
Married to the Demon Prince

Who knew that a tiny cut to the finger would hook her to the dark lord? * Hell broke loose when the bloodthirsty demon prince and conquerer of the underworld was bonded to a brainless underling by a ring. For generations his ancestors ruled the world with the powerful ring. One day, it vanished from the surface of earth and their power slowly diminished. After searching for it for so long to reclaim what was rightfully theirs, it finally appeared... bonded to a human girl.... and being the direct decendant of the great king and the righful owner of the ring, it enslaved him. ******* Frustrated, Que felt like screaming and punching him, but sadly she couldn't do either. Wiggling her butt, she slid down from his midriff when his hand left her butt briefly only to land back sharply with a smack. Silence. Silence More silence. "Did...did you just spank me?" "Stay still." "That gave you no right to hit me!" "I'll do it again." "Get your paws off me!" "You are the one straddling me." "It was an accident! What were you trying to do?" "That's what they all say." "You... unbelievable!" With a swift motion, he shifted until she was underneath him, his weight crushing her. "Silence I said..." He growled into her ears a large paw covering her mouth. With his free hand he switched off the light. ******* As a famous doom bringer, Que was avoided by everyone. If her childhood sweetheart could abandon her, who wouldn't? Something definitely smells fishy when she got a marriage proposal out of the blue right after her engagement was called off. What's more, its to be signed in three days! . ***** Hi... Yours Truly here, Cover not mine,credit goes to the owner.

Blooming_Safflower · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
155 Chs

10. New beginnings.

I never believed in mystical creatures.

Up untill lately, I had never believed in the existence of mystical creatures. Sometimes I secretly believe my curse was all sham since no one actually prove it. Accidents occurs naturally according to one's fate not triggered or caused by an external factor.

All of that only occurs in fantasies and fictional novels and movies. Everything that cannot be proven by science is BS. I wish I can hold onto this notion in the small bubble of my world. But no matter how much I tried to deny it, what happened in the backyard was definitely not sham. So also the gruesome massacre on the rampage in my city and that perverted night visitor.

Which brought us to her current situation.

Staring at the huge chandelier looming above her with red eyes Que mulled over her encounters with the bastard. One thing is certain. Unless he is a descendant of the giant race, he is most definately not human. And that is where the problem lies. He isn't an animal either.

So what does that makes him? A werewolf? Well judging by his broad build and muscles, probably. If the beastly growls he makes at the back of his throat is anything to go by. But werewolves do not pop out of the air right? Werewolves cancelled.

Vampire, maybe. But according to all the movies she'd watched, vampires are always lean and have a sweet melodious tones. Vampires cancelled.

Fairy, nop.

Elves, nop.

Angel, snort. In his dreams.

Ghost, probably. But he is too hot for a ghost. Eh, he has too much body heat, not hot as in hot. There's no way she find him to be hot. Gosh, she's rambling. Focus, Que focus.

Right, which among these creature have heat?

Dragons? Does that make him a dragon then. Well, he has the build, temperature and... Then dragon it is.

Moving to the next question. How do you kill a dragon?

She tossed around the bed thinking of all the possible ways to murder the bastard that has turned her life into a mess. Just wait untill she find his weak points, she'll send him back to hell were he belongs. She wonder if that is even possible if he is truly a dragon, it is not going to be an easy task. But no matter what she'll find a way. He even had the audicity to molest her! Why hasn't he died when he touched her? What sort of curse does she have that only target weak preys that didn't even got into its way?

Her stomach rumbled and she groaned, clutching her midriff. Even with the dark curtains, rays of the sun managed to slip through and brighten up the room. She swat away the ticklish hairs on her neck which brought back some unwanted memory from last night. Her neck still tingles from where a certain someone ran his lips. The distinctive imprint of his lip piercings cold against her skin. She wondered just how many piercings the bastard had. Even as his lips parted and he licked her skin, she could feel the warm metallic object carassed her neck.

She shuddered.

Perhaps it'll be better if she avoid him all together. Only if he would stay away. A knock appeared on the door accompanied by a loud nasal voice.

"Mrs. Menalik, your breakfast is ready." At the mention of food, Que sat straight up from the bed. She was hungry, scratch that. There was a raging storm in her stomach.

"Hi, I mean, good morning ma'am. I figured out you would prefer eating in your room before you get used to the house so I brought your food here." A young man chirped brightly as soon as the door was opened.

"Right, that's very considerate of you. Thank you." She stepped sideways as he pushed a food wheel in.

"Don't mention, I'm just doing my duty. My name is Greg by the way."

"Nice to meet you Greg. I'm Que." He arrange the food on the table.

"I know it's not my place to say this but you are very lucky ma'am. You have no idea how many ladies vied for this position. Your star must be very bright."

Ques lips twiched. Only if he knew it was actually the opposite.

"I'm flattered."

"I should get going before Ben starts looking for me, he can get rough." She watched the clumsy guy knock his head on the door on his way out. The door was already open, how he managed to walk into it is beyond her.

Que wasted no time in the bathroom washing her face and return to calm the beast in her stomach. The enticing aroma assaulted her sense the moment she removed the lead. She sigh in content devouring the savoury breakfast of poached eggs, chorizo, white beans and whipped ricotta. She soon find herself wiping the plate clean.

"Ahem." A short, plump woman stood at the door holding a set of clothes.

"It's time to get dressed. You are already an hour late. Go shower up before I get the rest of the stuffs." She said sternly in a straight voice.

"Excuse me?"

"You are starting your job today, don't keep the master waiting. If there's anything he hates is tardiness. Among other things."

"Ah," She rushed to the bathroom. Why didn't anyone say so earlier! How was she suppose to know?

The last thing she needed is to make a bad first impression!

According her resources, aka Soph, Mr Karl-Zeus Menalik, the name written on the papers she sign, is a business tycoon running chains of industries that deals with agricultural products. His name, which she swear was the first time she heard is always enlisted along the names of presidents and prime ministers, to cut it short he is a very powerful, wealthy and authoritaritive man.

Cold and calculating.

Ruthless and a huge jerk when he wants to be. That was her conclusion. How else would you define a person that changes women as he does clothes with absolutely no strings attached. No, he is not playboy, he does not court women or woe them, he only uses them to his amusement. Soph used the word charming because according to her they were the ones that threw themselves at him despite knowing the outcome.

Most of the time he is overseas for business and rarely spends time in the country. Him being an old bachelor must've been the reason his family forced him to settle down, and for that to happen he needed a less clingy wife. And that is how Que came into play. These are all Soph's thesis.

Soph being Soph must be only exergerating, probably inspired by the tons of anime characters she is obsessed with. But she still need to be careful and not slip.

Que racked her brain for the umpteenth time to recall his name or face but as always, she was rewarded with a throbbing headache. Groaning, she banged her head on the wall under the running shower. Not now when she's starting her job, she definitely doesn't need a headache added to the list of her misfortunes.

Her job.

She had no idea what she'll be assigned to do. Run errands? Keep books? She has no experience in anything apart from cooking and keeping books.

"Mrs. Menalik! Quit dilly-dallying around, we are running out of time!"


The woman stood in front of the mirror waiting for her. She had an array of equipment sprayed on the table.

"Have a seat please." She pointed at the seat in front of her.

"Mrs Menalik, what happened today cannot repeat itself. The last thing you need is to get on the master's bad side. He might be kind enough to spare you this once because it's your first day." She chided getting to work.

"Right, thank you for the heads-up. I will make sure to not repeat it again."

"It would be better for us both. To be on the safer side, please believe everything you heard about him. Believe me, he is all that and more. For him to choose you is already bad enough for you. Getting his attention should be at the bottom of your list." She tugged and pulled at her head until it was throbbing.

"Put this on," She shoved a white lacy lingerie into her hands when she was done with her hair.

Que eyed the strings in her hand and then the woman. "Um, excuse me, but it this necessary?" She is going to work not a strip club, thank you very much.

"I'm only following orders, ma'am. I suggest you do the same."

"What sort of job is this?" She fumed. What job requires her putting on thongs? The mere sight of it makes her blush. He is a huge pervert alright, he shouldn't even think of making a move on her.

Walking out of the walk in closet, she begin the arduous task of putting on a very expensive looking white blazers with the help of the woman, Mrs Gwen. By the time she was done, she was struggling to stand up straight, her breathing laboured.

"Looks like they got the size wrong." Mrs Gwen said eyeing her from head to toe.

"Damn right they had." Que wheezed afraid of breathing hard. She feared the buttons of her blazer would pop open under a slight force. Her poor boobies, they were squeezed so hard allowing them no air to breath. Her C cups standing out in all it's glory. She looked more of a stripper than anything.

"It would have to do for now, there's nothing we can do about it."

Que took in a controlled, shaky deep breath to calm down. The woman shoved a bag into her hand.

"The driver is waiting, hurry up. Everything you would need is inside the bag. Good luck." Que nodded walking forward. The tight, short skirt restricted her movement and the pointy plumbs hurting her legs didn't help. With each step she took, she wobbled like roly poly doll.

𝘛𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘢 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘥𝘢𝘺. 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘶𝘱, 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘺 𝘯𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘴.

She grits her teeth as she walked towards the car ignoring the annoying voice of Mrs Gwen edging to walk faster.

She sat stiffly in the car as Beardy zoomed off to the office. This is pure and absolute torture. She is sure that guy that calls himself her husband is upto no good. What exactly does he mean by having her dress up like this? She didn't know whether to curse him or to be grateful. She silently prayed whatever task he have for her is within her power and ability. The car soon stopped in a busy road in front of an unbelievable huge tower.

"We are here." Beardy called.

"Right," she fumble with the doorknob grabbing her bag. Standing out in the open, it looks even more intimidating. Her mouth hanged open and she had no idea how long she had been standing there gawking untill someone cleared their throat behind her.

"We can go in when you are done." A blonde lady with red lips said.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I mean..shall we?" When had she arrive? She wasn't there when she came down from the car. She walked around her towards the entrance.

"I'll be showing you around. My name is Kate,"

"Nice to meet you," Que whispered her mind still reeling with the scene in front of her. She might not be a social butterfly but she couldn't miss a building like this, right? But the strangest thing was that no matter how much she tried to recall, she couldn't remember coming across the building anywhere.

They walked into the spacious lobby and passed by the receptionist who exchanged greetings with Kate. Que realized something from the swarm of workers moving about. Each and every person was dressed in a similar clothing. Apart from the sophisticated and expensive look they ooze, everything is white. From head to toe, each and every piece of clothing and accessories on them was white. Wherever she passed, they gave her curious glances.

"Excuse me Ma'am, do you have any idea which role I'll be taking?"

"That will be assign by the boss when he arrives."

"Oh." They rode the elevator to the 30th floor. Que wondered how many floors it has.

"Mr. Menalik haven't arrived yet, he instructed for you to wait for him in his office. Be careful not to touch his stuffs, he dislikes that." She said when they arrived in front of a large tinted glass doors.

"Okay." She understood, but the woman had turned around and left.


Bracing herself, she relaxed as much as she could in the suit and pushed open the doors. The first the thing she noticed was the striking resemblance of the office to their home. The wall papers were coffee brown so as the large antique table at the far end of the room infront of the throne like chair just before the floor to ceiling windows overlooking the bustling city down below.

It was indeed a breathtaking sight.

The powerful and domineering atmosphere of the office tells exactly what type of man the owner is, cancelling any doubt she had regarding his character. It was spacious enough without a single thing out of place and reeked of expensive cologne and smoke with an undertone of coffee.

𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘢 𝘩𝘶𝘨𝘦 𝘫𝘦𝘳𝘬 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦.

Que felt her courage melting away the longer she stayed inside the office. She paced back and forth to ease her nerves. Just as she had started feeling better, heavy footsteps and voices came toward the room.

"Mr Frederick had signed the papers, the shipment would commence immediately."


He has arrived! He is here. Que panicked knocking a plant vase on a table along the wall.

"Shit," She grabbed it before it toppled to the ground. Unfortunately for her, she had grabbed the plant instead of the vase and it turned brown in her hands just as the door open.

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