
Chapter 288 ALEX 2

       "I... I have a confession to make daddy." Leah said calmly staring back at me, they've all been on the call for like an hour now and it didn't seem like it'll end anytime soon. I trusted Alex so much but got lied to, and instead of apologizing he's upset with me, I felt confused and heartbroken all at once.

        Who's lying between the two men, I know Alex is capable of doing those things he's been accused of but did he change after Falcon's accident? "What is it, love?" I overheard him ask from the other end, "I love you so much daddy and I want to marry you." "Baby." He called, "Will you marry me, daddy, I've got a diamond ring, I've got money too cause mummy's rich and she'll give me anything I want." "We'd live happily as always b... Because we're in love." Alex chuckled lightly "Yes, we'd get married, but when I get back." He responded.

        "I love you so much, Daddy." "I love you too my..." He hunged up. "Daddy left." Leah brought back my phone, and placed it in my hands, "Mummy, I hope you don't mind me getting married to Daddy do you?" "No not at all sweet." She smiled sweetly kissing my cheek multiple times.

        Only then did I realize I've kept Sage waiting in my room, I went ahead to apologize for taking long only to realize she's no longer there. "Michonne, where's Sage?" I asked the housekeeper "Oh, she's long gone ma'am, she said she got an emergency call from home and had to leave." "I'm sorry for not informing you in time." She added.

        I wondered what her emergency could be, life is so unpredictable, one minute you're here and in the next, you no longer exist. I could feel my heart beating really fast all of a sudden and wondered why I was feeling this way. At some point I felt like crying, like something terrible has happened, maybe it was cause Alex didn't say a word to me or even spared me a glance.

        "Get me a glass of water Michonne and make sure the kids get settled in their rooms." "Yes ma'am.' She walked away while I stepped back into the room, I lay on my bed trying to be strong for once, trying to get his thoughts off my head. My heartfelt heavy and I just had to let everything down. 


        Alex dragged himself out of his ruined car, he couldn't believe what he saw, he did suspect when he noticed his goods have been given to the others. Vandlar has betrayed him once again, everything happened so quickly, he could have sworn he never saw this coming. They shot all angles of his car, and he could feel bullets piercing into his body, his ribs, and hands while still on a call with Leah. He wasn't even done talking to his baby, he hasn't talked to his wife for a week and now, and he's almost lost his life.

         " Are you alright boss?" His guards rushed up to him, Alex managed to drag himself out of the somersaulted car, his arms and ribs had bullet holes in them. He could feel his breath contracting as he forced himself to stay awake and not pass out. He heaved for air gripping the sand in the soil.

        Alex could see his life flashing before his eyes, "Don't worry boss, help is on its way." He heard faint voices of people speaking but could no longer see their faces, as everything turned blurred in his eyes. At this last moment, the only thing he thought about was his little family, his children's voices during their last calls, Hazel's voice yelling at him a week ago.

            He coughed and spat out blood, if he knew this would be his end, he wouldn't have left them in the first place, he struggled to stay awake just for their sake, but the more he tried the more weaker he got, his body just got more tired and felt like it was paralyzed. He knew he'd spend the rest of his afterlife in hell for all the evil he's done, that's one of the reasons he never wanted Hazel to find out about his dark past.

         Karma they say really does exist, this is his karma for everything he's done to people, he's sure Hazel's a strong woman, she can protect his kids with the help of his family. Slowly, he gave in. His eyes flickered slowly till they finally closed, just then did an ambulance arrive with Tony stepping out of his car. "Alex!" He called as the nurses and a doctor placed his body in a cot rolling him into the ambulance in haste.

         Tony oscillated his head around to know what really happened to the man he saw leaving his apartment this morning without an injury. These people have no idea who they're messing with, they better pray this man dies else..."

         Tony got into the ambulance with the ambulance that carried Alex while the next ambulance with his driver's corpse followed behind along with other convoys which were their escorts. "What the situation?" "His pulse is weak sir, we're trying to revive that first." "Alex you're a strong man, you have to fight this." He stared at the man lying on the cot, with a series of pipes and other stuff already placed into his mouth and body.

         He would have escorted him if he knew this will happen all of a sudden. They arrived at the hospital with several doctors and nurses rushing down to receive the body so they could start reviving him immediately. It would do them great if Alexander doesn't die in their care.

        The news about his accident and attack had already bombarded the net, detectives were in the sight taking in the necessary information they could gather concerning all of this. News anchors were already in position, every news station wanted the best information at hand. Some, were already at the hospital to speak with his friends and family.

         Different news came from people's lips, in all the pain Tony was able to seize most private information from the detectives so it doesn't get out and ruin his reputation. He had to call Benson and Lukas to help control the spread of the news in NYC, but this is like the hottest news anyone has heard and was spreading like wildfire. They had to inform Oliver about his son's critical condition so that it doesn't come as a surprise to him.

        Benson and Lukas did all they could to stop the news from spreading in NYC but all attempts failed, in no time, everyone knew about it. Everyone talked about it, "Alexander Wilson, attacked by gang members in New Zealand" was all on the headlines.

       "Mr. Wilson is in a critical condition in Patrick hospital, New Zealand after his attack by some hoodlums." In less than 24hours the news was on all the continents in the world, everyone had one name in their mouth, 'Alexander Wilson'. Those who knew nothing about him prayed he recovered, and the ones whose families has been destroyed by this very man celebrated his death. But in all, his family cried the most.