
Meet Nick Delon

Oma Kira looked at her husband with an annoyed face.

In her entire married life with Kim One Syailendra, Akira has never been so angry with her husband.

Oma Akira is not willing to part with Shakira. Her granddaughter had just come out of a scary situation.

Now the husband let his granddaughter go far away.

Mr. Kim One smiled, he took his wife's hand. Kissing his wife's hand gently.

"Akira... You don't need to be angry like that. Shakira wants to go to America of her own accord. Shakira wants to study. Long before yesterday's incident. Shakira has enrolled in film school, and even then with Esmeralda's permission.

The start of the semester starts next month. So Shakira has to go to America for that purpose!"

Mrs. Akira Kim is silent. She's still angry.

Mr. Kim One said again,