
Marriage Law -- A HP Fanfiction

The infamous concept of Marriage Law in HP world has been a popular fan fiction topic for quite some years now. I myself found the topic intriguing from the very first introduction of the topic. But I have always believed, people change. As we grow up, we develop layers in our character. And I wanted a story that dealt with matured characters, not high school pass outs. All the original J K Rowling characters showed tremendous potential even as teenagers. In this story I have used my imagination to project these characters to a next level and along with a complex plot. However, I have kept the Concept of Marriage Law at the Backdrop. Coming of the Law triggers a ripple that spreads and affects the life of Hermione Granger in an unusual way. Just that, its not just a law for her, its a necessity. Initially I thought I would make this a Harry Hermione coupling... then my mind shifted to a Dramione mode. But after almost a year of thought, I decided to go on full realistic adult version. Hermione Granger is by far the most out of the box character J.K.Rowling ever portrayed. Its impossible for such a powerful witch to just live and die. She is meant for complexities and thats how I have taken my approach. This story will have strong sexual perspective, as expected from an adult book. But there is much more to it than just sex. Can a former death eater really change? Or his open life is just a cover for something sinister? Is Hermione Granger really a simple person or she too has hidden agendas in her life? Thirteen years after destruction of the horcruxes is Harry living a normal life or he still has some darkness tucked away in the deeper alleys of his mind? And what about Ronald Weasley? He has always been the underdog in the original book. But is he really an underdog? This book touches Harry, Luna, Ginny, Ron, Draco, Narcissa, Professor McGonagall and many other known names. But this is not a Harry Potter Originals projection. This is an evolved and matured version of more complex characters who live by their own agendas and expectations. If you are a Potterhead and you are open to walk the path of a never before ventured pool of ideas, come along.... join my world of imagination. Please comment and vote. I am eager to get inputs from you all. Love-- Author.

SohiniSanyal · Lainnya
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18 Chs

The Rejection

" I cant share Hermione with Ferret. I think I have to talk to the Ministry..."

Draco's brows frowned immediately.

What the hell does Potter mean by that?

Did he think Draco would actually let Granger proceed with her ridiculous plan? How can someone marry a Malfoy and be a surrogate or whatever to a Potter!!!!

Suddenly a flashback overshadowed Draco's thoughts. Which year was that, 4th? 5th? He didn't remember. Hermione was walking down the corridor of Hogwarts alone, carrying a load of books in her arms. It was almost dinner time and she was perhaps headed to the Griffindor towers from the library. Draco was on a DARE and his simple task was to trip the mudblood, be a gentleman, help her with the books and steal one peck. It was a big bet that day. All the boys of Slytherin were sure Draco would manage the DARE while Pansy and team were sure Granger would hex him to hell.

But Draco had his own selfish agenda.

Deep down, he always found Hermione Granger interesting. For once, he wanted to be close to her and touch her and feel the warmth she radiated. But as the Slytherin Prince, he had an image to keep, the image of a true Malfoy. And a Malfoy couldn't be fascinated by a mudblood. Period.

It was Draco's golden chance and he was obsessed with succeeding that evening.

Everything was going perfectly.

She came, she tripped, the books went flying but even before the books hit the air properly, Potter appeared from nowhere and with simple two Arresto Momentum spells he caught the books in one hand and the girl in the other.

Losing the bet didn't cause him the pain he felt that evening. The way Potter looked at Granger made Draco realize one simple thing..... their chemistry was beyond his understanding. His family may be feared but Harry was the one who was loved. The way he looked at her, the way she snaked her arms across his neck, the smile with which he grabbed her waist, the ease with which she let him hold her..... everything together crushed Draco's one small fantasy. He knew at that moment, so long Harry Potter or Weasley was there, Hermione Granger would never consider another man.

As years passed, his position stooped lower and lower and by the time Narcissa drove him away because of her, Draco Malfoy started envying her. It was not hatrayal but envy. To be honest, he had spent so many years being inferior to her, even at the Court when she chose him, he felt angry. It felt like a joke.... genetically best matched.... huh!!!!

But right now, he realized, those forbidden emotions were coming back.

Bloody Saint Potter.

Suddenly Draco realized, Hermione Granger is rightfully his partner and she owed him.

He won't let Potter ruin his chance...

This time, there won't be any Arresto Momentum... Draco will be the gentleman and steal his peck....

Draco huffed mentally.....

A mad anger started building up in his mind. Draco tried his best to suppress the beast that was waking up in his heart.... the imbecile, non sensible guy.... what did he think of Draco Malfoy?

But the more he tried to keep calm, more the beast woke up.

Hermione observed the tension building up and decided to break it.

" Harry, Malfoy..... stop".

Both their heads snapped in attention.

" I hope you realize Draco and I already have a child. Don't you?"

She thought Harry would take a step back.

Instead, he smiled.

" Oh yes... the IVF kid he had no idea about till some one hour back ? Luna helped you get his sperm ? Didn't she?"

It was now Hermione's turn to be shocked.

How on earth did Harry know this?

The name Ginny crossed her mind once but she immediately discarded it. That woman won't break an unbreakable secrecy bond. Then how?

Harry locked his eyes with Hermione and so did she. It was a battle of stares. None of the them wanted to take a step back.

A minute passed.... may be two....

And then she felt him close in her mind, at the verge of intruding her personal space...

How did he get so close to breaking her mental barrier !!!!

STEALTH..... has to be Stealth... amazing....

Hermione immediately pulled up the walls higher and smiled at him.

Ofcourse... the ruthless Auror Supremo....

But the question remained, whose thoughts he read.The amount of information with him would depend on that.

Not everyone was Hermione Granger.

Not everyone could stop him.

Not many people would even know he was infiltrating.

Narcissa looked worriedly at Harry and Hermione. Why weren't they breaking the stare... Why?

The only thing she was worried of was losing Mini to Harry Potter. She didn't believe Hermione Granger would ever choose her son above Harry Potter or even Ronald Weasley. But she wanted her to.... But was her fear coming to life and all she could do was to stand and watch???

While Harry and Hermione remained busy playing the Game of Stares and Narscissa ran a cold sweat thinking about her own insecurities, Draco Malfoy narrowed his eyes and observed the rest of the people.

Nobody noticed the stealth presence of another person lurking in the nooks and corners of their mind.... Draco Malfoy was called The Phantom by a selective few and they had their own reasons for doing so.

He remained expressionless but the information he collected within a few minutes was overwhelming. He didn't feel disturbed. Rather he felt relieved. His mother hasn't changed a bit. She was still the same old Narcissa Malfoy. She would retort to any means to get what she wanted. He felt happy. Thats his mother. And he was proud of her.

Hermione's guards were complex, but still he managed to take a sneak peak. She wanted to do an enchanted Bone Marrow on Missy. He didn't dare to linger long but his heart softened further for the brightest witch of the Age. A twinkle sparkled in his eyes although his face remained expressionless. He liked her. Like... forever....

And he would never let her down.

The moment he saw the Mudblood curse, he knew what was the antidote. The only problem at the point was the most important ingredient for its preparation. They simply didn't have it.

The twinkle vanished as soon as it came.

He may not have it.

But Potter did.

As Draco silently entered Harry's mindspace, he encountered the greatest void he had ever seen.

Harry Potter was tougher than the eyes meet.

His mind was darker than he perceived and was complexly layered too.Draco found absolutely nothing as he lurked in there silently. After a futile attempt, he silently withdrew. Messing with the wrong enemy would not be an intelligent thing to do at this point.

After a few more moments, Harry broke the Stare game and spoke softly.

" You don't need Draco Malfoy. I have the solution to all your problems.... "

Hermione looked at him weirdly.

Narcissa Malfoy shuddered mentally as she saw the softness in Hermione's eyes hearing Harry Potter's words. She felt nervous.

What solutions? How much Potter knows?

Harry suddenly closed the gap and instantaneously he was holding Hermione's hands.

" Do you still trust me like old times?"

Hermione looked. But didn't nod in agreement.

" Listen Mione, I can give you everything you have missed in life, give me a chance to right the wrongs I did on the night of the fall out... please".

Even before Harry could say a single more word, he was blasted back to the wall. Draco looked at him furiously.

" She is destined to be mine... she is my mother's daughter, my daughter's mother and I have always admired her. Dare not come close to her Potter.... she is soon to be Mrs. Malfoy and our women don't mingle with other men.

You have a family, a wife, a life.

What can you give her?

The life of a Mistress?

Your wife is her best friend. Do you want her to lose the only friend she has by being in her life?

Back off Potter..."

Hermione looked at Draco with interest.

Draco moved beside her, but didn't touch her.

He glanced at her wrist. The mudblood wound didn't bleed with Potter's touch. But it looked swollen. He felt bad. Bloody Potter.

For the first time in life Hermione felt happier with Malfoy by her side. She looked at him thankfully and cleared her voice...

" Harry Potter, it seems I made a mistake while standing by you in the Court today. I dont think you are the same Harry Potter I knew once. Didn't you notice Draco Malfoy remained my first choice ? I accepted to help you out only when you were stuck with two inappropriate options. And I took that step only because of Ginny, Harry.

I am soon to be Mrs. Malfoy and I should have consulted Mr. Malfoy before taking so big a decision. My bad."

Draco's heart was fullest to the brim.

He simply couldn't believe what Hermione said.

He wanted to check her mind but he restrained himself. If she says so, I will take it as she means so... He tried to pacify his heart, now galloping like a race horse.

Harry smirked.

" I can guess your reasons for choosing him Mione. But do you think an advanced and enchanted bone Marrow is your only option? Have you ever realized, the mudblood curse can be reverse engineered? Let's reverse it and once the curse is reversed, you can reverse Missy's condition too... think... I have connections Moine. I can help...."

Draco wanted to kill Potter right then, right there. May be his body language gave it away.

He suddenly felt a soft touch near his fingers.

She actually took the initiative to stop him.

Out of curiosity, his eyes darted to her hand. The wound was opening up. But she stood there, like a mountain.

Didn't she feel pain?

Was she mad?

Hermione Granger gave the craziest smile that Draco has ever seen in his life. And she conjured her wand from no where.

" You read mom's mind Harry. I got that. In that case, hear me loud and clear Harry Potter. I, Hermione Granger, reject any spousal bond with Harry Potter or Ronald Weasley in my full senses and I choose Draco Malfoy as my spouse.

This rejection be accepted and let the Universe seal the choice."

Narscissa looked at Mini in horror.

She knew!!!

And as she completed her declaration, a jet of violet light circled Hermione and Draco and Harry was hit by an invisible force, pushing him back, away from the duo.

Hermione gave a bitter smile...

" You forgot Potter, I was the brain of the trio. And I always know what I am doing."

With that Harry felt a compelling force on his body and he was back to 13 Grimmauld Place even before he could blink.