
Married to my Arch Nemesis

Arabella was a secret operative who worked for the government. but one cold night, someone killed her. She finds herself awakening in the body of Princess Raina Khitrov–the brain dead suicidal wife of the first Prince of Ramoni Kingdom. Tumbled into the noble world of royalty of the twenty-first century, Arabella was dumbfounded and frightened beyond her wits but with the help of a mysterious voice in her head, she began to live a new life of riches, glamour and power. What she didn’t know was that with every imbalance in the deviating working of the universe came a sinister price to pay. She realizes that the voice was beginning to controlling her actions, thoughts and consciousness. Strange gapes began to occur in her memory and much more disturbing things were happening around her. She comes to a shocking realization that she might just be a helpless marionette for the voice to play and an unpredictable danger to her new husband and their two year old son. She had no choice but to leave far away from there but her husband just blinked at her? He was puzzled looking at her. The bundle of burden he owned wasn’t the same anymore. It was as if her internal color and form very completely altered. What will happen when Raina will realize the dark secret behind the voice or will her husband really want to keep her when he realizes that the new Raina might just be the worst evil?

ravenrose1 · perkotaan
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11 Chs

The Pitiful Sacrificial Lamb

"What's wrong with her?" Azazel demanded. He was hovering by the bed where his wife was lying unconscious for hours now.

A man was tapping Raina's chest and stomach with a stethoscope. After a while he sighed and stood up to face the Prince. His childhood friend.

"Your highness, Is there something I need to know?" He probed. He was a doctor. After seeing the Princess bleeding from nose and ears, He knew it wasn't a simple case and the royal family was hiding something crucial that might put the life of Princess and the baby on stake. He wanted the Prince to come clear with him because what he diagnosed was something mind blowing and downright disturbing. The Prince sighed. There was no need to hide the truth now. It seemed like his doctor friend was going to put two and two together.

"She was in an accident," Azazel started. "A few days ago, At the D-City Hospital she was pronounced brain dead. But yesterday, she woke up after three days on life support as if she was just napping and not entirely dead. So I thought the doctor's made a major mistake. It's the only explanation that makes some sense."

James was dumbfounded hearing what the prince said. He clearly heard the Prince telling him that the Princess was Brain dead.

How is his possible?

He didn't believe that the doctor's at such a renowned hospital would be so careless and neglectful to pronounce a living person dead.

He needed to investigate this. But seeing the dark look in the Prince's eyes, He gulped.

"Something is very wrong, Azazel." James called the Prince by his name. There were very few occasions when he would dare address his friend so casually even when they were alone. He was serious. Very serious.

"Just now your wife suffered an Intracerebral Haemorrhage that resulted in Brain bleeding and heart stroke. It's a deadly combination and there's no way a human can survive such a blow to the vitals such as heart and Brain. "James was beyond shocked by the discovery. He seemed to have waged a few years in such a short span of just an hour. He couldn't believe his own ears.

Azazel's expression turned solemn, "Is she going to survive? And what about my child?"

"Your child is fine at the movement, Rest assured, But I can't guarantee how much of this will affect the baby after birth. About your wife, the chances are slim she will ever wake up again. If she doesn't wake up in three days, I am afraid she might have fallen into a comatose state."

Azazel didn't know what to say. There was no doubt that he very much wanted this child of his but nothing could be said about the woman though. He didn't feel sorry for her. No matter what, He only felt loathing and disgust for her. No same man would be able to forgive a woman who attempted to take her own child's life not to mention an Incestuous Adulteress. Just then he remembered something. He recalled Raina's words before she fell unconscious.

"She was saying that she couldn't remember anything. Is it possible that she might have lost her memories after the accident?"

"She said that?" James raised his brows as he peeked at Raina who looked pale and lifeless. "It's possible. There's a high chance she suffered from amnesia after the accident. Many patients suffer from such side effects as a result of damage to brain but I would say that your wife case is alien. It's very suspicious and could be a new development in the working of Brain. I am amazed and perplexed that her brain and heart are refusing to give up." James explained in wonder with a small smile playing on his lips. His tone was much similar to the doctor from before but Azazel wasn't worried about him having ill intentions.

"By the way, did something happen? Her sudden deterioration was a result of anxiety and shock which took a toll on her..."James tried to probe again.

Azazel was well aware of what shocked Raina. He scoffed at the irony of the situation where one was appalled by their own supposed actions. Suddenly. A thought swirled into his mind.


"Yeah?" The latter replied, a little distracted.

"If my wife ever wakes up again, make sure she never regains her memories. Ever." It was for the best. For him. For her and their children.

- - - - - - - -

The following days, James regularly visited Raina who still haven't gained consciousness after a week. The baby seemed to be doing fine but on the eighth day, her condition began to deteriorate rapidly.

"Your highness, I have been trying everything but I am sorry. It seems like the Princess doesn't have that long left. You should prepare yourself in case...in case we lose both of them." James bowed in apology and regret. Seeing the wretched look on Azazel's face, He genuinely felt deeply upset for him. He could tell that his friend deeply cherished his family but the matter of life and death was in the hands of god and they could do nothing but wait and watch.

Rumours began to spread throughout the palace. It was inevitable when the servants and guards witnessed His highness, The Ramoni first carrying an unconscious and bleeding Princess as he rushed through the halls.

Servants were whispering amongst themselves about the possible demise of the Royal lady of the Palace.

It didn't take long for the news to reach the King and Queen's ears. The aging King was very excited when he learned about the existence of another grandchild but was gutted when he was told that the little Prince might not survive. Deep down he blamed the mother for she couldn't take proper care of herself.

Amid all the chaos that were currently raging in the royal household, it seemed like Raina Khitrov was really pitiful for no one was worried or upset about her. She was just the sacrificial lamb presented on a silver platter when the Godfrey clan and the Khitrov Royal family signed the deal. She was just a useless daughter of a businessman with no noble blood flowing in her veins. What everyone cared about was about the unborn child and no one gave a Damn about the mother. Even if she died, No one will bear the brunt of the loss except the Godfreys.

Some even prayed for the Princess to survive just until the child was conceived and then the god can have her back for all they cared.

The whole palace was shrouded in darkness. The precious curtains were replaced by black ones. The atmosphere was solemn and depressing.

Unbeknownst to everyone preparing for the funeral, In the Prince's chambers, Raina laid still in the bed. Her lips had turned blue and her cheeks were as pale as a sheet. Her eyelids shivered and a lone tear glided down her cheek. She could hear the maids whispering insolently behind her back and could sense their gleefulness.

What they didn't know was that the Princess will wake-up again and she will wake up a completely different person. And that person was going to make them pay for everything.

Ten fold.

A calamity was going to befall and no one was going to escape without the brunt of her wrath.