

THE ARTICLES were taken down.

Sohee wasn't really interested in checking the university's community board, but Hong Sera kept encouraging him to come and see the uploader's apology.

So, here he was now.

Lying down on his big and soft bed while reading Cha Jinha's short apology.

["This is the author of the articles attacking Park Sohee, a freshman from the Webtoon Animation.

I would like to formally apologize for the baseless rumors I posted.

Everything was a lie I fabricated because I was jealous of him.

To Park Sohee-ssi, I'm sorry."]


That apology really sounded like Cha Jinha— blunt and half-sincere.

"Cha Jinha probably only apologized because Ahn Yujae convinced him to," Sohee whispered to himself. "Oh, well. At least, this will help repair my reputation a bit."

He honestly didn't care about his reputation.