

When a certain cat startes to vist Mari will he discover that he has feelings for her or will he ask a certain bug for help. (Adrians mom is alive in this book her name is Emilie but they call her Em)

lunareza20 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs



I could hear so many people talking and I could feel myself moving. I could suddenly feel my body jumping to something several times before it stopped. I could feel people touching me, putting, and taking things off my body. I could feel and hear everything, yet I couldn't move even an inch of my body.

So many things were going through my head. So many questions I have. And none of that can be answered while I'm here lying on something helpless with no one that hear what I'm trying to say.

What I can tell is that I'm in the hospital because I hear many voices talking about my heart rate and my pale face and how I get colder by the minute. I just wish I knew why I was here and why I can't move? So many things pass through my head, yet I don't know who to ask.

I know there is something wrong with me I can feel it, all my body hurts so much. I'm so exhausted I can barely keep my thoughts from coming. But I know I can't give up I know that I can't leave this world without a fight. I can't leave my family or friends.

But then again who am I to question life. Even if I try to stay conscious what if I just can't. Would it be alright for me to just give up and let the world live without me?

I felt someone poke me with something and felt something cold enter my body. Slowly I started to feel a bit better. I could hear many people whisper to one another. That's when I knew I was going to be just fine. What if I hadn't been fine what if I had died on this bed never getting my happy ending with Adrian. What if this was all for nothing and when my parents came they would have been to late and I would have already been dead.

I felt my self start to move once again and then lifted and placed into a more comfy surface. "Sir, do you think we should tell her family that she is in a comma or do we wait?" I heard some one say. "No we don't tell them until we know for sure. We don't exactly know what happened to her but I want her to get new blood make sure to get whatever was in her out for good," someone else said before I heard a door close.


I sat there helplessly pulling at my hair while the love of my life was in there probably dying. Marinate's parents got here a few minutes ago and my father was informing them what we knew. I looked at her parents and they gave me a sad look. Our parents also knew that we where the city's superhero's so my dad told them that I was the one that found her like that.

I stood up with my legs a bit shaky and went to the restroom. I looked at my face on the mirror and saw all the tear stain on my face. I wet my face a bit to try and make them a bit less noticeable. Plagg and Tikkie flew out of my shirt and looked at my with sad eyes. "Adrian, we all want her to wake and we will do anything possible to make sure of it. Either way Tikkie can feel when she's gone and as you can see she hasn't been in any pain so that must be a good sign." Plagg told me while hugging Tikkie. "Well then would you two like something to eat I know the food here isn't good but I think I can persuade them into giving me something good." I told them trying to form a smile on my face. "That would be great thanks Adrian" Tikkie said looking at me also trying to form a smile.

I wen't back to my family and asked if they wanted anything. My father told me that he was going to text Natalie and tell her to bring us all some food. I of course asked for some Camembert and a few macaroons for Tikkie and made sure to ask for food for my self.