
First Conflict

The following weekend, Jody, Dec, and Jamal decided to venture further into the outskirts of the city, seeking a quieter place where they could test their abilities without drawing unwanted attention. The dense woods provided a perfect secluded area, rich with the scents of pine and earth, a natural refuge from the bustling city life.

As they walked deeper into the forest, the sound of the city faded into a distant hum, replaced by the chirping of birds and the rustle of leaves. Jamal, ever vigilant, led the way, his senses attuned to the environment.

It was Dec who first noticed something unusual. "Do you guys feel that?" he asked, stopping in his tracks. The air felt charged, heavier somehow.

Jody nodded, her senses tingling with a mix of anticipation and caution. "There's magic here, strong magic. Be on your guard."

They proceeded with increased alertness, Jamal sniffing the air and occasionally pausing to listen. The forest seemed to grow denser, the trees towering and imposing.

Suddenly, Jamal emitted a low, warning growl. From behind a thick copse of trees, a creature emerged, its eyes glowing with a sinister red light. It was unlike any animal they had seen before—a large wolf, but with scales glittering along its back and unnatural speed in its limbs.


Jody's heart raced as the scaled wolf snarled, its stance aggressive. Dec instinctively stepped in front of her, drawing a small knife he'd started carrying since the Nexus Event.

"Jody, try to weaken it. I'll hold it off!" Dec shouted, his voice steady despite the palpable tension.

Focusing her mind, Jody extended her hands towards the wolf, her palms glowing with a silver light. She envisioned sapping the creature's strength, her magic weaving through the air towards it.

The wolf paused, its movements becoming sluggish. Dec seized the opportunity to distract it, throwing rocks and branches to divert its attention.

Jamal, not one to stay on the sidelines, leapt into action. With surprising agility, he maneuvered around the wolf, his actions a blur, creating openings for Dec to keep it at bay.

Jody intensified her efforts, the silver light growing brighter. She could feel the drain on her own energy, but she persisted, determined to protect her family.


As the wolf's strength waned under Jody's debuffs, Dec found an opening. He feinted to the left and then darted forward, using the flat of his blade to nudge the wolf back further without injuring it. The creature, confused and weakened, stumbled, its snarls turning into whines.

Seeing the change in the beast, Jody lessened the intensity of her debuff, not wanting to cause undue harm. She approached cautiously, her hands raised in a gesture of peace.

"Shh, it's okay. We're not here to hurt you," she soothed, her voice soft. The wolf, its energy diminished, looked at her with a mix of wariness and exhaustion.

Dec kept his distance, watching as Jody communicated her intentions. Slowly, the wolf's posture softened, the glow in its eyes fading to a gentle amber.


With the immediate threat subdued, they took a moment to assess their surroundings. The wolf, now calm, seemed almost curious about Jody, its gaze lingering on her with a newfound respect.

"This was a test," Jody murmured, stroking the wolf's head gently. "Not just for us, but for it too. There are going to be many such challenges ahead."

Dec nodded, sheathing his knife. "We need to be prepared. More prepared than today."

They decided to head back, the encounter leaving them with much to consider about the evolving world. As they walked home, the bond between them—Jody, Dec, Jamal, and now, perhaps, a new ally in the wolf—felt stronger and more necessary than ever.

That night, Jody recorded the day's events in her journal, her words tinged with a mix of awe and determination. They had faced their first real test since the Nexus Event, and though it was daunting, it was also a profound reminder of their strength when united. The path ahead was uncertain, but Jody knew they were ready to face whatever it might bring.