
Marriage Contract With My Supreme Alpha

[Mature Content! NO RAPE] Everly never thought her life would change so much by merely marrying Ivan, a man she barely knew. She had tied the knot with him in an attempt to save her ill mother, but what she wasn’t aware of, was what this man, Ivan Smirnov, truly was. A being beyond something she’d never for once imagined in her life. Just a few days into the marriage, tragedy struck. Everly's mother was cold bloodedly murdered in the hospital and as far as things had appeared, there seemed to be a possibility of Ivan being connected to the whole incident—a connection that Everly herself may not be willing to believe nor accept. As the dig into the case went deeper, she struggled with mixed feelings for him, in between her attraction and his secrets. What happens when Everly discovers what this man, her soulmate, was? Would she flee or be with him? And would she ever learn to love him or will she find herself in regret? How To Contact Me: >>>Discord: luna01704

_LunaX_ · Fantasi
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58 Chs

Everly is my mate

Everly stood on the balcony, enjoying the gentle breeze that brushed against her skin. The mansion was indeed massive, and she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by its grandeur.

Ivan emerged from the bathroom, a towel slung over his shoulder. He paused as he caught sight of Everly, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Enjoying the view?" he asked, a small smile gracing his lips.

Everly turned to him. "Yeah." she stared at him for a moment "Also….why does your smile look creepy sometimes?"

Ivan nodded, feeling a sense of relief that she seemed to be adjusting to her new surroundings. "Well, ouch, Everly, that hurt."

"Just saying," she laughed and shrugged.

Just as Ivan settled into the moment, his assistant, Sergei, knocked at the door, and Ivan opened it.

"Sir, may I have a word with you privately?"

Sergei, 5'8 in height, with glasses perched on his face, and a crew cut medium hair, stood at the door, his usual attire a black tuxedo suit.

Ivan glanced at Everly, silently excusing himself before following Sergei to a more exclusive area. Once they were alone, Sergei spoke up, his voice low.

"Sir, I have received a message from your parents. They are requesting your presence urgently."

"My parents? What do they want?" Ivan asked, his voice icy.

"They didn't specify, but it sounded important. They insisted that you come at once."

Ivan sighed heavily, rubbing his temples. He had no desire to see his parents, let alone deal with whatever nonsense they had cooked up this time.

"Fine," Ivan muttered reluctantly. "I'll go see them."

Among werewolves, there was what they called 'ranking status' A system that ranked alphas, betas, and omegas. There were the Supreme Alphas, the highest of the beings who were completely above standard alphas, very well known as pureblooded alphas. Standard Alphas even obeyed their commands.

Then there were the beta. They had it hard as they were basically viewed as useless. They were unfit for taking an alpha's knot.

Following them were the omegas, the weakest of them all. Just like supreme alphas and standard alphas, they produced pheromones and were capable of taking an alpha's knot. One could say, they were made for alphas. Sergei himself was a standard alpha, but he was below Ivan because, unlike him, Ivan was a supreme alpha.

Sergei nodded, leaving Ivan...

When Ivan arrived at the pack residence, several werewolves that passed by him bowed in respect.

The Smirnov compound was massive--too vast, with more than a hundred houses. It was housing hundreds and more members of the Smirnov Pack. The main building, a completely white painted manor specially for the supreme alpha, belonged to Ivan and him alone.

The mansion a bit distance to it's left side was Mr. Mikhail, his wife and Ania. At the right was the grand council/meeting room.

At the very center of the huge compound, was a tall wolf sculpted water fountain.

He was greeted by his father, Mikhail Smirnov, and his mother, Svetlana Smirnov, who led him to the meeting. Their stern expressions told him that this meeting was anything but pleasant.

As they walked into the massive room, they were met with seven councilmen seated at a long meeting table. In unison, all the council men stood up, bowing to Ivan.

He sat at the head chair, his father sitting at the opposite head chair, while his mother sat next to his father.

Ivan," Mikhail began.

Ivan crossed his arms, waiting for whatever bullshit his parents had in store for him. He was ready to go against anything they would say.

"What is it, Father?" Ivan asked, his tone guarded.

Mikhail wasted no time getting to the point. "So how are your marriage plans with Clorinde?"

Ivan's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He hadn't expected his parents to bring up such a topic. "Father, for the last time, I am not going to marry Clorinde. You all know damn well that she's not my mate."

Svetlana spoke up, her voice stern yet soft. "Ivan, you keep saying that, but when are you going to find a mate? Supreme Alphas are rare, and as one yourself, you must ensure that you have a mate for a chance to have another Supreme Alpha. It's fine, even if you don't want Clorinde; you just need to pick any Omega."

"What If anything were to happen to you? What would be the future of our pack? That's another reason you need to find a mate as soon as possible. The future of this pack is in your hands," his father added.

Ivan crossed his arm and spoke, "I will find a mate, but nobody will tell me who to marry or when I will marry. Am I understood?"

"Supreme Alpha," one of the councilmen added, but Ivan cut him off.

"Don't ever speak when I'm speaking if you don't want to lose that tongue of yours," Ivan threatened, his voice dripping with anger.

"Now listen here, you two. You might be my parents, but I will only warn you this time. Don't cross the line."

"Are you threatening us, Ivan? Your own parents?" His father's brow furrowed as he glared at Ivan.

Ivan got up from his seat and said, "Yes, father, I am threatening you. Now I have somewhere more important to be," he said before leaving the meeting room without saying another word.

Ivan stormed out of the mansion, leaving his parents behind in a cloud of anger and frustration.

The next morning, Ivan and Everly sat at the breakfast table, but Ivan's mood was noticeably grumpy. Everly, sensing this, couldn't help but ask, "What's got you all grumpy this morning?"

Ivan sighed, pushing his food around his plate. "It's nothing, just some work-related stress," he replied, brushing off her question.

Everly raised an eyebrow but bothered not to press further. "Well if you say so, these pancakes are way too good for me to speak while eating them" she knew Ivan well enough to know that he wouldn't share anything he didn't want to. Instead, she focused on her breakfast.

While eating, Everly suddenly remembered something. She told Ivan that she would be visiting her mother at the hospital.

Ivan's brows furrowed in concern. He still wasn't sure if Clorinde had informed his parents about Everly, and he couldn't risk anything happening to her.

"Alright, but Sergei will accompany you for your own safety," Ivan insisted, gesturing for his assistant to join her.

Sergei, who was standing next to Ivan at the dining table, nodded in understanding, knowing the situation.

He was the only other person besides Ivan who knew about Everly being human and understood the potential dangers she would face if word about her got out within the werewolf community.

Everly looked puzzled. "What do you mean by my own safety?. Don't tell me you're one of those overprotective husbands," she said, looking at Ivan with a raised brow.

"What? Of course not!. Do I look like an overprotective husband to you? He asked, his arms crossed as he looked at Everly. His voice was deep.

Everly shrugged. "Well, kind of, I mean, you're tall, insanely rich, mysterious, and hot. It's almost like every overprotective husband I've read in fanfics."

He facepalmed "Well, those fanfics are getting to your head, Everly. And also, did you just flirt with me?" He asked with a smirk on his face. "You think I'm hot, Everly?"

"No!. She said immediately, "I mean, yes, I think you're hot, but I was most certainly not flirting with you, nuh uh." She waved her hands in decline.

"Well, would you look at that? Your face and ears are pink. You're blushing "Evenly, could it be that?" he snickered

"Shut up, hmph," she said, taking a big bite from the pancakes she was eating and chewing in a grumpy manner.

"Now who's grumpy? How adorable." Ivan said, chuckling as he teased her further.

Sergei, who stood there all along, couldn't help but chuckle.

Everly suddenly looked at him and said, "Oh, so you're laughing too, huh? So it's a 2v1 now?" she said as she continued to chew aggressively.

Sergei flinched as soon as Everly noticed him and cleared his throat. "No. My apologies, Miss Everly."