
marriage to Mr. Ryan

she is his secretary and he is her boss. his grandparents wanted his to get married so quickly to head a project. but she didn't have a single up to live so she got married to him on a contract

Okekunle_Goodness · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs


Astoria got dressed the next Morning like nothing happened the day before.

she Looked around the house she has been living here for the past six years and now she has to say goodbye because she does not have the rent money.

"It would be my last day here" she said to herself and packed her bags, she walked slowly to the mirror to adjust her makeup.

"Let's not look silly today dude" she said to herself of course.

She Carried her hands bag with her and also her luggage. Later in the evening she would call the moving services to come help with her stuff before the landlady throws it out of the house.

She walked out of the house and put a scarf over her neck, even of she doesn't have hope she has life so she would guide it jealousy.

Ryan walked out of his mansion with his hands in his pocket, wondering about what happened yesterday, especially what Harry said to him about Astoria.

He never imagined that she could have that type of feelings for him, not in his next life or the one after that.

he stepped inside the car and his driver started the car let's go see miss Astoria today.

"Sir?" His driver called and he looked up.

"Yes what is it?"

"Your grandfather asked me to tell you to pick your calls" the guy said with all the respect he as.

"My grandfather called you? Ryan asked

"Yes he did"

"And you picked it"Ryan asked again

"Yes sir "

"You wanna lose your job?" He then asked with a smirk.

"Am sorry sir"

"Know your boundaries dude"

"Sorry sir"

"Just drive to the office am in a confused state already don't let me take it out on you"

"Yes sir am sorry "

What the heck? Why would grandfather call my driver instead of me and the driver picked he got like some nerve up his sleeve don't he?

And for his grandparents he is not ready to see them because of the trash they picked out for him as a sneaky blind date.

Astoria kept her bags beside her desk and started the work for the day, she checked his schedule and everything and also memorized everything she needs to memorize, even though she is not in a good mood she would give a good impression.

And also her mood should not affect her work because he would get all angry a s Start his early morning blabbing. So she better do it well.

Ryan adjusted his hair as he walked into the office.

when Astoria noticed him she stood up on her feet and greeted him normally. With the normal tow hands on your tummy and a fake welcoming smile.

But then Ryan expected more, and he also knows that the one she gave him is fake.

"Good morning" ryan greeted passing her desk.

"Morning sir" astoria replied with her fake smile

"Yeah like good morning"

Ryan walked inside his office and took a peek at her. She looks restless but she is acting all normal, like he doesn't matter. is she angry because he went on those date yesterday? Then she should have stopped him and now she is looking all sad.

He saw her sigh and he also sigh. But he doesn't know why he is sighing but maybe because she did.

"I know am handsome right? But she shouldn't fall head over heels for me for her to he behaving that way? Gracious love she looks depressed does she like me that much?"

When Astoria stood up he ran to his sit to pretend that he wasn't doing anything but then he hit his leg on the table.

He limped to his sit and sat down gently then Astoria walked inside then ran back outside to knock. He found that weird even though he made the rules.

"Yes come on in" he said and continued rubbing his leg.

"Yes sir" Astoria replied from behind the door.

Astoria walked inside and stood before him she brought out her jotter and looked at him.

He also looked at her while stylishly rubbing his leg.

It would be very embarrassing if she noticed his leg cause how would he explain what happened to him.

"Additional schedule sir"Astoria asked reminding him

"Oh that?"he said and laughed

"Yeah that"

" Not at all no additional schedule"

"Okay sir"

Astoria was about to leave the office when she remembered yesterday he said he wants to talk to her.

"Yes sir you like wanted to talk to me yesterday" Astoria said walking close to him.

"Yesterday? Oh that? We should say it over dinner"

"Over dinner?"

"Yes over dinner"

"Okay sir then should I book the normal restaurant sir?"

"Yes please"

"Okay sir"

Astoria walked out of the office and sat on her chair. She wondered what he wants to say over dinner over dinner talks happens once in a blue moon.

He left first, and Astoria waited to finish her task for the day after she is done she parked her bags and looked at her luggage, she has totally forgotten that she has nowhere to stay that night she picked up her bag and left the office.

Ryan had already ordered but he only waited her to come, but then he doesn't even know what to say and why he invited her for a dinner maybe to show of his face.

Astoria walked inside the restaurant with her big bag abs small one but she struggled with the big one.

"Evening sir" she walking to him

"Evening miss Are you coming for the dry cleaner?"

"Well you can say that"

"I already ordered let's just eat"

"Oh yes sir"

"Astoria I....." he wanted to start talking but his phone rang and he looked at the screen. It is his grandfather

"Excuse me it's my grandfather maybe I should start living in the office it's more comfortable than home anyways" he placed his phone on his ears and walked outside

That is where she got the idea why can't she sleep in the office. No she is going to sleep in the office.