that belonged to a ballet dancer. 

And she looked very youthful, she could probably pass for Eve's older sister. 

Then as if sensing Sefi's stare, Mrs Tang looked over in her direction.   A smile appeared on her beautiful face and she started walking over gracefully whilst holding a glass of champagne in her hand. 

She's coming over! Sefi thought.  Her feet remained rooted in the ground, unable to move as if she had been superglued to the spot.  She felt somewhat flattered and yet rather nervous by this sudden attention.  

As Mrs Tang got nearer and nearer, Sefi forced an awkward smile at her, feeling a little embarrassed and not quite sure what to say.  She raised her hand and was about to wave a "hello", then Mrs Tang walked straight past her as if she was made of thin air. 

"Eve, darling, you're here!"  Mrs Tang called. 

Without turning around, Sefi knew Eve was standing behind her.  Of course that would be the reason why Mrs Tang was coming over with a  smile on her face.  She wasn't smiling at her, she wasn't even looking at her! A self pity smile rose across Sefi's face. 

"Where's Nathan? Is he back yet?" Eve asked, looking around.  Nathan hadn't spoken to her since their confrontation the other day.  She hoped that he wasn't still holding a grudge against her.  She was allowed to be in a bad mood with him but she hated it when it was the other way around. 

"He will be back soon, darling." Mrs Tang said, "your father and I have a big surprise for you two."