

DoritoBorito · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Introduction to the lipothymían Empire

Everyone(Besides Hoku) was sleeping until they all woke up after Hoku used his electrokinesis to shoot a loud lightning blast at the ground to wake all of them up, everyone except Aleksander "Could you not find another way to wake us up?!" Andriana would yell at Hoku "Yea!" Shinji and Jay would also scream at Hoku "It seems like someone is still sleeping huh?" after Hoku said that everyone would look at Aleksander loudly snoring "I will take the task of waking him up" Shinji would say in a mischievous tone "No I am the teacher, I should wake him up!" Hoku would tell Shinji in an angry voice "No me!" Adriana and Jay would say, Everyone would start arguing about who was waking him up until Aleksander would say "Can you guys shut up for a second, can't you see? I'm trying to sleep!" Aleksander would say tired and angry "Good job! now no one can wake him up!" Shinji would say angry tone knowing how funny it would be.

"Now that everyone is awake, I will announce that we have our first mission, the elder said with her future sight, she saw 2 powerful enemy warriors of the lipothymían Empire trying to attack and invade Gorthos, our mission is to protect the borders of gorthos and lipothymía to make sure they don't get anywhere close to gorthos, Alright?" Hoku would tell everyone, then Everyone said "Alright" They would make their way to the borders, 20 Minutes would pass and Jay would start to get annoyed "Why is this taking so long" he would say in an irritated voice "Stop acting like a child and be patient" Hoku would say even more annoyed than Jay.

After 10 more minutes of traveling their way to the borders of The Lipothymían Empire Border They would finally arrive, when they arrived every student was amazed at what they were seeing, Even though it was daytime in Gorthos, it was nighttime in Lipothymía "But how? Isnt is supposed to be daytime for them too?" Aleksander would ask surprised, and Hoku would answer by saying "Well... we don't know either, it is one of the mysteries of the world" All the Students would look fascinated at the sight of it being daytime in gorthos but nighttime in Lipothymía "Before we get distracted, Let's prepare, They're coming soon" after 20 minutes of waiting for the Lipothymían enemy warriors All the students would get annoyed of waiting for so long "did that damn old lady lie to us?!" Adriana would say enraged, Hoku would get a little annoyed at what Adriana said and would tell her "Don't disrespect the elder" "Yeah right, like the elder is helpful at all" Adriana would say still mad "Will you just Shut u-" Hoku would say before being interrupted by a blue flame blast hitting Shinji "there he is, now stop complaining" Hoku would tell Adriana, Adriana would trap The enemy in a large venus flytrap "Now tell us who you are" Adriana would say confidentially.

The Lipothymían Warrior would open his mouth wide "What is he doing?" Jay would ask, then a blue fireball would come out of his mouth, hitting Aleksander "My name is Agni, Commander of 5 armies in the lipothymían Empire, Step out of my way before I kill all 5 of you" He would say in a Russian sounding accent "Id like to see you try" Hoku would create a lightning blade and try slashing Agni, Agni would continue to dodge his attempted strikes and hit him with a (blue)fire beam which would send him flying away, Jay and Aleksander would attempt to attack back him by shooting a light beam at him, which Agni would dodge the beam, Aleksander would try getting behind Agni but he would make a fireball on his hand and slam it into his ribs which would break 2 of Aleksander's ribs and would also knock him back pretty far, Adriana would spawn a Large daisy(flower) behind him to stop him from flying back any further, Adriana spawn another venus flytrap using it to stun him, But Agni used his blue flames to easily burn the plant and would throw a barrage of fire blasts at her, which would knock her out on the ground.

Shinji took his chance to have a turn against Agni and would try and use a sword beam to attack Agni, Agni dodged but didn't realize Aleksander was next to him and suffered a slash on his back from Aleksander's claws, Agni groaned in pain but would try and continue the fight but Shinji appeared next to him and repeatedly used his sword to slash him, Jay dash at him at the speed of light using his photokinesis(light powers) and would punch him as hard as he could which would send him flying back, Adriana would summon a tree out of the ground which would make him unable to move and stop flying back and Hoku would get into the fight, seeing how good his students were doing, he wanted to end the fight.

Hoku would summon a thunderbolt out of the sky to finish Agni off "Good job everyone, We finally defeating this lipothymían" After Hoku said that, Agni would with a tired voice say "Not.. Yet..." Agni started getting a Blue fire aura and burning the tree, he summoned a very large fire blast which sent all of them flying back, and Hoku would try hitting him with lightning bolts which Agni dodged and he retaliated with a small fire beam which would create a hole in Hoku's chest, because of the hole in Hoku's chest, Hoku would be knocked unconscious and then...