
Man lost in Infinity

During Luke Silver's last year of high school, he stumbled upon a captivating book at the library. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it. Little did he know that as soon as he opened the book, a peculiar thing happened - his eyes closed. When he reopened them, he found himself in the body of a boy named Lucke, residing in the human kingdom of Kanull in a whole new world. In this strange world , Luke discovered that the world was a vast place, home to seven different races. It was a world where he encountered magic, witnessed the incredible advancements of technology crafted by the elves, and marveled at the artifacts created by the divine gods themselves. However, amidst this wondrous discovery, Luke also came to realize that humans occupied the lowest position in the societal hierarchy. They were confined to the lawless kingdom of Kanull, struggling to survive.

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25 Chs

Chaos in Kanull part 2

Chaos in Kanull

Lucke slowly opened his eyes and realized that he was lying on the wooden floor. He had fallen off the bed along with Cleo, while Ivy was still sound asleep on the bed with plenty of space. He sighed as he got up and looked at Cleo, who was still sleeping. He shook his head with a smile, wondering how Cleo could sleep on the cold wooden floor. But then he remembered that he did the same thing, so he simply laughed at the thought.

Lucke thought to himself, "I guess this world is changing me to the point where I can now sleep on a cold floor. I wonder how long it will take for me to adapt to the terrible food made by Luna."

As he thought this, he knelt down on the wooden floor and shook Cleo, trying to wake him up. He tried and tried, but no matter how hard he shook Cleo, he wouldn't wake up. So, he decided to leave him alone. Lucke left the bedroom and went into the corridor before entering the bathroom to brush his teeth. He then walked down the wooden stairs and entered the kitchen, where he saw a bucket filled with water. He took a small bucket of water and went back into the bathroom to pour it into the bathtub.

Of course, this water wasn't drinkable. From his memories of Lucke, he knew that using drinkable water for bathing in this household would only lead to trouble. After taking his shower, he pressed a button that allowed the water to flow out of the bathtub.

Lucke changed his clothes and returned to the room, where he saw Cleo staring at the wall. He stood at the doorway for a while, looking at Cleo, but Cleo didn't move or notice him. Cleo simply stayed seated on the wooden floor, with his eyes focused on the wooden wall.

"Lucke thought to himself, "Is he okay?" as he walked over to Cleo.

"Umm... Cleo," Lucke said, but there was no response. He tried again, "Cleo!!" Still, there was no response. He grabbed Cleo's shoulder and shook him, but Cleo continued staring at the wooden wall as if he didn't feel or hear anything.

"Cleo!!" he shouted, and finally Cleo's body shook with fright before he responded, "What, what's wrong?"

"Ummm... are you okay?" Lucke asked. "I've been calling your name for a while now."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't... I didn't know. I didn't hear anything," Cleo said as he slowly stood up. Even though he had just woken up, he seemed sleepy. His eyes were red and had dark circles under them.

"I keep hearing it calling me," Cleo muttered under his breath as he quickly left the room, leaving Lucke concerned and confused.

"Haaa..." Lucke heard as he shifted his gaze to Ivy, who had rolled off the bed. Ivy said, "Don't worry, I'm okay." Lucke facepalmed before slowly leaving the room.

Lucke left the bedroom and strolled down the corridor before descending the wooden stairs and entering the kitchen, where he found Luna seated on a wooden chair, enjoying her meal.

"Luna said your breakfast is on the table," Lucke replied, expressing his gratitude. He then made his way to the wooden table, where he spotted the familiar square container that he always used for dinner and breakfast. He hoped it wasn't the same dinner from the other day, but something different. He pulled out one of the wooden chairs, sat down, and slowly opened the container.

Inside, he discovered seven small, round white balls. He wondered what they were as he picked up the slightly bent fork and began eating. He used the fork to gently pick up one of the white balls and tasted it. To his surprise, it wasn't bad at all. He smiled and continued eating, feeling hopeful for the first time since he transmigrated, realizing that maybe this world wasn't so terrible after all.

Once finished, he placed the container in a larger container on the floor for washing. As he was about to leave the kitchen, Luna called out to him.

"Wait, wash out ten containers... and wash this," Luna instructed, extending her hand with another container from which she was eating.

Lucke sighed and walked over to her, taking the container from her hand. He then proceeded to wash out the containers in the sink.

Afterward, he ascended the stairs and entered his room, closing the door behind him. He surveyed the room and noticed Cleo still seated on the floor, staring at the wall once again.

This time, Lucke decided to ignore Cleo and instead went over to the bed to pick up the open magic guide book. He began practicing, repeating the words of the incantation, "grant me the power to twist my surroundings to my advantage," while attempting to draw the symbol that represented creational magic.


The train derailed and exploded, causing flames to engulf it and nearby homes. The bridge-like structure was completely destroyed. The screams of the residents living close to the bridge could be heard, while onlookers panicked and ran away. Meanwhile, officers, knights, and mages rushed towards the fire.

The mages approached the fire and used water magic to extinguish the flames. The destruction was extensive, with numerous homes destroyed and many lives lost, both on the train and among the residents living near the bridge.

One of the water mages surveyed the scene, observing the smoke billowing into the air and the devastated homes. Some people were crying on the ground, while others sought help from the knights to locate their loved ones. The chaos was overwhelming, but the knights attempted to maintain order and provide support, while the mages worked to repair the damage caused by the explosion.

Khan stood in the middle of the street, witnessing the rising smoke. He could feel the fear emanating from the scene. Utilizing his immense strength, he leaped from the street onto one of the houses, directing his gaze towards the source of the smoke.

As he surveyed his surroundings, Khan realized that smoke was also rising from four other locations. His heart sank, and he desperately moved in the direction of the train tracks, swiftly navigating from rooftop to rooftop.

Upon reaching the train site, Khan was met with a devastating sight of burned-down buildings and grieving individuals. The officers, knights, and mages were diligently carrying out their duties amidst the chaos.

Feeling overwhelmed, Khan ran towards another location where smoke was visible. It was the Navert bank, engulfed in flames. He quickly moved on to the remaining locations, discovering that the coney train station, the Llightline school building filled with students, and the Nemant Church were all on fire.

Overwhelmed with grief, Khan fell to his knees and let out a scream, the sound of the kingdom descending into chaos echoing in his ears. Tears streamed down his face, but his sorrow soon transformed into anger. Determined, he stood up and leaped from rooftop to rooftop, sprinting towards the direction of the king's castle.