
Married to Mayhem

" Are you crazy ? " She asked " No am not " he replied. " But am indeed crazy about you . No am really really crazy for you " he replied with a warm look in his eyes. I can't marry you, never !!! She screamed at him. Listen young lady, you have little or no choice. Not even your money can save you and you are very well aware of that , so stop acting up . He explained gently. " What in the name of God is going on here " . She thought. " Despite all my yelling, he is still talking warmly. He must be crazy, I mean more crazy than I am " she concluded. Revenge? Yes ! Workaholic? Yes !! Marriage? Relationship? No !!!. Elena Shawn has lived her life without the thought of getting married or even being in a relationship until a document arrived from YR corporations for a contract married. Bringing out the anger and pain she had perfectly hidden and with her decreasing health, she's left with no other choice then to marry Edward Jones a man of mysterious background. How would she navigate her new life?. How would she accept the truth about her husband?.

Miss_Light_3601 · Fantasi
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37 Chs

The Same

" Am very sure, you all know how unbelievable this sounds Right ? " She asked.

" But it's true Elle, Benita is your mother " Mrs grey explained after seeing the confused and betrayed look on her face but all this while Edward said nothing despite knowing the story was incomplete.

* Laughs sadly *

" So logically speaking, you are my grandparents, my uncle and my Aunt in-law for real  ? " She asked.

" Listen Elle.... "

" Don't .... Don't Elle me " her voice thundered. " I know this story it's incomplete, because my mother, you like said..... She also had brain cancer right ? " She asked.

" We are so sorry love  " madam Clara pleaded in tears. They never expected things to get to this level.

" Sorry? So para venture, grandpa Shawn here, never saw this picture and he never told me amd I never asked .... You all would have kept this secret till you all die , Right ? " She asked in an icy tone.

" No Elle, we would have told you but at the right time " old man John explained.

" When exactly? When is the right time ? " She asked.

" It's ..... "

" How the fuck did I get adopted by the Shawn's ? " She asked.

" Well that ..... After your mother died dear, we decided to live country H just like she requested and we settled in Paris but we sent  you to an orphanage in Portland and monitored your well-being, we never expected them to treat you the way they " madam Clara explained.

" Aren't you all the same ? " She asked.

" We.... We aren't the same in anyway dear. We would never abandon you nor discard for any reason " Mr grey explained.

* Clicks her tongue *

" You really think, you all are not the same ? "

* Laughs *

" How sad, you abandoned me. You gave me up to an orphanage and you said you monitored my well being? .... Oh I get it now, that's why Uncle grey immediately offered to help me and that's why he became partner with the PS corporations. Oh my what a perfect plan " she said crying. She felt an immense an pain.  It was greater compared to the shame, humiliation and embarrassment that she went through with the Shawn's family.

" That's not it Elle, we never abandoned you. We only sent you to the orphanage to protect you dear " madam Clara explained tearful. They could clearly see and feel the immense distrust she now had for them and they couldn't help but blame themselves.

" If I may ask, how has your protection strategy gone ? And how the hell does is Edward connected to all these ? " she asked. She very knew that a lot of lines was omitted from the story.

" Well wife, that's not something we should discuss " Edward finally spoke after staying mute for several hours, the last thing he wanted was a misunderstanding.

" Oh well .... I see  " she exclaimed. " And to what end , huh , what did you all gain from lying to me and making a fool out of me  ? She asked.

" We never really wanted you to get to know this way dear, we are really sorry " old man John pleaded. He knew the kind of person Elena was and he was very sure she would block them out if she wanted.

" All these pleadings.... There are all just a fascade, the fact remains that all of you including the Shawn's family and even you Edward.... You all are the same, you are all bunch of liar's " she yelled storming out of the parlor.

" This is all your fault Alexander " they are yelled excluding Edward who was calmly watching everything.

" I don't know what you really want to gain, Mr Alexander " Edward said.

" Gain ? I have nothing to gain . I just wanted her to know the truth " old man Shawn replied.

" Truth ? And you think by letting her know the truth, you've done something to be appluded for ? " Edward asked.

" Yes of course " old man Shawn replied proudly.

" So foolish of you , listen old man.... You just bit the hand that feeds you " Edward said shaking his head. He couldn't understand how foolish this one man could be.

" Listen Alexander, telling her the truth only proved that you don't want her happiness. She's angry now but what would happen to you when she isn't angry anymore " Madam Clara asked.

" Don't be so certain Clara, just like how she treated us harshly, she would do same to you all. That's the monster you've have all raised " he said in a harsh tone.

"  Is that what you think ? " Mrs grey asked.

" Of course my dear, she will never forgive you all " he replied proudly.

" So foolish " old man John said.

" Very foolish " they all chorused shaking their head at the extent to which he could be ignorant.

* In the garden *

" How could they hide something this huge from me " she sobbed.

She could not believe that her entire life was a lie upon lie. She was only living on a foundation of lie laid down by her grandparents.

" Wife " Edward called.

" You still aren't ready to tell me right ? " She asked.

" You need to calm down wife, crying won't solve anything nor would it change what have happened and what would happen in the nearest future " he explained.

" So am just a puppet in someone else's game right ? " She asked sadly.

" You're not a puppet love, it's... Well , don't you think that grandpa Shawn of your's just wants you to treat your family the same you treated them ? " He asked leaning closely on the tree close to where she was sitting.

" I ..... I .... I never thought of that " she replied.

" Here " he said offering her his handkerchief.

" Thanks " she said taking it from his hand.

" He had a hand in your kidnapping, you know " he said.

" He did ? " She asked

" Yes he did, that's the exact reason why I wanted us to return to Portland " he replied.

" So Annabelle was being truthful " she murmured.