
Chapter 172 I want you 2

  In Alex's black track suit and my white slippers and my hair which was of course tied with his black band. We sauntered to the entrance of the mansion and into the car parked out there. Alex drove himself these time, without his numerous convoys escorting us as usual.

Which had me wondering why he didn't bring them along this time. "Did you eat breakfast this morning Hazel?" That's true, I didn't eat anything, as I left for the hospital the moment we got back. Mostly because I wanted to be with aunt Amelia which I'd find time to visit soon.

As long as aunt Amelia lives around me, i'ld always visit her. But since she found out about her family she's changed. Or maybe it's because I haven't see her in a long time and only met her last night.

"No I didn't have the time to!" I stared out the glass looking at the quiet street of NYC, the bright night lights were beautiful. Alex said nothing else and continued driving. 

The thought of his request never left my head, if I have to survive I need to stay away from him. But then again how can I, when we leave in the same house, sleep on the same bed, basically do almost everything together. I stared at the figure driving the car, how can he say such? Now my innocent thoughts were filled with wordly things.

I was scared. From everything Carie has told me, I believed it was going to hurt alot especially it being my first time. And to crown it all, Alex's member was huge. But we're married right, is it wrong if I don't do this?

Am I hurting Alex too? I'm very much aware that we're meant to do this whenever he wanted to, but he gave me an option. Is this a trap? Is this one of his games?

What is this scheming man's mission? Hazel stop overthinking it's just sex. I closed my eyes relaxing my head on the sit to get the stupid thoughts off my head, how can I keep thinking of such? What has Alex done to me? This was not nice or funny anymore. 

I felt the car halt and I opened my eyes to see we've arrived at the Wilson's Mansion. I stepped out of the car and got in. "Hazel you're here!" Mother walked up to me for a hug. "What are you wearing?"

"Alex made me wear this!" I rolled my eyes. It's not like he'd listen if I ask him not to wear me his clothes. "Where is he did Alex leave for your honeymoon alone?" Her question got me confused. Alex said she wanted to see us.

I turned to the entrance of the mansion and realized he was not yet in. Has he really left me for our honeymoon alone?

"Excuse me mother!" I stepped out of the mansion and almost clashed into him, "Watch were you're going Hazel!" He opened a substance and placed it in his mouth.

It's packet contained different flavors, so Alex takes this things too. "Want some?" I nodded and he yanked me to himself, tilting his head to mine.

His lips pressed against mine and he placed it into my mouth as he quickly opened another. It was mint, my favorite flavor of all. I guess many people prefer mint flavour to any other.

He held my wrist and took me in, "Welcome back Master and Madam!" Leonard and his maid were out this time. I blushed at the thought of them seeing what we just did. Ahhh, Alex was going to kill me one day, what a shameless man.

"Alex my son, your arrival was unexpected!" Father got close to us as both men exchanged short hugs.

Why do most men see hugging as a wierd thing??

"Good evening Father!" I smiled for the man to pull me for a hug too. He seems in a good mood tonight. "How are you my child?" "Great!" 

"Oh Hazel's here!"

"Great grandma!" I exclaimed as I hugged her, but not too tight since she seems all fragile now.

"I didn't see you yesterday?"

"I'm so sorry to have missed such an important day my dear. But you know my body's not as strong as before anymore!" I nodded to her words.


"Grandma!" I went ahead to kiss her palm and she smiled. "Bless you my child!" She responded patting my back. It was shocking everyone was nice to me. I had to pinch myself to be sure this was reality and not some dream. Or was I in another dimension?

"Um.. where's Carie grandma?" "She should be in her room, we're expecting some important guest today so go get changed!" I nodded at Grandma's words and left.

Stepping into I and Alex's room, I got into the closet to get changed, as usual the assigned maids followed me in. I got dressed and left the room to Carie's. "Baby!" Carie's gestured her hands for a hug when she saw me step in.

"I called you earlier but Alex picked up!" "Alex picked up?" I was astonished. At the middle of our little chit chat where I told her everything Alex said and did to me and Carie gave her advice, Leonard announced the arrival of the Viotto's.

We left the room for the lounge where everyone sat, after trying to calm Carie down a bit. She looked so nervous, she just didn't know how her family would react when they find out she's pregnant for Lukas Viotto.

The one man they hated the most, they all thought he was not a responsible man and was only playing with Carie. Even Alex doubted their love, but Carie's stubborness kept it going.

I went ahead to sit next to great grandma on the couch since Lukas's aunt's have decided to sit close to Alex. Carie sat close to her baby after greeting the family members. "I saw you at the wedding Hazel, you're such a beautiful woman!" I smiled at her words glaring at Alex.

"Thank you auntie, at least you recognize true beauty that most people can't see cause they're actually blind!" They exchanged looks, even if Alex's expression didn't change a bit.

I knew he was going to kill me tonight for bringing our marriage to the limelight. "By most people are you referring to him!" She gestured her hands to Alex and I just smiled looking away. 

Alex already had his eyes on me, which was a deadly stare. I didn't dare meet his gaze.

"Dinner's ready!" Leonard announced and we all went for dinner. I was relieved as I prayed he forgets everything.

Half way to our sumptuous dinner which I couldn't enjoy cause of my throat, "You never told us the reason for your visit!" Mother started the conversation. She's the one who always start every conversations so I wasn't surprised.

"Oh yes, Carie didn't tell you?" Everyone gave Aunt Connie a confused look. "We came to officially ask for Carie's hand in marriage!" Her words rendered everyone speechless except of course, Alex, Lukas, I and Carie.

"Thought the Balowe daughter just lost a baby for your son?" Father asked this time and I squeezed Alex's thighs. 

How did my hands get down there? Alex gave me a look as he squeezed mine back and I flinched.