

The arguments were initially about what Zeno did but it eventually stirred off course, as they begin verbally attacking each other all due to one remark

"Stop acting like you haven't made mistakes before!" Zeno screamed at Elding

Everyone in the room got quiet and looked away from Elding. They all knew that he had done some crazy stuff in his life so they couldn't even defend him

"hehe, look at you guys already forgetting about the problem at hand. he's talking about mistakes but his so called "mistake" could have very well killed us"

Everybody else stayed quiet they knew that Elding had spoke the truth

"So what! don't act like none of y'all haven't created tough problems for all of us that could've very well killed us damn punks!" Zeno couldn't hold in his anger he decided to call them a few names

Aye….you should all calm down" Que suddenly said as a bottle of beer suddenly appeared in his hand, they didn't ask him for one after all they had already drunk enough during their entrapment they even noticed that he had an endless amount of alcohol that they were almost repulsed by

"Calm down?! calm down!!? why would I calm down, maybe we'll just go back to making fun of you because of your alcohol addiction, you goddamn junkie! just get out of here you don't even know what it is to hold a meaningful conversation anyways" Zeno yelled

Que didn't even seem to know that he was being yelled at as he simply stumbled away

"Hey don't come at him like that, you know why he became like this!" Hermes suddenly said as he wagged his finger in front of his Zeno's face

"And don't get me started with you, you goddamn weakling if Sirus wasn't so occupied you would be the lowest of the low ha! I can't even be bothered to look at you just get out of my face" Zeno scoffed as he turned his head and waved his hand lightly as a way to send Hermes away

Hermes just got more and more angered by this he couldn't believe that Zeno was shooing him away like a dog

Arguments went back-and-forth with no signs of ceasing it was literally an endless argument that couldn't be stopped by normal means

Meanwhile on the surface the leader of the group had finally stumbled upon the travel tunnel although he could easily see its giant figure as soon as he stepped into the city he decided to look around before he went there

He moved along the tunnel before he arrived at the activation port it was still mostly intact to the point where the panel could still be turned on but the tunnel had no way of functioning anymore unless it was repaired

He quickly turned it on and went to the list of recently sent out deliveries of people but he was merely only able to see a date but not the name of the item or any other information, it required higher access

he quickly deduced that the target took to travel tunnel the date gave it away afterall the last activation matched up with when Elizabeth and the rest arrived at the northern storms sky City

He knew of a way to override the access but he needed a device which he had, after all he was an assassin made to follow orders and complete missions what absolute efficiency so he was prepared for anything

He took out a device that looked like an old telephone without the phone it had the base part with the buttons and everything but instead of the phone being there it was a long screen dangling and from it was a tree tipped charger that he instantly stabbed into the underside of the port activation device

After a while the screen appeared on the device with a charger like symbol that show the percentage it was labeled as "memory transfer 10%" as the time that it would take to finish jumped from one hour to 10 hours then to two days and then back to one hour repeating that cycle it was obvious that he would have to stay there for a while


Within all the techniques he still had some martial art skills although the techniques would be more useful as his rank rises he was still mainly using his body and it was his second strongest attack so he wouldn't let it fall behind

He laid out a few dummies as he used some sort of muddy material to make them stick to the ground they were all solid metal dummies so he could exert his full force on them or so he thought

He merely punched using a slightly powerful martial art technique and a dummy Instantly gained a hole in its abdomen before the rest of it figure crumbled and fell to the ground

"hmmm.." he thought about it for a few seconds before he went to the kitchen grabbed Enzo and brang him back

"Here make these dummies stronger" he wanted to take advantage of Enzo's enhancement type skills

"Look you know this type of skill takes a toll on me, you know maybe a little something will restore my energy" Enzo said as he showed a pained expression

Enopy merely looked at him coldly before he said "I have already finished all the pills what more can you possibly want from me"

"Let me get some blood, Enzo stated but Enopy quickly showed a confused expression "wait do you have a technique like mine?" he asked

"No but a little research could solve that if I need it, each cart of blood holds a high concentration of mental energy so as you know it will be very beneficial to me" Enzo stated

Enopy thought for a few seconds before a cart of blood landed gently on the ground that Enzo quickly engulfed and sent into his separate space far away from Para or any other being within

He then absorbed all of the metal training dummies his slime easily swept through the floor and loosened the mud grip which caused them to easily slide into his body

"Give me a few minutes" he said as he waddled out the room

About 30 minutes later he came back looking fully relieved as he done spat out about 30 metal dummies that seemed to have an obsidian like color but it was way stronger than that and they could easily withstand Enopy attacks without a scratch at least when he just practiced martial arts

Suddenly a lightbulb lit up in Enopy's mind

"Hey can you upgrade the bots?" He asked genuinely

"Well yes, and no I would merely be able to upgrade the outer materials, other than that the inner workings and everything else would have no enhancement due to my lack of proficiency, I would have to do a deep dive into the functions and inner workings before I could attempt to fully upgrade a bot" Enzo stated as he rubbed his chin and spoke solemnly

"OK" Enopy said as he sent Enzo away

"I can still get him to upgrade the outer parts just for some more defense, but it's fine for now, right now I just wanna train these skills he thought in his head as some other ideas formed