
Manipulating Odds in an Apocalyptic World

A novel where odds mean everything. Olexia's life was just starting to get good when she got hit by absurd 1 in 495,000 odds and she ended up in an apocalyptic version of her own world. A world ruled by Gods and Devils and humans chosen as entertainment. Under some circumstances the Devil of Probability decided to side with Olexia. Forced to live and survive in this apocalyptic world came with a prize at the end, one simple wish. What would Olexia wish for if she won the price? Only she knows. But at least you can join the journey until then.

Ender_Peach · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Chapter 4 - Jinny

A woman in her early twenties, with long braided blond hair and green eyes, a college student with a healthy lifestyle, parents she could look up to and a little brother she could take care of, this is who Jinny was.

But as she went in for a normal health check at the hospital since she was experiencing abdominal pain and unnatural weight loss, she left the room with a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

With no previous history of her family line ever getting cancer, she and her family were devastated by the news.

The best thing that could be done with this type of cancer would be surgery. And while the doctors recommended it, it simply wasn't something her family could afford.

So the next best option at the time was chemotherapy, at first she was going to the hospital for chemotherapy sessions every three weeks staying there for only around four hours per session and even though she had to sacrifice some college classes it was necessary.

Jinny also started taking chemotherapy drugs to help with striking the tumour and spreading the cancer cells.

She started getting nauseous often and losing her hair due to the chemotherapy and the drugs.

And even though at the start it wasn't so bad, it got worse.

The chemotherapy didn't seem to work so Jinny started going more often, up to twice a week and the sessions got longer, she would spend half of her day at the hospital when she had a session.

She started eating less and losing even more weight, she started taking drugs for her nasua and even more pills full of vitamins, doing anything she could to stop the tumour from growing.

She lost all her hair and was now spending most of her time at the hospital, her friends and family would come to visit her daily. But her morale was still falling fast.

Jinny started to hate herself, her face her body the clothes she wore and even her personality and she completely stopped going to college.

Nothing she was doing was making her happy. All the hope she had was that if the tumor was to shrink enough she could go back to how her life was.

She started having even more sessions, sometimes her whole day was just one very long chemotherapy session.

She didn't want to get seen by anyone as she would just end up thinking they were pitying her.

She was exhausted all the time despite barely doing anything.

And even though she was doing all she could, life wasn't fair to her.

Her tumour continued to grow and the cancer continued to spread, her odds of survival were getting thinner and thinner by the day.

And on her last days, the only people who were there were her family.

And with her family by her side, on her death bed and as she was tearing up she said nothing more nor less than just "Don't forget me."

It was a long and painful journey to her death, emotionally and physically.

She was completely fine passing on to an afterlife if there was one.

Since even though she couldn't do much in her last days. She thought that maybe if she were gone at least her family wouldn't have to worry about her anymore.


Though just like everyone else in this cursed apocalyptic world, instead of passing on peacefully.

She got transported into it, but in this world, she no longer felt nauseous all the time, her figure was back to her former glory, her long and beautiful blond braids were back, and her blue eyes were shining with hope even though the world around her was ruined.

She felt more energetic and ready to live than ever before.


Jinny listened carefully to the speech since she wanted an explanation as to why she was alive yet again.

She was looking around, noticing all the weird monsters nearby and the weird tentacles that seemed to just exist.

After the Gods and Demons finished their speech, just as they promised a low-tier god appeared before Jinny, in the form of a mirror.

"Hello, dear mistress." The God spoke elegantly in a woman's voice. "I am the God of Illusions, you may call me whatever you wish, but I prefer getting called Illy." Illy said now right in front of Jinny's face reflecting it.

"Um, hello Illy. My name is Jinny nice to meet you." Jinny replied, still a bit confused about this whole situation.

"Happy, to meet you, Jinny. I assume you listened to the speech well, if you didn't I'd be happy to help you clear out any misunderstandings." Illy added in a relaxed and calm tone.

"I think I listened to the speech well... You're my companion right?' Jinny asked for confirmation.

"You're correct Jinny, together we will be adventuring in this ruined world. I'm not quite sure what your capabilities are, but we'll explore them together and do our best to become the best version of ourselves." Illy happily explained.

"What kind of capabilities?" Jinny asked.

"Mostly evasive and fighting." Illy replied.

"Oh, well I don't know exactly how good I am at any kind of fighting style but I should be able to evade stuff pretty well." Jinny explained enthusiastically.


Jinny and Illy talked for a long while before actually deciding to test Jinny's capabilities.

Jinny mostly talked about her life and she was glad there was someone who would gladly listen to her no matter what she said.

After the long conversation, Illy decided to test Jinny so she created a fake knight and also created a sword for her that was able to interact with the knight.

Despite not being very active in the last few years of her life, Jinny was actually pretty agile and she learned the basics of a sword pretty quickly.

No monster came to interfere with Jinny's training.

After that Illy explained what channels are and Jinny immediately agreed to ally up with other people.

So after setting up a collaboration with Olexia and Peach, they started moving towards the meeting location.

Hope you liked the sad backstory :)

Thanks for reading the forth chapter of MOAW, add this novel to your library if you enjoyed the chapter and feedback is always appreciated.

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