
A girl with a dream more than a desire

She has a hope that one day she will be having a partner, a companion, a best friend who will make her enjoy and feel the essence of this world to the fullest. It was year 2016 when she predicted that the guy she was in love with would help her forget her sorrows and relive every moment. When in reality she was going through so many challenges that drove her into more pain. It was the time when she realized that this world does not know the true meaning of love.

Adria was close to her mother and one day she asked her,

"Hey mom, have you ever felt in love with dad?"

"Yes honey, I love your dad more than you can imagine. He made my life worth living by holding my hands in every situation", mom answered.

Adria has learnt from her mom that love is pure and natural. For love you must have a mental compatibility. She once asked her mom,

"Mom, do you really think without mental compatibility love can be found?"

It was that time when her mom remained silent for the first time and she got frightened, thinking that her question might have offended her.

Adria's mother always wanted her to marry into a family with solid background and happily nature boy. But she failed to understand that without mental compatibility her daughter would not be able to give or earn any love.

Adria was more into achieving her career goals than getting married but her mom and dad did not give her a choice to focus on her professional and personal development. They were under the influence of this society where a woman aged 25 would be considered as a burden if she remains unmarried.

"Adria my daughter you need to understand that if you remain unmarried for the next two years, you will never get a prince charm and this society will not accept you even if you hold a professional degree", her mom said.

For the first time, Adria got hopeless about her future because she don't want to have a husband who cannot respect her aims and goals. After what her mother said, Adria rushed into her room and burst out in tears.