
Chapter 316 NEWLY FOUND MAN 1

          "I'm Fred Finsbury and I ask for your daughter's hands in marraige to replace the loss she's going through at the moment." A man among the crowd of people shamelessly spoke up.

           "What sort of Atrocity is that." Father screamed above his voice before gripping his chest, "Please calm down honey." Mother helped him stand as she tried to calm him down. Everyone was confused at what was happening, we never thought a thing like this could happen, we never thought falcon would deceive the family and run away on the day of his wedding. But the last time we talked, he was determined to do this, so what changed? Maybe he changed his mind.

           "I'm sorry for just coming in now, but I could no longer ask her hands since she was getting married, I was here to finally bid her goodbye only to find out her supposed groom ran away." "He didn't run away you jerk, falcon would never leave not after our deal." Avery hit him in anger as she cried. The embarrassment could not be measured with anything in the world.

          "Deal, what deal is that Avery." Mother asked, "The deal doesn't matter mother, Falcon is missing, we have to find him. What if something bad has happened to him?" She cried. "Let's go our driver has arrived, Alex please send an apology, not to all the guests who arrived, we're going back to NYC tonight." Father declared before walking away. No one thought Avery's most anticipated wedding would be a disaster.

         Mrs. Dior hadn't stopped crying, she refused to leave the church saying her son would still arrive and the wedding would take place, good thing her husband is there to comfort her. I felt pity for her, it wasn't easy for any mother to go through such heartbreak. I got into the car too, to leave as quickly as possible, besides, my dress was already making me feel so uncomfortable.

           When the Wilson's invite you for an event, people always tend to forget there's always going to be drama. You have to prepare yourself not only physically, but mentally for another crazy rollercoaster of drama. 



            "You don't have a hand in Falcon's disappearance do you?" I just had a feeling something was up with Alex, for some reason he was unusually cold, unlike his crazy self. I watch him take his clothes off, he started with his wristwatch and then his suit. "Why? Alex gets blamed for all of the family's misfortune anyway, so don't get surprised if I have a hand in it." He said unbuttoning his shirt this time. "I didn't mean it that way, you look so unfazed about his disappearance earlier and it feels weird like this is not you."

          "I'm I supposed to cry and move around cause Falcon is missing? The only wrong thing I did today is not telling you how breathtaking that dress was on you. But I could see how much you were dying in the dress." He pulled me close to himself and pegged my lips. "You noticed?" I smiled.

           "I know you better than anyone Hazel, don't wear something that tight next time if you don't want to suffocate at such gatherings." He said. "I need to represent the family Alex, you know everyone would be watching." 

            "Since when did you care about what others thought? My baby has really evolved into my mother." He pressed his lips on mine again not letting me out of his grip. "Hanging out with her a lot has done something to me I guess." I smiled.

            "Then you should speak up when someone is harassing you, my mum always does that." He said meaningfully Suddenly being possessed by an unexplainable dark aura, gritting his teeth every now and then. "How many times did he try to hurt and threaten you?" He asked letting me go, "What are you talking about?" I asked a bit confused. "Falcon, how long has he harassed you and the kids?"

             "You were aware?" I asked astonished "I've had people follow him around since his return, you think I'd buy the loss of memory story and the ridiculous love story? Why didn't you tell me about it?" He took out his shoes, took me to my dressing table, and made me sit on the chair. Alex too out my hair pins one after another, staring at my reflection in the mirror. "I was going to tell you, but I couldn't contact you throughout the day. Now I'm thinking of it, where have you been, you were totally out of reach." I asked to see his lips pull up into a grin.

            "Thought you didn't want to see me cause of our crazy night together." "Argh Alex, yes but that doesn't mean you'd block us out just like that." He turned my seat around and squat to my level. "I had lots of fun, first it was with your cousin and then an old friend." He smiled, which reminded me so much of Leah, how did my baby look so much like her father, infact all of them.

           "What kind of fun would you want to have with my cousin? Drinking and having sex?" I asked to be sure, "Calm down honey, sex is our type of fun that should not be shared outside, you warned me severally and I understand. I wouldn't want you killing me in my sleep." His deep throaty chuckle was heard, and I couldn't take my eyes off his face, but Alex quickly turned me back to face my mirror and continued with my hair. That sneaky devil.

         "Speaking of killing." Alex suddenly brought out a gun from my makeup drawer and I quickly jumped off to a corner, screaming like a baby. He really did it this time, he really crossed the line this time, I still couldn't understand the need to place a gun in my drawer when you know that's my least favorite thing. "Come on sweet, you can't chicken out of every fight. You're my wife for crying out loud, the wife of the mighty Mongrel Mob shouldn't be scared of a normal weapon.

          I could feel my body vibrating just from the sight of that weapon, I don't like it, and I never want to see myself around that thing. "Take it away Alex, I'm warning you to be careful with the way you're holding it." I was ready to hide in that corner forever as long as I don't see that weapon. "It's nothing sweetheart, a gun situation might arise any day, anytime. I have lots of enemies as you have my inherited enemies. I just want you to be okay."

         He dropped the weapon on the counter and sauntered towards me squatting to my level on the floor. A burst of subtle laughter could be heard from his lips, "You're even crying, is that how terrified you are of guns?" His thumb brushed the tears at the corners of my eyes which I barely noticed. "I promise to never scare you this much again sweetheart." He picked me up and took me away.



          Back in a very dark and secluded area, a pair of eyes opened into the darkness, Falcon regained consciousness after being abducted by that man. He never thought he would be caught or he was being monitored until they came for him with the claims of threatening their Mongrel's wife.

           Just as every other man prepares for his wedding, he prepared as well and was done dressing up when four huge men barged into his room.

           He didn't understand what they were saying till that familiar man stepped in, Alexander Wilson, his worst nightmare since the time he met him. He thought that man was a normal billionaire till he crossed paths with him, he's the only person that could do deadly things and still get away with it, with no questions asked. He wasn't sure, Hazel knew who she is married to cause if she knew she wouldn't want to be around him. She's too pure to be around such a heartless demon.

         Falcon tried to move but realized there wasn't enough space for him to stand up or even raise his legs. He tried moving his hands upwards and sideways but his movement was restricted too, only then did Falcon know he was in a box or container. But what he didn't know was that that box was a doubled iron box placed inside a container that was being shipped among other containers on a ship to another country.

          Falcon screamed for help with his might, but his words only echoed back to him, he was terrified, who knew how long he'd be in this box without food, water, air, or anything. He shook himself all to no avail. Alex has drawn the battle line, this time blood will spill.