
marriage to Mr. Ryan

she is his secretary and he is her boss. his grandparents wanted his to get married so quickly to head a project. but she didn't have a single up to live so she got married to him on a contract

Okekunle_Goodness · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

blind date

She wasn't sure about what he is talking about when he said that they need to talk, isn't he going for blind dates again or he wants to add to her problems, she is really not in the mood for all his pranks and his disturbance this evening.

"Astoria are you still there?"his voice came through the phone and she came to life.

"Yes sir am still there"Astoria said sitting well on her bed with her phone placed tightly on her ears.

"I said we need to talk"he repeated, this time with a low voice.

"I would see you tomorrow then". Astoria said and nodded

"No today" Ryan insisted

"Today?" She asked surprised.

*What prank is he trying to pull this time?* Astoria thought within herself.

"Am sorry sir but am really busy, I think you should focus on your date let's talk tomorrow, bye for now sir" she said and cut the phone.

She out the phone and sighted, she walked slowly to the freezer to get water, she opened the bottle and slowly drank all the content.

She needs to fix her life now and not to worry about a guy who as all the world in his hands.

"She cut the call" Ryan said to his best friend and rested his back on the sofa and crossed his legs.

"She cut the call?" Harry asked surprised and also resting his back on the chair.

"And you said she likes me? How come she hang the call before me? Is that what women do to men they like?" Ryan said looking Harry with a angry face.

"Hmmm then she probably got angry for calling her late" Harry said sipping his tea.

"She did? Anyways I got to go grand father would freak out if I don't go" Ryan said standing up and adjusting his suit.

"I feel so sorry for you Ryan" Harry said also standing up

"I feel sorry for myself to, but anyways see you soon"

Ryan smiled at his friend and left his office to his date.

Astoria walked inside the store with her hood, she picked up some few things and also some expired product and went to the counter.

"I told you to stop picking up expired product Astoria I mean you work in one of the biggest company to one of the biggest boss, your should be as rich as fu*k" her best friend said.

The only friend she ever has.

"I know right? My life is so hard" Astoria said bring out her card.

"Why do you keep saying that your life his hard? I think you got the best life and no one is as brave as you I can do half of what you do babe" her friend said parking her goods into a nylon for her.

"Well it's nothing to be sorry about cause it's not your fault "

"Thanks for the daily word of advice I would get going now"

The evening breeze didn't feel well on her as she climbed the stairs to her house, she was so shocked when she saw her landlady knocking on her door repeatedly.

Immediately she saw her she ran towards her and greeted her profusely.

"Evening ma'am" she greeted as she rushed towards her.

"What is good about this Evening"Mrs Lee said moving close to her in anger.

"Is anything the problem Mrs. Lee" Astoria asked getting scared of what she hasn't said.

"Move out by Tomorrow" Mrs Lee said

"What?" Astoria asked but shocked and surprised.

"Why would I? I mean I would pay your rent and I would wire it to you now seriously Mrs Lee" Astoria said holding her hands.

"I don't care I really don't want to see you again just go and let a better tenant take the place" Mrs Lee said freeing herself from her grip.

"I have nowhere to go Mrs Lee" Astoria said in the mist of tears.

"I don't care just move out"

Mrs Lee . Took a last look at her and hissed Mrs lee walked away angrily leaving Astoria in a devastated state. She got really close to tears because she really as no where to go to and o one to turn to.

He sipped his wine again as the girl went on talking about how expensive her shoes and purse and clothes and stuff that doesn't interest him.

Is his mind it's there but he as to put in a good impression because of his great grandfather.

"Then they did not have Dior I had to travel to travel all the way to Paris to get one, it was so expensive but I need to look good"

"Oh" Ryan said and sipping his wine again

"Did I tell you about how I got my fingers fixed?"

"Your fingers?"

"Yes, after styling my hair at Japan they did not find the paint I want to I had to travel to......"

On and on she went on talking and talking without stopping.

even if she is the only woman that remains on the plant he would rather remain single, he does like women who talks a lot.

He checked his phone again to see if Astoria texted him, but she did not, he is really getting disappointed in her but he doesn't know why, he shouldn't be thinking about that now what he should be thinking about is how to leave the mess that he out himself to.

Astoria sat on her bed and bit her lips, she looked round the house and sighted, she has to park out but she has no where to stay.

She picked up her phone and Dialed her friend's number, she is not sure if her friend would let her stay with her, but at that moment she is the only she has. And she knows Nicole she won't ignore her when she needs her the most. So she had to call her.


"Hey Astoria"

"Nicole are... You ? Hello....." She heard someone in the background but she isn't sure how the person is.

"Babe you should stop placing your socks everywhere" Nicole shouted at whosoever she is with

"Babe?" Astoria said surprised

"Sorry Astoria it's Dave?" Nichole said laughing

"Dave? Where is he there at this hour?"

"Oh we live together, he is preparing for law exam so I told him to live with me and besides am lonely. But then why are you calling at this hour?"

"Nothing, just nothing"

"Really, good night then I need to cook for him"

"Oh good night" Astoria said and cut the call off.

So right now as from tomorrow she is really homeless.