

Promise_Sholotan · Seni bela diri
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3 Chs

ch2" touch”

Can you please tell me what I did? I pleaded with the voice that visit me everyday ,at least once a day.

I had my ankle tied with duck tape as well as my wrist. I wasn't allowed to takeoff whatever was on my face . I tried to before but I guess there is some camera here or something because it immediately sensed in some way that I was trying to takeoff whatever I had and it punished me.

I was told not to try anything again that it would know If I'd try anything so I didn't try anything knowing the consequence would be unforgettable .

"why would I do that" the monotone voice told me, I swallowed my anger trying to control me , I wasn't going to lash out.

Because I can't find any reason of for you to keep me here. my voice came out desperate , technically I was desperate.

"Oh trust me " there is " was all it said before leaving me alone again, my thought getting better of me making me feel like my grip on insanity loosened more since the last time he came here.

God ! please help me " I begged the heavens above.

;:;:;:;;:;::;:;;:;;;::;;:;::;;;;;::;::;:;::;:::;::::::;:;:;:;:::;;:;::;::::::::;;;;;;;;;::;:;:::::::"Are you ready to part-ay"" Ron said ecstatically as he parked the car outside the large lake house.

I nodded my head as eagerly as his mood .

Born ready " we opened the door at the same time and made our entrance to where the booming music invaded my ear.

Surprisingly enough ,there weren't many people out here. about five people at most but it seem like no one else wants to leave the party.

once we reached the front door , Ron held my arm and squeezed it.

I turned to look at him and saw his big smile near his almost perfect face.

After you M'lady . he gave me a small push towards the door with his shoulder.

As I opened the door , immediately the deafening music became ten time louder!

"Wow this is great , I muttered to my self so far it just as I thought it would be.

I pushed the door all the way open and was greeted with the color red!


I woke up heavily breathing, its hurts , my chest really hurt. the memory from two weeks ago wasn't helping me.

I was so mad for ruining my first experience at highschool party. why did this have to happen to me.

what have I done wrong , wasn't I a good person or at least I tried to be. I don't think I have done something bad enough to deserve this punishment.

the fact that I don't know who is it or any hint.

The only thing I remember is that they have smooth and calloused hands . that was only from one experience . I have been trying to escape, well its more of just throwing a tantrum. Anyways I threw my self on the floor, the thing is that I was tied to a chair so it hurt like a bitch . As soon as it happened it broke in to my solidarity confinement.

It was cussing at me as it always wear gloves whenever they are around me. this time however, it didn't have any, probably from the hurry get to me before I took my blindfold off , which by the way was a duck tape and a blind fold on top.

It picked me up aggressively , and all I could focus was the feel of it hand on me . it wasn't feel of cool or too hot leather from their gloves anymore , no I was actually skin to skin. something I didn't think will never happen with it.

since then they haven't touched me skin to skin , at least .

However I wasn't longer tied to a chair but I have one hand handcuffed to a metal bed with almost nonexistent mattress. I'm grateful that I'm not more longer on the dammed wooden chair.

"Dinner time" . I heard the sound of a heavy door being opened , then I heard a tray hit the floor and it slid then it hit my barefoot.

I was quick to pick it up from the ground before the rat beat me to it , I have learnt my lesson.

As it left , I began to feel the hollowness in my heart, I miss my family, I miss my dad.

I started to eat and tried not to spit out the food it fed me, this was the only food I would get , it fed me enough on his daily visit three small meals that are barely edible.

After ten bites , I couldn't take it anymore , I decided to "go to sleep" truth to be I laid for hours until I fell in some sleep that is possibly for one or two hours before being woken up by it . maybe someday I will go back to my normal life , I refuse to believe that I won't break out of here .

even if I have to kill it , that how desperate I am to get back to my dad and Ron.

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