
Marksman Executioner

This is the story of one man taken from his boring life in a blatant kidnapping to become a hitman across the multiverse. Will be cross posting this as it's redone and updated on scribblehub under Marksman Executioner, with some worlds planed out for simple but random destinations now after certain parts are reached for a world. Planned worlds so far are Shield Hero, Pokemon, Cyberpunk, Sword Art Online, Solo Leveling

BiazarKaiser · Komik
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17 Chs


As we teleported to the wave, I looked around with Naofumi and Rapthalia at where exactly we were. Meanwhile the three dick heads went to the source with no plans whatsoever. In the car background was Riyute village, however, so that means this is still a canon part. Although it seems I'm playing the hero part today, revving my bike's engines. I'm so fucking glad it got teleported with us. Driving towards the village while the other two ran as a quick response meant more survivors.

A blueprint from transmutation flashed in my mind. It was a useful one that could get me and Naofumi monster materials for our weapons from the boss. Constructing a scavenger drone through transmutation by Motoyasu. All while he ran away I watched as the drone attached its small frame to a piece of his armor. Looking towards Riyute Village, I gave Naofumi and Rapthalia a look as they slowly but surely gained on me.

They didn't like my bike due to my sudden kidnapping earlier, but they got on after I turned around halfway and scooped them up. With them on and the sound of an engine roaring with dirt being kicked into the air. Doing a violent u-turn after picking them up, we sped right towards the village gates. Being that I couldn't really see, I used the readily available human shield to bust through a part of the village gate. He could take it, after all although he bitched he still braced as best he could on my handles and broke the gate like a battering ram.

My bike ramping off the broken wood strewn about, as we soared into the air the three of us abandoned the bike midair. I of course stored it since it's still a good bike to use. With us doing so, however, we did avoid a sword nearly cutting through the steel frame, and engine which would've caused an explosion. Rapthalia though was already pouncing on a giant zombie that looked like an orc. Naofumi blocked a club that slammed into his shield from a second one.

In front of me were some zombie soldiers charging to try to cut me down, drawing my gun calmly. I felt the weight of a second version appearing in my free hand with it changing into the Vector form. As soon as I held the vectors, I squeezed the triggers, the sound of gun fire echoing in a steady beat of destruction. Destruction which could be heard over the roaring flames and death cries as the bullets explode upon contact with anything. Hearing the ratatat-tatat sounds of gunfire was calming, reminding me of the battles from before. From before this third world where listening to gunfire had become a reason to live.

Because as long as I heard gunfire I knew I was truly alive even if I ended up alone. I was surviving and spitting everything and everyone out for my blood by shooting them dead.

Stepping forward I slowly advanced through the village while shooting down the undead type monsters. A village was being destroyed around me, but I felt at peace, calm, with my mind clear as a smile slowly crept on to my lips. In my distracted mindset, a club met my back and sent me flying forward, reacting quickly through ingrained reflexes, I fucked in my head and knees. Becoming a ball almost as I'd control my rolling and bounce onto my feet when I was a certain distance from my attacker. The surprise attack was effective but its opening was wearing off quickly as I was already firing once more.

My body moved instinctively, closing any opportunity windows as they came. Monsters trying hard to murder me as I stood my ground. I aimed a Vector at an undead Ogre looking zombie and pulled the trigger when it's club was high in the air. The hand holding it being blown off as the club was launched into another monster squashing it against a wall. My second vector fired off and riddling a yellow jacket wasp the size of a person with holes as I looked around the area.

Seeing Rapthalia move about as if dancing with her sword cutting monsters down, and Naofumi starting a monster train. I in my infinite wisdom and bad ideas transmuted a segway from scraps of metal around me, got on and leaned forward as it moved surprisingly fast. My arms stretched out as my guns changed to Milkor MGL's. I still didn't know how to feel about the gun type, but I chased the Naofumi monster train. All while shooting off exploding mana grenades at the monster train. I probably looked comical riding on a segway with grenade launchers chasing monsters that were chasing a man. Yet it was mildly effective as the monsters focused on Naofumi due to one of his shields.

The villagers seeing us doing what they would call heroic, found their courage to try to stand up to the monsters. They did admittedly help keep the smaller mobs away, but when a walking rotting tank of a giant in full plate looking armor arrives ready to smash you. That's not a place for civilians to be, not at all. So we sent them on their way while Naofumi was stuck doing his role, tanking the hits of the full plate giant zombie with his shield and body. When the last of the villagers left, Rapthalia was already rocketing back into the fray while I sped along, on my mighty segway chariot, it was effective in the village surprisingly. My guns were replaced by the Grom, my rocket launcher which I had plans for.

Rapthalia did save Naofumi's ass from getting punted like a ball by cutting the giant's hands off of its body. I took that moment though and fired off a rocket at it, which may have been stupid given my ride. My segway and I did a backflip, with me landing on my feet while it impaled a zombie through the chest as it came down. That zombie was effectively pinned as the segway was difficult for it to just move or remove. My shot blindsided the giant however and sent it flying when the two were surrounded by shields.

Given that Naofumi heard the rocket fire and reacted fairly fast to cover him and Rapthalia. As while the giant undead went flying, so did shards of armor, and rotting flesh scattering around the area. The giant didn't get back up, seeing as how the entire right side of its body just got wasted by my rocket. Giving the two a thumbs up, I shouldered my Grom as knights arrived, lazily like they weren't in a rush, and started firing flaming bolts and arrows at us.

I sighed, getting down onto one knee looking down through my Groms' sight. I aimed straight at the mage knights, not in the slightest feeling bad for what I did as I pulled the trigger. As they just tried to kill us so they could go fuck themselves, it just so happens monsters attacked them at the same moment. Almost as if it was fate they'd die, I just could now claim that I shot to save them if I wanted. Meanwhile Naofumi guarded himself and Rapthalia against the attack, I just blew up fifteen knights while switching back to dual Beretta M9's. Shooting down arrows and spells.

The knights seeing a hero very readily just murder them to kill some monsters were surprised. Surprised enough that the knight commander wasn't interested in Naofumi surviving. He all but instead focused on me and started screaming at me.


"You're idiots for trying to kill us? When there are still monsters about. Really all there is to that. Although if you thought I wouldn't attack back for trying to kill me so openly along with Naofumi and Rapthalia then you're stupid. Why shouldn't I have returned the favor for such a blatant murder attempt."

Hearing my response, the knight captain drew his sword to cut me down, but a sword nipped at his wrist holding the sword. Rapthalia appeared at his side using her speed, openly glaring at him with quite a bit of hostility. The little stand-off didn't last long, as a pack of fresh monsters appeared. Thus forcing the knights who didn't like Naofumi, and definitely hated me, to work with the three of us, or die miserably like dogs in an alley. Patting Naofumi on the shoulder I motioned towards his shield, doing a running jump motion with my fingers, chuckling as he caught my plan.

Taking some distance from him and the others before running at him using my agility for once. I was soon above everyone's heads after I was flung into the air by his air shield. Spinning through the air with my cloak billowing around me I switched back to the Grom once more. When I was where I wanted to be, using my momentum I began falling into the center of the monster pack. Aiming down with the Grom I sang one line loudly as I fired into the center of the pack. As it seemed appropriate honestly.


The blast zone hadn't even cleared as I fell into it while holstering my gun as it turned back into a Berreta M9. Landing amongst the smog of dust flung into the air with a corpse crunching under my feet. I extended my left hand out and stabbed a creature in the head through its left eye. Revealing to have stabbed with a hidden blade as my gun changed once more. Pulling my arm back pulling the blade free, I spun around and sliced through a zombie's head with both blades. A blood trail followed the arc of the blade swings.

Bullets firing and leaving small but explosively deadly holes through a giant undead head. While I focused on cutting and shooting down monsters a giant wasp was about to skewer my side. Only it wouldn't be able to when a sword slash came from the dust and cut its body in half. With it falling lifeless to ground with black smoke from it, from the clearing blast dust Naofumi and Rapthalia appeared. Chuckling at the duo, I shrugged as Naofumi spoke one clear line. One that would make many laugh and groan at the same time upon hearing him. If they were here however.

"You played WoW didn't you?"

"Yes I did, I was mostly a blacksmith though."

Before long, as the flung about dirt cleared further, we saw the wave had ended as a small black and white metal bug looking creature flew to me. Rapthalia almost cut it down, but I caught it as the drone deposited four fangs, two horns, and scaled flesh bits from the wave boss into my hand. Looking at them, I gave some to Naofumi saying he owed me a favor for getting him some chimera material. While I fed my the rest to my gun, unlocking three neat little effects for all the various forms with a chuckle. Just the second world forms were unlocked as well, just restricted to "World Invasion" only by the Hero System to be fair for this world.

[Effect: Venomous Bullet - Has a 12% chance to inflict heavy poison damage upon hitting a creature.]

[Effect: Thunderous Cry - When you fire your gun, you have a 45% chance to cause a streak of lightning to follow your bullets. As a thunderous stunning effect rings out with a 26% chance to stun enemies.]

[Stoner 63 Variant: Flamethrower - CLEANSE THE WORLD IN FIERY RETRIBUTION!]

Wanting to see this new variant for myself, I switched to it as I drew my gun once more. In my hands that patchwork flamethrower the Cleaners in the Division games used appeared. Chuckling a bit, I pointed the gun upwards and watched a torrent of bloody red orange flames with bullets mixed in coated the sky before releasing the trigger. Letting my gun revert back the base form once more. Holstering my gun, once again with Naofumi looking at me. That all I could and would say was one simple line for the shits and giggles.

"Brother, I have the flamer, NOW WE PURGE FOR THE GOD EMPEROR!"

Naofumi facepalmed while Rapthalia looked so lost, gonna need to tell her jokes from our worlds. Remembering something else, however, I pulled out two modified sat phones that I made into ham radio's sorta. Handing one to them, the duo as they looked at me cluelessly. Though the Shield and Gun seemed to eat them automatically unlocking something.

[System Communication Unlocked]

Rapthalia still looked so confused. So I explained what I had just handed them to the tanuki. Naofumi looked at me with a small smile, while I grinned seeing him hide it while Rapthalia saw it as well. Making a third sat phone radio, just slimmer and compact, I handed it to Rapthalia. Watching as her icon appeared within the communication function, apparently Rapthalia's radio could patch into our system coms. Simply because she's Naofumi's party member. Honestly that's neat to know.

Just Naofumi will have to teach her how to use it. He seems to know that as well given he's looking at me as if I'm the worst person he knows currently.

The knights were fuckin off though with collecting what they could of the ones I blew up. Meanwhile the villagers returned from wherever they were hiding if they weren't fighting after the knights attacked. Which was a mine Naofumi cleared out sometime ago. The village chief stepped forward and spoke up to us, as the villagers bowed their heads while shouting thank you.

"Thank you Shield hero, young miss, and Marksman Hero you saved our lives. You lot actually bothered to help us, while the knights and other heroes..."

"While they went about sucking their own cocks and stroking their own egos for fame and glory? Yeah, they suck at their jobs if they can't even think of what they need to prioritize, because if that goes, they have no one to shower them with praise~. Also I'd have to kill them then."

My choice of words had people cough and stumble, but I just gave a cackle from under my mask as I saw that they partly agreed with me. Not about killing them but the other stuff. Eventually, after everything was wrapping up and the other heroes and knights were loading into carriages. I gave Naofumi and Rapthalia a ride as I made a classic Harley-Davidson Motorcycle, with side-cars added on. They refused the dirt bike and tank. I don't know why on the tank though given they could sit on it freely.

But with the more classical motorcycle and the side cars, the two weren't screaming or plotting to hit me. We did enjoy coasting along the plains and taking in the scenery as we followed the carriages to the capital. For the capital is where I can set the stage on Bitches execution. Although when Itsuki saw us from his carriage I swear he shouted something, but I didn't hear him. The sound of a motorcycle engine was just so loud you know? With the three of us, leaving the other heroes in the dust after a while with Itsuki probably screaming cheaters.

I listened to Rapthalia talk all about Naofumi as I drove. Our destination was the capital city as even though I don't think we are welcomed, the heroes must attend a celebratory party for defeating the wave. While I did have plans for it, I just wasn't feeling the party bit. Because fuckin yaaaay I can't wait to watch people be fucking clowns and dumbasses at a party…. Once we had arrived at the gates of the city way ahead of the others, the other two got off while I made our ride back to being air by storing it in my gun. My gun makes a convenient garage.

Just transmutation on this level is just fuckin broken to have, as I can make mostly anything I know how to. So frankly I love transmutation. As we entered the city though I hung around with Naofumi and Rapthalia mostly. Since we're all headed to the castle there was no point in ditching them so early. The Shadows that usually watched over us both merged together and began filling each other in on things. As I could faintly hear them discuss what to do if the king tried arresting me.

It was hilarious when I heard one of them whisper, "Just let the idiot get shot to learn his lesson because he's been a thorn in the queens' side." I almost randomly started laughing at that remark, that I had to give a poker face. All as I lowered my mask from it getting too stuffy from being on so much currently. When we reached the castle the three of us hung around in a corner as the castle staff set up for the feast.

The three of us outcast having the time of our lives together sharing stories, one story I shared was about finding an Automaton Werewolf stuck in a sex dungeon. Because a Wererabbit Automaton held them captive in the second world I've been to. Or we were just talking with each other as the evening started rolling in. The place had been mostly set up and ready so it was just a matter of everyone arriving now which the first to show were the nobles. Then the knights, followed by the heroes and their parties, and the king and princess, who took their sweet time.

While sauntering in all haughty with smirks on their faces knowing they were the real stars for many here. The party wasn't really interesting given that we three got mostly ignored but we enjoyed ourselves regardless. Meanwhile, I decided to teach Rapthalia how to make a compass using everyday items to navigate around. Her face was funny, realizing some of the things I was teaching her were some things she would sometimes not think about doing. Or just not think of using it to do something like making a compass of all things.

It was mainly like that we were having a fun time during the party while occasionally drinking. That is until Motoyasu decided to saunter over. Throwing one of his fancy white-gloves at Naofumi, since he probably heard that Rapthalia was a slave by SOMEONE and decided to speak his mind. With Motoyasu initiating a duel while a knight also challenged me because I had "dishonored" the knights. We both shrugged and decided to get this done with, not wanting to give into their goading. As Naofumi wasn't that annoyed with me around and just helping to take the edge off.

Needless to say for my match against some hard-to-say name fuck of a knight. She tried to act all self-important but as soon as I pulled the trigger of my gun, she was a sobbing mess. As frankly I wasn't showing any mercy to the female knight, I went with the intent to murder her and she couldn't handle that as she tried fleeing. Because I'm a Hero in everyone's eyes, I'm not supposed to be so ready to spill blood, that is how everyone else thinks. So I rather gladly defied that expectation as I first shot out her knees and watched her drop while yelping in pain.

Once she was on the ground I then slowly walked towards her and she shot a wind blade spell at me. I aimed at the blade of air and shot, the blade dissipating when my bullet hit it, as I now stood over the knight raising my right foot over one of her arms. Then without mercy, I violently stomped down onto it and heard the sickening sound of bones breaking, and piercing the skin as the knight wailed. She swung her sword at me with her good arm only for my gun to switch to the sawed-off version. Without looking as I locked eyes with her, I blew half her hand and fingers off as the sword was flung elsewhere. With it gone and subsequently her hand, I decided to point something out for her before I walked off without a care for the knight.

"You wanted a fight, I gave you one. So shut the fuck up and leave me be, after all you knights tried killing me first. Also chivalry is dead, this is war not a heroic fantasy where everyone's going to be "honorable" like fuck thats unrealistic given some of you knights helped enslaved your own citizens for money."

My only other objective was Naofumi's duel, so that was where I was heading and right as I arrived. I saw the bitch trying to cast something. Raising my gun still in its sawed-off state as I approached I shot the princess in the hand, splattering bones and flesh everywhere as blood sprayed from her new stump. The magic in her hand exploding as the wind made gashes in the surrounding area near her. She fell to the ground screaming right as Naofumi knocked Motoyasu on his ass. Giving Naofumi a short wave I left the castle with the occasional gunshot being fired, crippling a knight either temporarily or permanently.

As I had done a fraction of what I wanted before deciding to leave so knights didn't dogpile me. Later on I heard about what the others said afterward when a Shadow appeared with a report for me, complimenting my work of showing my dominance over the arrogant bastards. These people are fucking ruthless, I like such a work ethic. Just they also threw jabs at me for causing a political mess, one though that they capitalized on against the king.

The report had essentially the following lines in this order.


Ren: "Motoyasu, neither cheated in their fights with you nor that knight. Kaiser brutally ended his fight before the knight even had a chance. While he shot Malty's hand for trying to cheat by helping you win your duel."

Itsuki: "Ren is right, he was brutal but he kept it fair for your fight while ending his with an advantage. Although given his actions with the wave and now he certainly is not a good person, as a good person wouldn't do what he did. However, he is not entirely bad either from all that I know of him. I mean he rode a segway around during the wave, while chasing monsters and Naofumi, and free fell into a pack to thin their numbers . Although he murdered some knights… so he's technically evil but not completely which confuses me."

Naofumi: "He can be scary but he is a good guy, just that was a first to see him do what he did. Although, those knights deserved it honestly for trying to kill us, but I can't condone it completely. But I also can't deny he did it with justified intentions. Now Motoyasu, would you please leave me and Rapthalia alone? She isn't forced into this by me, but is picking this for some reason. As I've offered to free her a few times already and she's said no."

Rapthalia: "I am with Naofumi-sama because he saved my life, and has helped me in more ways than I can ever repay him for. Being his slave isn't out of anything else but wanting to be with him and to show him I wouldn't dare hurt him as you all did. Well Kaiser hasn't hurt him really… just messed with him like a friend."

Naofumi: "He is not my friend, he's just an asshole who decided to hang around."

Rapthalia: "whatever you say Naofumi-sama, As for Kaiser-sama in general besides being a friend to Naofumi-sama, he is a good man as Naofumi stated, but I could tell he has something going on and it's not fun for him entirely. He is stressed, always thinking, and planning out things, but right now he just wanted Motoyasu and the knights to suffer for annoying him. Although he definitely had plans that he achieved partially tonight. His eyes and mannerisms spoke the general truth of these facts when I interacted with him today, and just now. Even though he did some horrible things, he only responded to the intentions of those he shot."

Ren: "What intentions would those be?"

Rapthalia: "Bloodlust, arrogance, intent to drive him and Naofumi into begging for something. His eyes and the way he was acting said it all before he left, that he didn't like this whole situation, it was a farce to him."

Motoyasu: "Bullshit! He did it all on purpose! He cheated and nearly killed his opponent while falsely shooting Malty's hand off!"

After that, the spear hero apparently stormed off not wanting to hear any more of it. As his delusions of life and girls being angels probably weren't working out for him. Ren was the one the least phased and simply said good night to everyone else as he went to bed. Itsuki claimed I was a person that's a criminal, but also not one so he is once again clueless on how to handle me.

Naofumi and Rapthalia left the castle afterward, before checking into an inn while talking about me. So it's good to see at least the two are accepting how I acted and were being reasonable, the other two need their shit kicked in a bit more.