
Man lost in Infinity

During Luke Silver's last year of high school, he stumbled upon a captivating book at the library. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it. Little did he know that as soon as he opened the book, a peculiar thing happened - his eyes closed. When he reopened them, he found himself in the body of a boy named Lucke, residing in the human kingdom of Kanull in a whole new world. In this strange world , Luke discovered that the world was a vast place, home to seven different races. It was a world where he encountered magic, witnessed the incredible advancements of technology crafted by the elves, and marveled at the artifacts created by the divine gods themselves. However, amidst this wondrous discovery, Luke also came to realize that humans occupied the lowest position in the societal hierarchy. They were confined to the lawless kingdom of Kanull, struggling to survive.

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25 Chs

Luke to Lucke

"He really needs to be more cautious when going down the stairs. I don't understand why he always insists on running up and down without a care in the world. It was bound to happen sooner or later that he would stumble and take a fall.

But that's just the way he is, always so reckless and constantly ending up injured.

Luke gradually opened his eyes upon hearing a conversation nearby. He scanned his surroundings and noticed a young girl sitting beside him. She had on a black shirt and a brown skirt that had a small tear on the side. Her messy, brown hair matched her brown eyes.

"I think he's finally awake," the girl remarked.

An elderly woman with gray hair and brown eyes approached Luke, who was still lying in bed. She used a cane to support herself and was dressed in a stained white blazer adorned with brown spots, paired with a lengthy skirt."

After the old lady arrived at his bedside, she looked at Luke, who was holding his head.

"I guess he's awake now," she said.

"Where am I? What's going on?" Luke asked, confused. He had no idea where he was or who the two women standing beside him were.

A little while ago, Luke had made a trip to the library where he stumbled upon a truly intriguing book. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it and bring it home to read. However, the moment he opened the book, an overwhelming drowsiness washed over him. The next thing he knew, he found himself in an utterly unfamiliar place.

Beside him on the bed the young girl stayed seated, her expression filled with concern.

"Are you alright? How are you feeling?" she asked, worriedly.

Luke cast a quick glance at her, and just then, a sharp agony ripped through his head.


The pain surged, bringing with it a surge of unidentified memories. Within these fragments of recollections, he saw himself with two individuals named Grandma Luna and Emma, amongst various other unknown memories.

In the midst of this flood of reminiscences, he recalled being called Lucke and living with two others who were also fourteen years old.

Once the wave of memories finally subsided, the agonizing pain in his head likewise receded. Turning his focus to the elderly woman beside him, a sense of familiarity washed over him. She was Luna, his newfound memories told him.

"What on earth just happened?"

Even though he found himself in an unfamiliar environment, he couldn't shake the sensation that he had always been there. It felt as though his memories seamlessly merged with this place, creating a comfort of familiarity.

The elderly woman smiled kindly and responded, "Hmm... it appears as though you've forgotten. You were running down the stairs and unfortunately missed a step, causing you to trip and hit your head against the wall."

Upon processing the situation, Luke found himself contemplating two possible explanations for his presence in an unfamiliar environment, accompanied by strange memories that weren't his own.

"So, how are you holding up?" Luna inquired.

Luke, deep in thought, responded, "I'm fine." He began mulling over the idea that he had experienced transmigration, which logically seemed impossible. Consequently, he considered an alternative scenario: being utterly exhausted, falling into a deep sleep, and now finding himself in a dream.

"Alright," he continued, his stomach growling in protest. "Could I get something to eat?" The newly acquired memories informed him that the household he had landed in was struggling financially. Their meager food supply barely sufficed, and securing a decent job proved incredibly challenging, resulting in most employment opportunities paying next to nothing.

Additionally, the cost of living was exorbitant, causing essential items to be sold at inflated prices.

Relieved by Luke's response, the elderly woman glanced at him and inquired, "So, you're alright?"

"Yes, I'm okay," Luke reassured her.

"Do you recognize us yet?

Yep, your name is Emma," he said, pointing towards the girl with tousled hair. "And your name is Luna," he added, gesturing towards the elderly lady.

"After Emma's remark, she glanced at him momentarily before pleading, 'Please refrain from running down the stairs anymore.'

'I've warned you countless times, and yet this time, you tripped, crashed into the wall, and fainted. What will it take for you to understand?'

Luke understood her concern. "Okay, I get it," he replied.

'No, you don't understand. You said that last time, and yet here we are again. Should we go to the extreme of cutting off your legs so you physically can't do it anymore?' Emma's frustration escalated.

Luke's stomach growled audibly in response, leaving him speechless.

'Alright, let's go. We'll bring you something to eat in a moment,' Luna offered, as Emma got up from the bed and followed her out of the room, quietly closing the door behind them."