
Chapter 86 Engagement Party 14

 I tried to act normal again before the girls, so they wouldn't notice anything and ask me questions. "The chef brought in a plate of salad nicoise' at least that's what he called it. "Zel, Ruby here would be our personal shopper for the clothes we need for your engagement party!" Carie said.

I only smiled at her words, my heart was heavy and for some reason, I couldn't hide it this time. Maybe I felt hurt by Alex's actions cause I was now fund of him always around, or maybe it's cause he's been less wicked to me lately. I thought.

I felt really bad, I've never felt like this before, I needed to forget him for a second. It's not a good thing for Alex to be the only thing I'm thinking about, he can't take over my thoughts completely. I was in daze and really didn't hear the question Carie asked.

"Hazel are you okay?" I heard her voice faintly which broke me off my daze, "can we just go get the clothes now?" I asked. Carie gave me a confused look before responding "yeah sure!"

We walked out of the restaurant when we were done eating, in the early hours of the afternoon. "I have a place in mind, their dresses are to die for!" Ruby said. For a French lady she totally had no accent which made me question her nationality.

"What place would that be?" Carie asked curiously, "I'm sure they'd have something for me too!" Carie added. "Of course they will!" Ruby responded with a smile. I paid little attention to what they were talking about, as I darted my gaze to the glass, admiring the buildings we drove past.

I really wanted my mum to be with me during this time, it's my greatest wish. To have her congratulate me and be there to support me. I sighed cause I knew that cannot be done. Alex shattered the little hope and faith I had in her recovering, what does he know about it when he's never lost a parent before.

We arrived at a boutique, it says, "Top Bridal Paris' I guess that's the name of the boutique. We got out of the car and walked into the boutique, "Bienvenue madame au top nuptiale de Paris!" The sales associate welcomed us in.

"Merci mad mes amis ici ne parlent pas francais!" Ruby responded. "Oh my bad, forgive me for my ignorance!" The sales associate apologized to us after his little conversation with Ruby. I wondered what they talked about, but that was non of my business.

"Welcome welcome, It's a pleasure to have you here, what designs of wedding dresses would you like!" A Black haired lady walked from a room, she was in a long red skirt and a sleeveless pink top. Her hair was neatly tied backwards. "Madame Franca, it's nice to see you again!" Ruby greeted with a peg on both side of her cheeks.

The woman seemed so friendly, I thought. Carie gave me some distance ever since the restaurant, maybe she knew I was angry, now I feel bad for taking my anger out on them. "We are looking for a good engagement dress for our lovely soon to be bride and her sister in-law!" "Best friend, and sister, not just sister in law!" I corrected and they all smiled.

"I think I have the perfect dress for her skin!" Mrs Franca said after sizing my body with her eyes. "Follow me!" She took us to a private room and we sat on a green sofa. We were served with mango juice and cookies while we wait for our dress.

More sales associate walked in with two dress covered in a black big bag. They unvailed the dress in time and I was agape by what I saw.