
Chapter 267 EARLY LABOUR 1

     We were all sitted in the formal dining room for breakfast, Lukas was present as he hasn't left since the previous night. Grandma sat close to the new guest in the mansion that was said to have arrived the previous night while I was gone to bed. The brunette lady hasn't taken her eyes off Alex since we started eating and it irritated me more than ever. I didn't know why I felt suddenly possessive of Alex.

       "Lest I forget, we're all invited to Luke Dan's wedding ceremony next month in London, Mrs. Dan invited us herself so we all have to honor her invitation." Mother started. "You and the rest can honor that invitation I'm booked for the rest of the month," Father said gaily. It was surprising to see the man talk while at this table cause he's usually a man of fewer words. 

      "You can find a specific week from next month for the event." Mother said as if giving no more room for arguments but it seems father wasn't going to stop. "I don't think those adorable things would let me, honey, I have to stay back and welcome my grandkids." 

       Grandma chuckled so did mother, everyone laughed at Father. We weren't expecting that from him. "You're right, next month's Hazel's month how did I forget." They all smiled at me, and I returned it with my heart palpitating more than ever.

       I need to see mum and talk to her about childbirth, cause I'm scared to death. From stories I've heard, it's said to be extremely painful, it's the most painful thing in the world, but that's what every woman has to go through while giving birth. And that I'd go through it

      The question what if, kept popping in my head, what if I die in the process? Will I get to see my babies? Can I give birth? These questions and many more hunt me daily, I wish I could turn back time to when I was still a month pregnant. I try so hard to encourage myself and push my fears aside.

      "As if he knew what I was thinking, Alex pressed my thighs a little returning me from wonderland back to reality and I met his gaze, "Are you alright?" He asked calmly arranging my loose hair backward, for me to nod a, yes, giving a reassuring smile.

      He added some more vegetables and smoked fish to my plate "Alex, this must be your wife, I didn't get to meet her last night cause I arrived late." The brunette lady finally said something for the first time since I met her. "Hmm, baby this is Chandra, my cousin." He placed more vegetables on my plate. I met her gaze, "Hello Hazel."

        I was surprised she knew my name even if we just met. "Hello."

       "You still have this cold attitude of yours since we were kids, Hazel how do you handle him?" She whispered the last sentence for everyone to hear.

         "Alex hasn't changed a bit from before love, you either get used to this or leave". Grandma stated spreading butter on her bread. She reminds me so much of grandma back at the mansion. They both have similar qualities. Elegance.

       "He used to be my cute boyfriend back then." Chandra blushed. "You did always forget he's your cousin, and call him your husband". Mother laughed. "Crazy times." 

           "Uhh... What a charming girl, chan is used to forgetting things Maira we all know that." Grandma stated with a smile, I guess she's found another favorite again.

         "He would have been my husband, grandma if Beverly wasn't always in the way." I raised a brow at her words.

     "That's true I haven't seen Beverly around since I got here." Chan darted her gaze around as if searching for someone. She really does know how to get on people's nerves.

        "Don't mention that name here darling I hope, she and her evil mother are both facing the consequences of their actions, let them suffer alone." Grandma sounded irritated. "Oh... I'm so sorry if I said something wrong." Chan said innocently. "It's alright Chan, you had no idea that name's not meant to be mentioned in this mansion anymore. Don't blame yourself." Father said this time. 

     Avery stepped into the dining room halfway to our breakfast, I really didn't see her at the baby shower, nor have I seen her since I got back.

         She looks distant from everyone, unlike the grandma's favorite Avery, she was cold and alone, which had me wondering what was wrong with her. I know for a fact she was denied from her love or lover, but I couldn't keep up with that story since I had a lot going on by then.

      "Now everyone is here I want to make an announcement." Mother started smiling profusely, her words distracted me from my thoughts "Hazel your babies' rooms have been chosen and prepared next to yours and Alex's bedroom. You were unable to see that last night cause of you know....." She paused. Yea the situation Alex handled the Alex way. 

          "Thank you mother, thanks grandma, thanks, father." "Don't thank us, love, you deserve it and more. We all owe you a lot for all we did to you, I believe I speak for everyone when I say we're sorry," Grandma said.

      "Yes dear, we're sorry, you've brought nothing but good things and happiness to the family, what we've done is not even enough to compensate you," Father added. "My Hazel." Mother smiled and I returned it.

        Without saying a thing I could already tell what she wanted to say, that's how much we understand each other.

        A blonde-haired man stepped into the dining room, sitting next to Carie, at the table, I wondered who he is as he has not stopped staring at me since he got here. "Oliver." He greeted. "Kendrick," Father responded. "Maria." "Good morning Kendrick." Mother smiled, she's used to smiling even if she doesn't like you.

       "Mother." "Dear Kendrick," Grandma responded. "Good morning Dad." Chan greeted, "Good morning uncle." Carie and Avery greeted in unison. One was full enthusiastic and the other was dejected and cold. Everyone greeted him except the man sitted next to me, Alex. I noticed the slight frown that graced his face on the man's arrival and wondered what must have transpired between these two to attain this demeanor.

        "Who is this man?

      "Mrs. Wilson." The man greeted me with a smile. "Hello, uncle." "Ah... So polite, so innocent, so beautiful, the perfect mixture for the devil among us." He said calmly. "That's enough Kendrick, my daughter-in-law is pregnant, we all don't want anything to trigger an early labor." Father suddenly said, sounding quite disgruntled.

        "I'm so sorry my dear, Oliver is right. Since no one here wants to introduce me, I'm Kendrick Wilson your husbands' uncle, welcome to the family." He added vegetables to his bread still smiling at me, as he took a bite from his bread still staring at me. I felt chills run down my spine. "Thank you." I managed to say.

      The sound of a ringing phone echoed in the quiet room which was now filled with the clicking of forks on our plates. Alex went out to receive the call and didn't even last a minute before returning. "Let's go, Hazel, else we'd be late." He said moving my food aside as he helped me up.

        I was as surprised as everyone else sitted at the table, "I'll send Gaius over to get the gifts mother, we have to leave now." Alex said to them. I wanted an explanation on why he had to drag me from breakfast even if I wanted to leave cause of uncle Kendrick's scary stares.

        "Are you alright? What's wrong?" He kissed my hands tenderly, caressing my cheeks with his thumb. "It's nothing sweetheart, no need to get all scared, I just have an urgent business to handle and decided to drop you off with your family. If I take you back home I know you'd be lonely.

          "What happened to your family?" I knew there was more to his sudden actions, Alex was not one who does something without a reason, especially after a phone call. "I can't leave you there, not when Kendrick's around, he might tell you terrible truthful things about me that might make you change your mind especially now I haven't earned your trust."

       I felt bad at his words, "That's not true, I trust you." "And still frown and get upset when other ladies are staring at me, even if you know I'm all yours." 

        "You do the same too, you get upset when I talk to other men when you clearly know I'm all yours. It's called jealousy, not lack of trust." "Cute mouth." He complimented, chuckling lightly as he started driving.

        We arrived before the Huxleys mansion, everywhere seemed so quiet as usual like a grave area. "Take good care of yourselves, your assigned bodyguards will arrive in a minute." "Why do I need those, I'm in my parent's house it's not like anything bad can happen to me." 

         "Does the last incident still look like a joke to you?" Alex pulled me closer for a kiss, which was not long but was deep. It had some emotions attached to it, which I couldn't tell what. "Take good care of yourself for us." I pressed my lips to his forehead.

          "I will." At his words, he stepped back into the car and drove out. I stood at the entrance till his car varnished completely from my sight, just then other three convoys arrived at the entrance of the mansion with six guards stepping out of it.

        "We're here at your service ma'am." One of the guards said, but I could care less about what or who he was. My heart was on one person, hoping that whatever urgent business he has to attend to is not that serious. All I wanted was for him to be okay.

        Without a word to the guards, I sauntered into the mansion forgetting completely about the appointment we had with Greg today, only to be agape by the presence of the persons sitted in the lounge.



    The Dior's arrived at the Huxleys Mansion concerning what had happened to their only son and heir the previous night after being chased away by the Wilsons. Falcon was involved in a fatal accident and is struggling with his life at the moment. The doctor had stated that if he ever gets to recover, he will lose his memory forever.

        They were all aware that Alex is responsible for this, but have no solid evidence against him, even if they did, they doubt he'd stay in prison for less than a minute. Though Alex was not present at the event at that time, they still knew he was aware of the drama Falcon had pulled out there.

       It was unreasonable to do that on Falcon's part but he's obsessed with Hazel, which has had him acting like a fool before everyone. There was much bad news online lately that has been on people's lips and has kept them on their toes, Alex has been calm all this while and is back to doing the things he's known for.

          It wasn't until recently that Falcon found out some ugly secrets about Alex that he thought he could share with Hazel. He was certain she would leave Alex after the secret's been revealed, he even got to tell David about it and the man wished his baby would listen. But from the looks of things, she was really into the man, she would pick Alex anyway over her family.

        The Gale family was going through bankruptcy, in their business and normal life. Xavier's entire fortune has been ruined in the twinkling of an eye, sending his family to live in the remote part of New York City or even far away. Their father is a wanted criminal by the law for sequel evil deeds but for the Wilson's, he's placed in earthly hell.

       Though all these were on the media all over the world, to those that cared about it, Hazel still had no idea of what was happening. It's like she's been blacked out from the world.



     I stepped into the mansion fully staring at Falcon's parents sitted in the lounge with Dad who had a shocked expression on his face. Mum and grandma were not present and I wondered where they are or most have gone to. Aunty grace was also very much present, she was sitted with Genevieve who had a smile on her lips.

       I ignored her completely, "Good morning everyone." I greeted politely. "You never said you were coming." "Alex dropped me off, he said he has something urgent to take care of." I went ahead to hug Dad, I didn't get to see you guys leave last night." "Hello, aunty and uncle." 

          "Save that greeting to yourself Hazel, I don't need it, to think you'd stab Falcon this way, says much about you." I wondered what I did wrong to him, this anger should be the other way round. The Diors should be apologizing to me and not getting mad at a woman their son harrassed.

        "That's enough, be careful with your words, she's pregnant," Dad warned. "Careful with my words you say, was your whore of a daughter ever careful with my son's heart when she destroyed it." She asked and went on to say...

         "I don't care if you're pregnant, I just hope you and those murderers' babies never come out of this stage alive." She lashed out at me. "My God that's an inhumane thing to say, aunty," Genevieve said from behind, 

       "I think it's time to leave, you've crossed your limit," Father said through gritted teeth.

     "Falcon loved you genuinely, he told me that countless times, but you choose to break his heart and almost kill him." "You're misunderstanding things, aunty." I finally decided to speak,

         "Misunderstanding? That you prefer a bloodsucker to a normal man, the same man who covered your shameless acts with Mr. Wilson." I could feel my tummy contract from her words. "Just bear this in mind, if anything happens to my son, your kids will not live either." The guards threw them out.

          "It's alright Hazel, they're gone now, breath and rest." Dad held my hands trying to move me towards the stairs when his phone rang and he went out to pick up the call.

         The pain was getting worst, I shouldn't listen to her words, I did nothing to Falcon, whatever he's facing right now, is a result of his foolish acts. I need to rest that's what Alex said. At that thought, I tried moving towards the stairs but was pulled back by someone causing me to fall. "Ahhhhh....." I cried in pain, screaming from the excruciating pain I felt below my tummy.

      I felt something rush out of my body. Did my water just break? I'm I undergoing early labor?