
It’s 6,500 won. (*REV)



Mark kept laughing as if there was no tomorrow, but tomorrow always came and with it Junseo.

He could see all the movement around the ice cream truck through some cameras, he could access the street cameras very easily and there were also those that were in the car itself.

Junseo was really handsome man to Mark.

It was as if Junseo was one of those men in Korean series, he fixes the position of his glasses while walking smoothly down the street, waits for the car to pass, takes one hand out of his pockets just to look at the time.

Sexy... Until he trips.

Why couldn't reality be as cool and exciting as those in the drama series on television?! He was a handsome man who had potential, but was clumsy.

Hyejin attentively continued to observe the huge skyscraper of the Kim family and what she saw was really scary, the man could have fallen to the ground with everything and it would be really embarrassing...

"Mark... The handsome guy is coming here... At least trying. "

He had seen it and it was a somewhat regrettable scene, ignore it, he remains handsome even with a stumble or two and then as if in a magic trick, or a bucket of cold water, Mark stopped laughing.

Even he was a little embarrassed, Junseo almost fell to the ground.

Silence settled between them again.

Well, it was a little bizarre to watch the person you were talking to a short time ago... Especially talking badly, suddenly appear coming towards you. She briefly observed the place where she was parked and if there was the slightest sign of a bug or someone lurking watching her and observing her... It doesn't hurt to check.

Of course there was. Two to be more exact. She smiled, briefly looked at the top of the huge building, it would be interesting if that was the work of Eunji herself.

Mark silently waited for some news. "Ask for his phone number!"

Hyejin laughed at the comment, did he want the phone for himself or for her?! "Look at his file, there must be his number and address somewhere... He must even have debts with loan sharks."

Mark, who didn't hide it, was surprised, but simply asked. "How do you know?"

Hyejin shrugged, she didn't know and honestly it didn't matter, that comment was just a stroke of luck. "It seems like I can now work by guessing things..."

Mark had the gift of the impossible, if there was an internet signal there was nothing he couldn't achieve. Really efficient and a phone was nothing, he found the boy cute... Get the phone and find a way to get in touch.

Hyejin couldn't care less about Mark's personal life, he could do anything if he kept doing a good job.

But it's curious the history she had with Mark, she met him at a small meeting of what the nerds of that game used to call the dark zone... Whoever was there didn't have good intentions... Usually it was just people selling weapons and deceiving people.

Hyejin had someone she needed to kill... In the real world. But she was completely obsessed with this game, so she just got the most desired thing in that whole thing, which was a rare sword.

The person she had to kill was wandering around this area looking for this sword, and Mark was wandering around just making fools of some people.

Well, he couldn't make a fool of Hyejin, but he gave her the weapon, half a dozen codes were enough to get it. Easy.

Honestly, it was one of Hyejin's easiest jobs, two days in front of the computer and one day shooting, nothing too exciting and MMORPGs could be good pastimes, she needed some effort to understand the game at least a little bit so she could pretend that she knew what she was offering was the rarest thing in that game.

Somehow, Mark was the hacker god of legendary weapons.

The execution was quite simple after getting the weapon and convincing the idiot man to see it in person.

She arranged a meeting with her target to sell him a rare weapon in the game... In a shopping mall, she must admit that it was exciting... He died with a bullet in the middle of his forehead while everyone just thought he was taking a nap at the food court table.

A burger and fries and a bullet in the middle of his forehead as a bonus. It was an easy job and very well paid.

She knew the place, so it wasn't a big deal, it was one of those open-air shopping malls and on top of that it was a place for rich people, who would expect a murder in a place like that?!

A small gun with a silencer and a 500-page book would really work wonders.

Since then, Hyejin and Mark never stopped keeping in touch and he became part of the business. Not completely, he didn't know too much, but enough to make the work go smoothly.

But they were in a partnership in one way or another.

Mark, who didn't want to simply steal Junseo's phone, just made up some random story... "It's not polite to call others without permission!"

Hyejin rolled her eyes... Go fool someone else. "As if you care about that..."

She briefly glanced at her reflection in the small mirror next to the ice cream freezer and made sure her wig was in place and... Of course, those stupid glasses.

Everything was fine and in a matter of seconds Jun-seo was staring at the wide and delicious menu of ice creams that only Sori 90 had.

"Hello, handsome boy, would you like any flavor of ice cream?"

The secretary smiled kindly. "I'll have the big lemon one and the small chocolate one."

"Sure, just wait a second."

She could hear Mark sighing in her ear... Honestly, how could she put up with this all day?!

Mark, amidst sighs of delight, declared... "His voice is really pretty."

Hyejin just pretended to be used to it... Thank goodness she kept her back to the customer while she got the ice cream... Finally returning with the kind and wide smile of an ice cream vendor, she then without delay took the two containers and handed them to Junseo. "Here's your ice cream: big lemon and small chocolate. It's 6,500 won."

He handed over the black credit card that Eunji had entrusted to him and Hyejin couldn't help but notice what name was engraved on that small piece of plastic, she really was very close to her target. She sighed in satisfaction.

Eunji wasn't her first target and wouldn't be her last, but they all had a distinct emotion, always full of adrenaline and euphoria.

Some less than others, like the guy with the rare sword... But honestly.

Is there some kind of... Some kind of... Magic?! Who knows.

She briefly ran her fingers over the name engraving on the card and quickly swiped it through the machine and then handed it back. "Here you go, here's your receipt for the purchase... Come back and buy with Sori 90 often."

Junseo took a spoonful of his ice cream, really delicious, that brand was very expensive and it was increasingly rare to see trucks of them scattered around the city.

But when he took two steps to return to the building, he seemed to remember something. "My boss asked me to ask if you come often..."

Hyejin was surprised, how could she tell him that she shouldn't even come back with that truck again?!

But stay in character. Smile gently and wave.

"I got this truck a little while ago and I'm still planning a route, but I think I should come here often. Why? Does she like our ice cream? The lemon one must be hers, right?!"

Junseo nodded, seeming to understand what she meant and then smiled.

 "Yes! Her favorite is the lemon one, she was happy to see that you were parked here in the park." Hyejin smiled, feeling strange, she was discussing the flavor of the ice cream that the woman she was going to kill liked.

"I see. I'm glad she likes it, it's made with great care." The secretary glanced briefly at his watch and was surprised at how fast time was passing that day.

"Well, I'll go..."

"Sure, go..."

Junseo hurried his steps and in a few seconds he had completely disappeared from Hyejin's field of vision and could even feel her heart racing and the adrenaline slowly fading.

She hadn't even gotten close to Eunji yet, and all that made her emotional.

Mark, who had remained silent for a long time, also seemed to feel more relieved now that the other man had moved away, but thinking about the conversation he ended up smiling and making Hyejin curious. "Great, now we know that you can kill her with an overdose of lemon..."

Hyejin laughed along with Mark, it wasn't a bad option to kill by poisoning, but she had already ordered the ammunition to be made with Eunji's name. "That sounds boring... I also don't like it when they say that women only know how to kill by poisoning... We can do worse."

Mark laughed. He knew very well that she liked to use her special ammunition, it was her little whim that she wouldn't change for anything and he didn't even know how it had started, but honestly it didn't matter anymore.

Hyejin let out a loud sigh as she stretched her arms and legs.

She had worked hard... Yes, it had been a good day's work.

She began to calmly close the windows and turn off the appliances, dusk was coming and she could finally leave that place and take off that wig.. "Mark, get the secretary's information such as: address and phone number and if you can get the last calls even better.."

Mark quickly began typing, retrieving the document he had just obtained. Truly fascinating, he had obtained all kinds of information about the man. "I already got it, you should read more of the sheets that I send you...."

Wasn't it you who said that I had to read the 5 sheets?!

Mark was supposed to work for two other people besides Hyejin, but she was his main source of income and took up most of his time, but it wasn't impossible to do small jobs for loan sharks.

 "Well, I don't just work for you... Eunji or Donghae must have paid Junseo's debt, it has some name written on it, it must be a fake name."

Once he came into contact with any information, he always saved it somewhere and he had countless HDs and SSDs with the most diverse information about the most varied people. Information was money, literally.

Mark continued to go through Junseo's information and saw something really curious.

"Junseo keeps in contact with Donghae.."

Hyejin, who by that time had completely closed the small ice cream truck and was ready to take it to the garage, stopped her movements abruptly. "He's Eun-ji's secretary and is in contact with the enemy?"

"That's what it looks like."

 Hyejin let out a loud laugh and finally sat down on the seat, grabbing the steering wheel of the truck and then putting it in gear. "This girl really is in a snake pit."

Mark let out a yawn, for him the day was already dawning while for Hye-jin the dusk was approaching.

He could hear the loud sound of the engine along with Hye-jin's soft voice humming some random song.

She was already tired of the wig and had an appointment, she wouldn't play spy anymore today and she knows that Mark is on a different schedule than her. "Just send me all the data we got today to my cell phone. Today's shift is over, go to sleep."

He smiled satisfied, already preparing his noodles in the microwave to finally go to sleep. "Is today the day to help out at the restaurant?"

Hyejin smiled when she heard the low beep of the microwave, for him there really was no bad time to eat, he looked like a bottomless pit. "Yes, tomorrow find a better disguise."

"Sure. No blonde wigs this time."

Hyejin was a particularly good driver, she would make a great getaway driver, she calmly stopped at a red light and watched people cross the crosswalk in a hurry.

The world really lived at a strange pace.

She observed the various people in ties and formal clothes, she had in mind what the next big step of the plan would be… Maybe she should buy new clothes.

 While the light didn't change, she listened to Mark watching some random anime while eating his usual breakfast.

"Mark, also get the security cameras. There must be at least 6 pointed at the building, I want the content of every day since she took over, there can't be much. It hasn't been that long."

 He made a sound of agreement. "Okay. I'll send it to your cell phone too."

"Great. We'll talk tomorrow, Mark."

"See you tomorrow."

The call finally ended, Hyejin took her earphones out of her ears and put them in the charging case.

She was tired of keeping them in her ears, she could now have a slightly more normal life.

The way home was relatively quiet, but an ice cream truck was attracting a lot of attention, so she needed to park her car in a private garage.

Her garage in this case... What can she do? Business is good. She watched the gate slowly rise and without much ado she parked in one of her spaces, finally she could take off that hideous wig. She grabbed the clothes she usually wore and put them on. She was ready to go home. She drove a motorcycle and it was carefully parked in the same place as always, that motorcycle was almost like a son... She was jealous. Well, just grab her helmet and speed up. The hunt for Eunji would begin soon.

