
Mark Kent: DC's Kryptonian Saiyan

Mark Kent, like his older brother, Clark, was born with superhuman abilities. It was evident by their physical features that they weren't the biological sons of Martha and Jonathan Kent, however, the two did not expect to hear that they were aliens from another planet. However, as the two grew older, Mark started noticing the differences between him and his brother, not just in appearance but in the way their bodies began changing with their powers. He realizes that he is growing stronger than his older brother, yet he is still seen as inferior. This angers Mark, causing him to feel both jealous and insecure. This all culminates in Mark attempting to break free of his brother's shadow. As for how far he will go, only time will tell.

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The members of the Team filled their new living room-- chatting amongst each other but still being divided between genders. Mark's eyes would often wander, sneaking a glance at the green-skinned Martian; every once in a while, their eyes would meet. 'There's just something about her,' he'd think. Unlike his attraction to Cass, this new feeling wasn't lustful-- quite the contrary.

Before those feelings could come close to being understood, a hologram of Batman appeared at the center of one of the living room tables, surprising a few members of the Team. "Is everyone present?" Batman spoke in his deep, raspy voice. Mark looked around, counting heads before confirming. "Yeah, everyone is here."

"I will send you all the coordinates to your first operation. We've sensed some sort of disturbance at an abandoned factory not too far off from your location. It shouldn't be anything alarming, however, don't take it lightly. Update us when you arrive."

Batman's hologram disappeared, leaving the Team without any more information. The Team looked at each other before immediately suiting up and heading straight to the location using their abilities or vehicles.

Before long, the team found themselves in front of said abandoned factory, however, it seemed to be far from abandoned. From the outside, they could see that there were multiple lights on and they could hear what sounded like a generator operating inside. Using his X-ray vision, Superboy looked through the walls, scanning for any life forms.

To his surprise, there were only two figures. A small, frail human and what appeared to be a hulking man, one larger than even Superman himself. Superboy called Batman, informing him of what was happening. "There's two guys in there. A little guy and an absolute unit. The big one seems strong, but nothing we can't handle. Should we engage?" Mark asked, praying that Batman would say yes so that way he could hit something.

"Yes. Engage. Be careful." Batman told them, immediately bringing a smile to most of the Team's faces.

Appointing himself as the leader, Mark flew to the front of the crowd before leading them to battle. "Let's go, Team!" He shouted before blasting forward into the abandoned factory, crashing through the wall as everyone followed.

One by one, the Team lined up next to each other.

Superboy, or Cerberus as he liked to be called.

Wonder Girl.





Miss Martian.


Kid Flash.

Seeing the Team formed in front of them, the smaller man jolted, nearly stumbling on the device behind him. He looked to be some sort of scientist, presumably working on the massive half-man, half-machine in front of him

The bigger one was an absolutely massive man, having muscles that were bigger than the entire bodies of some of the members of the Team. He wore nothing but what looked like a speedo, further showing off his muscles and completely hairless body as he took a step forward.

Trembling behind the hulking figure, the scientist shouted, "Kill them, Amazo!".

Amazo began charging forward, bringing a smile to Superboy's face. Like a missile, the Saiyan from Krypton dashed forward, reeling back a punch as he prepared to knock the bastard's head clean off with a single strike.

Beneath him, Kid Flash dashed forward as well, ready to demonstrate to the Team just how fast he was.


With an ear-to-ear grin on his face, Superboy delivered an astonishingly powerful punch to Amazo's face, creating a shockwave throughout the entire facility upon making contact. Unlike his twin, Superboy was not holding back, he didn't care if he killed Amazo, especially since he was simply a machine.

However, Superboy's smile faded upon seeing Amazo being completely unmoved by Superboy's most powerful punch, looking up at the boy with dead, cold eyes.

Simultaneously, beneath Superboy, Kid Flash was delivering an onslaught of Speedforce-enhanced punches to Amazo's body, making his way up his chest before delivering one final uppercut to Amazo's chin, doing absolutely no damage.

All of this happened in an instant, bringing both boys to look at each other before Amazo punched Kid Flash in the chest, creating a shockwave similar to Superboy's punch, and sending the speedster soaring through the air, past the team, and through a wall of the factory.

Superboy, looking back at his best friend getting launched, turned his gaze back toward Amazo, locking eyes with him. Without saying a word, Amazo began sending an onslaught of punches at Superboy's body, punches so fast it was almost as if he was using the speed force himself before sending one last powerful uppercut to Superboy's jaw, sending him flying through the roof of the factory.

The Team was stunned after seeing two of their strongest members getting wiped as if they were nothing. Aqualad and Static both looked at each other, ready to perform a move that they had practiced before. "Virgil!" Aqualad shouted. "On it!" Static replied before the two dread-headed heroes swooped around to opposite sides of Amazo before using their respective abilities.

Static, using the palms of his hands, began discharging blue electricity toward Amazo, grinning confidently as his energy grew brighter.

Opposite of him, Aqualad held his trident in front of him, using it to blast Amazo with a powerful stream of water.

The two were planning on combining the elements, effectively frying the beast from the outside. However, once both attacks struck the villain, he didn't move an inch, nor did he react. Both boys were perplexed, only to be further shocked when Amazo pointed his palms at both boys, firing water at Static and electricity at Aqualad.

Both attacks sent the boys soaring in opposite directions, further stunning the remainder of the Team. The remaining five, Speedy, Batgirl, Nightwing, Wondergirl, and Miss Martian, all rushed the beast in an attempt to take him down with numbers.

Speedy stopped just short of Amazo, firing arrows at the beast, all of which did nothing but deflect off of his body. Batgirl and Nightwing, using nothing more than their human strength and agility, attempted to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the beast, but of course, it was ineffective.

Amazo raised both fists, preparing to slam them down on the two members of the bat family before Miss Martian swooped in, grabbing both of them and turning them invulnerable for a brief moment using her phasing ability and causing the attack to whiff.

"Rah!" Wonder Girl screamed, sending a kick toward the back of Amazo's head. However, like Miss Martian, the villain turned his body invulnerable, causing Cass's attack to whiff and connect with Miss Martian in the face, sending her soaring toward the other side of the factory.

"Meg!" Wonder Girl yelled before Amazo grabbed her by the leg, using her like a weapon to strike Nightwing, Batgirl, and Speedy, all in one throw.


With an intense grimace on his face, one of pure anger, the Saiyan blasted back into the room with his red cape fluttering behind him aggressively. He was pissed, never having been embarrassed like that in combat in his life.

"Enough!" Mark shouted, delivering yet another powerful punch to Amazo's face. This time, however, he made the beast's face move, surprising everyone in the room. Unbeknownst to them, the Saiyan was getting stronger by the minute, through combat and anger.

Using her telepathy, Miss Martian began reading the monster's mind, hoping to understand his strategy and help her team.

Levitating high above the beast, Superboy began shooting lasers out of his eyes, causing the monster to block them with his hands in an attempt to protect himself. His skin was beginning to melt, showing a bit of his robotic endoskeleton before he too shot lasers from his eyes, clashing with the Kryptonian's.

'Copying: Laser Eyes.' The machine thought, revealing to Miss Martian what exactly he was doing.

"Mark!" She called out to the Kryptonian. "He's copying your abilities!" She shouted, causing the monster to make eye contact with her.

'Copying: Telepathy.' The monster thought before directing his gaze toward Kid Flash, who had just reemerged from outside of the factory.

'Copying: Super Speed.' Amazo thought, copying Kid Flash's ability without the hero even having done anything but think about running forward.

In a flash, Amazo zipped toward Miss Martian with the quickness of a speedster, grabbing her by the throat and holding her up against the wall. Due to only being able to use her phasing ability when concentrating at this point of her training, the Martian was unable to phase from his hands as he pinned her against the wall.

Unable to breathe, Miss Martian tried to pry apart the monster's grip looking past his shoulder at Mark who was still hovering in the same place. Amazo's eyes began to glow, in preparation to laser the girl's entire face off. Everything had happened in literal seconds, giving no one time to react to this attack, no one besides Kid Flash and Superboy.

Kid Flash hesitated, he hadn't fought anything with such strength before in his life and it made him afraid. However, Mark did not hesitate in the slightest. "Let go of her, you bastard!" He roared, lunging forward at the machine and delivering an incredible kick to Amazo's head.


Amazo fired the laser from his eyes, barely missing Miss Martian's face and melting a hole through the factory wall. Amazo released his grip on Miss Martian, dropping the girl to the ground and allowing her to go invisible and phase out of the way as Mark continued.

"Fight me!" Mark shouted, waiting for Amazo to throw a punch before dodging to the side and socking the bald beast in the side of the temple, causing him to nearly lose balance. 'I knew it.' Mark thought to himself, realizing Amazo's biggest weakness.

He wondered why Amazo didn't use Megan's phasing when Mark attacked, that was because he was already using the laser attack. Right after that, Amazo tried to use Superboy's punch and was unable to phase yet again. 'He can only use one stolen move at a time!' Mark said internally before locking his intense gaze on the beast's eyes.

"Strike me again, asshole!" Cerberus shouted, once again waiting to be attacked by Amazo. At this point, his rage was controlling him. Mark wasn't really himself at that moment, just a warrior who was ready to erase his opponent off of the face of the planet.

Amazo began charging his laser eyes, triggering Cerberus to clench his fist and send an incredibly assertive punch to the machine once again, one that created an even larger shockwave than before upon landing. This time Amazo stumbled multiple steps back.

"Now die!" Cerberus shouted, scaring a few members of the team with the aggression in his voice before sending one final punch, generating so much force that just the motion of it created a shockwave.


However, Cerberus's attack went straight through the monster as it was able to use Miss Martian's phasing ability. Cerberus's scowl turned into a look of surprise, however, that shocked expression soon turned into a devious smirk as Cerberus placed his other hand next to the other.

Having no combat intelligence, or any intelligence at all, Amazo returned back to a solid state, leaving the Saiyan's arms and hands inside of him. This was exactly what Cerberus wanted, continuing to smile as he began pulling his arms apart.

"I said..." Cerberus screamed, tugging his arms apart from within Amazo, the sound of metal bending and breaking could be heard by everyone watching. "DIE!" With one final antagonistic shout, Cerberus completely ripped Amazo apart, sending metal and what looked like synthetic human remains scattered all over the room.

Landing on the ground, Superboy exhaled before looking around the room to make sure everyone was okay.








Noticing one was missing, he began looking around more frantically, "Megan!?" Mark shouted before she appeared right next to him, placing a hand on his arm.

"I'm here..." She said shyly, relieving everyone in the room, especially Mark.

"That was... incredible, Mark," Cass said, looking at the Saiyan with admirable eyes for the first time in the many years they'd known each other.

"So incredible..." Batgirl parroted, never having known Superman's little brother was this awesome.

"Never seen you get that angry..." Wally added. "Kinda scary."

Everyone else in the room continued to commend him for stopping the bad guy, however, there was still one last thing to deal with.

The scientist.

Cowering in the corner, the scientist began begging for his life. "Please! Don't hurt me!" He begged as the nine members of the Team approached him.

Cass got the closest to him, putting on an empathetic face before bending down in front of him. "Awe... poor guy. Don't worry, we won't hurt you." She told him softly before that synthetic smile turned into an angry scowl. "Much!" She yelled before kicking the man while he was down.

After getting a few kicks and punches in, the Team called the authorities to get the scientist arrested. Apparently, his name was Professor Ivo, and this was not his first time trying to create a weapon of mass destruction. Luckily the Team was able to stop him before Amazo was able to develop any sort of intelligence, rather than running on programs.

Leaving the rest to the cops, the Team began making their way home via their usual means.

Side by side, Mark and Miss Martain flew together as the others traveled ahead or on the streets beneath them.

"Hey..." Megan said shyly. "Thank you for saving me." She still looked a bit shaken up, not expecting their first mission to be against someone so strong. She was still very new to this superhero stuff, barely having lived on Earth with her uncle for only a few months.

Mark smiled slightly. "Yeah, of course. We're a team, right?"

"Yeah..." Megan began trailing off again before deciding to make a move on Mark. "Um, Mark?" She said in her soft, timid voice.

"What's up?" He asked, looking over at her and noticing that like before, she was beet red.

"It is custom here to... do activities to get to know a person better on Earth, right?" Megan asked him, avoiding making eye contact.

"You mean like a date?" Mark asked, being equally as dense as his brother from across the multiverse. In his mind, she was just curious about the customs, not attempting to ask him.

"What exactly does one do on these 'dates'?" Megan asked.

Mark thought for a second, humming out loud. "Uh, sometimes you go to a movie or dinner or picnic. It just depends. Then you just sort of hang out, learn things about each other, and stuff, " he told her, still being dense.

"Oh... that sounds wonderful." She said nervously, starting to back out from asking him to take her on one.

However, the dense Saiyan eventually realized what was going on. 'Oh! You dumbass!' He thought before turning to Megan and asking her directly, "Wanna go on one tomorrow? With me?" He asked Miss Martian, surprising her.

Megan nodded, smiling at the hero. "Yes! I'd quite like that, Mark."

"Then it's a date," Mark replied.

With the date set, the two flew home together, both excited for what was to come.