
Man lost in Infinity

During Luke Silver's last year of high school, he stumbled upon a captivating book at the library. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it. Little did he know that as soon as he opened the book, a peculiar thing happened - his eyes closed. When he reopened them, he found himself in the body of a boy named Lucke, residing in the human kingdom of Kanull in a whole new world. In this strange world , Luke discovered that the world was a vast place, home to seven different races. It was a world where he encountered magic, witnessed the incredible advancements of technology crafted by the elves, and marveled at the artifacts created by the divine gods themselves. However, amidst this wondrous discovery, Luke also came to realize that humans occupied the lowest position in the societal hierarchy. They were confined to the lawless kingdom of Kanull, struggling to survive.

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25 Chs

Unknown individual

A while had passed, and in the end Ivy was the one who got in trouble. The only reason why we didn't get a beating is because she was told not to ever go into the sewers again, and she was the one who found the entrance to it. I am sure in Emma's mind, she is in the most trouble for allowing us to go there with her when she could have easily stopped both of us from going after being warned not to go there, but she didn't.

The wooden door was opened, and slowly Emma exited the room. From inside, Lucke and Cleo could hear Ivy crying while Emma stood before them both with her hands folded.

"You two, I won't hit you this time because I specifically told Ivy not to go into the sewers, meaning she should've stopped you two. But you're both not getting away from this situation without some form of punishment."

Hearing that, Lucke and Cleo both gasped as they already knew they were most likely not going to leave this situation with Ivy taking all the blame. After all, they did follow Ivy, so technically they are both in trouble as well.

"Umm...what do you need us to do?" Cleo asked with a quivering voice.

"Both of you and Ivy are banned from leaving the house for the entire week. If I hear that you have taken a step outside from anyone, I will extend it to a month. Do you understand?" Emma said sternly.

Cleo and Lucke exchanged glances before nodding.

After saying that, Emma walked down the stairs where Luna stood and was preparing to climb up after hearing the sound of Ivy crying.

"What happened?" Luna asked with a face of confusion. "And where did you get those golden jewelries?"

Hearing that, Emma stopped before sighing. She looked at Luna and said, "Well, Ivy, Lucke, and Cleo went into the sewers again, and you know how dangerous that place is."

"That's the place that people go when they want to settle something. Sometimes gunshots could be heard from the sewers where no witnesses are, and imagine what they would do if they see Cleo, Ivy, and Lucke down there. They could end up getting killed. You know that the sewers are the most lawless place of the entire lawless kingdom. They can do anything in there and get away with it."

"Hmm...yes, I understand that. I didn't think that Ivy would still go into that place after you told her not to so many times."

"Me neither," Emma said before coming to a realization. "Oh, damn it. If Lucke, Cleo, and Ivy went to the sewer, then I'm sure Darly's son Reko was also there."

What would we have said to her if something happened to him? Emma started to get angrier and angrier, and Luna, seeing this, placed one arm on her shoulder while the other rested on the cane. She said, "It's okay, breathe, they're alright."

Don't worry, what happened to your brother was beyond your control. What happened before won't happen again, Luna said calmly.

I know you care for Ivy, Lucke, and Cleo, but sometimes talking to them is necessary. Beating them won't help as much as you think. I'm sure they see you as a terrible person because they bought you gold jewelry and you beat them.

But they disobeyed me and went into the sewer. What do you expect me to do, thank them?

Well, I think you should sit down with them one of these days and have a peaceful conversation. I'm sure they'll listen. I don't mean yelling or getting angry, just a normal talk.

Lucke stood in front of the slightly open wooden door, with Cleo standing beside him. He listened to Ivy crying inside, and after a moment of silence, Cleo finally spoke up.

With a sigh, Cleo said, "Why? Why did you tell her we went to the sewers? Couldn't you come up with an excuse? By doing that, you got us all in trouble and Ivy was the one who suffered the most. It's not fair."

Hearing that, Lucke sighed and walked over to the slightly open door. He pushed it open and saw Ivy crying on the floor. On his bed, he noticed the magic guide book wide open.

Damn... I guess Emma was too angry to notice the book.

Slowly, Lucke approached Ivy and sat down beside her. He saw her sitting on the floor, with her face buried in her legs as she cried.


Meow meow!!!

Amori gently stroked the cat, which caused it to purr. She smiled as she looked out from her balcony, watching the sun begin to set.

Knock, knock, knock.

Upon hearing the sound, Amori entered her room and called out, "Come in!"

The door swung open, revealing Alfreda holding a small dish of fish. He placed the dish on the round wooden table on her balcony and asked, "Is there anything else I could do for you, princess?"

"No, that's fine Alfred. Everything's good," replied Amori.

Alfred smiled and said, "Alright princess, call me if you need anything." He then left the room, closing the door behind him. Meanwhile, Amori placed the cat on the table and watched as it enjoyed the fish.

Jake walked to the balcony railing and glanced down, recognizing many familiar faces in the crowd below.

Among them was Tilly, a woman who had recently opened a pie shop and gained a reputation for making the best pies in the kingdom. She had brown hair and eyes, looked to be in her fifties, and worked alongside her husband Kane Walters.

Across the street from Tilly's shop was an inn, conveniently located for those looking for delicious food. The inn was owned by the Lawmen family, one of their several businesses, although not on the same level as the Wire family.

"I heard that the previous owner of Tilly's shop moved to the city of Lyness in the west," Amori thought to herself. She was currently in Crossfend, on the east side of the kingdom. The west was known for its advanced technology, with robots, gadgets, and magic-based technology. It was a great place to live if you had money, but a nightmare for those who didn't. The housing prices were exorbitant, and even everyday items were ridiculously expensive compared to other parts of the kingdom.

After thinking for a bit, Amori shifted her gaze and noticed a man sprinting through the crowd, knocking down people along the way. Papers were falling from his bag, which was strapped across his body.

"Hey, come back here!" yelled one of the pursuers. "Give me that bag, or we'll harm you."

The young boy was wearing a blue top hat and a blue and white suit. He ran through the large crowd, with three individuals chasing after him. After observing for a moment, Amori saw that the three men chasing him were wearing shiny silver armor and each carried a sword.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no," the boy thought as he dashed out of the crowd. He reached an intersection where carriages were seen moving along. As he continued to run, he extended his hand in front of him and began drawing a symbol in the air. The symbol was an upside-down triangle, and as soon as he finished tracing it, an eye appeared in the center and the symbol disappeared.

In the eyes of the three knights pursuing him, he stepped onto a carriage, which immediately started moving, followed closely by the knights.

"Hahaha! They actually fell for that," the boy chuckled to himself. "Illusion spells are always intriguing." He ran into a dark alleyway, and the illusion he had created of himself vanished from inside the carriage.