
Chapter 66

"Uhn." Susan uttered then wrapping her arms around Jerry's neck, she pulled him closer and a bit downwards then whispered into his ear. "I want you to fuck me like the only woman you've ever loved." Having said that, she suddenly pulled herself up against his body and wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her ankles to give her a firmer grip. In order to support her weight and prevent her from slipping off his body because of the soap, he backed his body towards the shower and let the water run down his back and around his body in order to wash off the smoke and make himself less slippery, but he didn't wash the soap off his head and face. After that, he placed a hand on the wall behind Susan then wrapped his other arm around her waist to hold her to his body.

As he guided his manhood into her with her help and sunk into her warm orifice, they both moaned in unison. He noticed that she felt a little different from what he was used to and this made him pause. Noticing his hesitation, Susan whispered against his ear: "What are you waiting for? I'm dying here in anticipation." She had barely finished the words when she pushed her hip forward and swallowed the remaining part of him up and the feeling was so intense that he moaned and immediately forgot why he had hesitated in the first place. Soon, he began to move his hips while he pressed her back against the bathroom wall and began to thrust in and out of her.

Susan was careful not to say any words when she moaned because she was a dirty talker while Anne was not. She didn't want to make any mistakes that would give her away and ruin this moment. As Jerry continued to thrust in and out of her, she begged him to go faster and after he complied, she was soon squirting all over the bathroom floor after Jerry had yanked out his manhood in order to make her spurt her squirt properly, but now, he seemed astonished after Susan squirted all over the lower half of his body and the floor.

"Jeez, Babe! When did you start squirting?" He asked, his eyes still shut.

Without replying and not wanting to get caught, Susan simply slipped his manhood into herself again and urged him to continue. Shrugging since she refused to reply and assuming that she was too horny to want to talk, Jerry resumed his thrusts again. He had made her squirt twice more before he felt his own release slowly building and soon, he was cumming deep inside of her. 

He remained lodged in her for a moment till his manhood was done vomiting every thread of semen. When his near-flaccid manhood finally slipped out of her, some diluted semen leaked out of her opening and dripped slowly to the bathroom floor. Susan carefully unwrapped her legs from around his waist and gently stepped on the floor, careful enough to avoid stepping on the semen which was soon washed down the drain by the shower.

A bit wet from the shower, Susan placed a kiss on Jerry's cheek and quickly hurried out of the bathroom. Once she was back in the bedroom, she snatched her clothes off the floor, quickly slipped them on, unlocked the door, opened it and quietly walked out of the room after taking a peek into both sides of the hallway to be sure that there was no one in sight. Feeling very satisfied with the crazy sex he had just had after seven long days, Jerry continued his bath.

After bathing, Jerry changed into new clothes, a big green sports singlet and a pair of white shorts then returned to watch the game. When he saw his girlfriend, he gave her a knowing smile and she gave him a surprised smile in return as he approached. "Someone looks like he just hit a jackpot, why are you staring and smiling at me like that?" Anne asked, curious.

"C'mon, don't play dumb, baby... That back there, was epic." Jerry winked at her.

"What was epic?" Anne asked, puzzled but still smiling.

Jerry folded his arms then turned his head to the side to quietly say to his girlfriend. "What we just did... You know? You and I? In the bathroom? The intensity of it all was one of a kind! you are really starting to be very spontaneous and I like that..." She pulled her cheek gently.

Anne's smile waned a bit as she became more perplexed. "I honestly don't know what you are talking about. Are you now daydreaming or what?"

"Really? Is this part of all the game? So now, you are just going to act like that didn't just happen between us?" Jerry asked, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb towards the main house. "You snuck into the bathroom and we had-"

Anne didn't let him finish before she interrupted with a smile. "Babe, jeez! I haven't left this spot since the game began, so what the hell are you talking about? Or...you are so horny that you are now beginning to imagine things... It's just a week, you know?" She teased him.

Jerry's smile wavered a bit now as he fully turned sideways to face his fiancee then searched her eyes to see if she was really pretending not to know what he was talking about. "But-" He stuttered. He was the confused one now. "But babe, we had-... you told me- are you sure that you never left here?" He finally asked in a serious tone, all traces of a smile vanishing now.

Anne smiled and pushed his chest in a playful way. "I don't know what game you are up to but I'm not going to fall for it. If you don't believe me, you can ask Doris, I haven't even moved an inch from this spot since the game started."

Jerry turned away now in shock as he tried to put two and two together, recalling every detail of what had happened in the bathroom in his head, and just then, his eyes slowly widened as it finally dawned on him that he had been tricked by Susan. 

He recalled how she had been secretly caressing his thigh two days ago under the table when they had unfortunately sat down next to each other for dinner, and every time he had taken her hand away, she had adamantly returned it. She had been so persistent that in order not to bring unnecessary attention to himself, he had simply left her to do whatever she wanted. And immediately he could find her alone after dinner, he hard sternly warned her not to repeat such again, but it was obvious that she had not taken his words seriously.

Noticing the look on his face, Anne's smile was instantly replaced with a concerned look now. "Babe?" She held his arm now as she craned her neck to peer into his face. "Are you okay?"

"Y...yes..." Jerry forced a smile, took her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. After glancing around the court and seeing no sign of Susan, he said to Anne: "Excuse me. I'll be back." Letting Anne's hand go, he turned and stalked back towards the house, while Anne watched him go, wondering what was wrong with him.


"Hey, babe." Eric smiled as he approached Violet now who smiled back at him.

"Hey." She said softly.

"You good?" He asked. "Called your phone thrice."

"Yeah... I was busy practicing in the house." Violet replied.

"Could you please hold this for me?" He stretched his sleeveless shirt towards her.

"Sure." Violet replied, took it from him and slung it over her shoulder.

"Thanks." Eric winked at her then craned his neck forward and placed a kiss on her cheek.

When Violet glanced towards the open court, she saw Stephen glaring towards their direction with the basketball firmly held in his long fingers.

"See you soon." Eric told Violet, turned and returned to the court as soon as the game began.

When Doris smiled now and shook her head, Violet glanced sideways at her. "What?"

"I can't believe that you have two men almost eating out of your palm." Doris answered.

"What do you mean?" Violet asked, perplexed.

"Stephen and this Eric guy." Anne chipped in. "I don't know about you but it's obvious enough that these two can't seem to stay away from you."

Thankfully, Grace was not present because she had gone to sit down somewhere else under a tree after complaining of her legs aching for standing for too long.

"Y'all are just assuming things. There's nothing going on between Eric and I, we are just friends and as for Stephen, we are definitely not a thing."

"Are you sure about that?" Doris asked huskily. "Are you not seeing how hot he looks right now without his shirt on?" She batted her artificial eyelashes sideways towards Stephen who was bouncing the ball and running around the court as he dribbled a player from the opposing team.

"Yeah..." Violet said and even the tone of her word sounded strange in her ears. "I don't feel anything to Stephen."

"And yet you get jealous!" Anne stated.

"Never! I don't want him and I've already made that clear on the very first day of my arrival!" Violet declared.

"So what would you do if Stephen is to walk up to any girl here and kiss her?" Anne tested. 

Violet hesitantly shrugged. "Nothing." She tried to hide her skepticism and how nervous she was now.

"Nothing?" Doris asked in surprise.

"Yeah, absolutely nothing!" Violet stated.

"She's lying." Anne murmured sideways to Doris.

"Definitely!" Doris agreed.

Violet rolled her eyes. "You ladies should just drop it already! Eric is fun and he's a good friend to be with and Stephen is-"

Anne cut her shut and completed the statement for her. "...is just the guy whose name you murmur in your sleep."

Violet's brow creased with a frown now. "Nor true!" She vehemently denied it.

Doris nodded her head and confirmed. "It's true Violet, you murmur Stephen's name in your sleep, you just don't know it."

Violet froze now and stared in shock while the ladies chuckled. Just then, Stephen dribbled towards their side and threw the ball which successfully entered the basket. Those who were rooting for his team immediately erupted in a loud noise of cheering and whistling including Anne, Doris and Grace but Violet kept her arms folded and did nothing except stare at Stephen indifferently. He stared back at her, obviously feeling proud of the point he had just scored but since they said nothing to each other, he simply returned to continue the game.


When Jerry got to the house, he began to yell Susan's name. After searching around the house, he headed upstairs to the room which she shared with the ladies. As he barged into the room, Susan who had been busy with her phone scrambled off her bed to her feet in alarm. 

"You!" Jerry hissed in rage, pointing a finger at her. "I feel like strangling you right now!"

"What?" Susan asked in fear and rushed to stand at the other side of her bed so as to keep a safe distance between them. "Why would you just barge into this place like that without knocking?! Don't you know that this is a ladies' room?!" Susan retorted.

"You bitch!" Jerry approached the bed, ignoring her question. "It was you, wasn't it?!" He asked.

"What are you talking about?" Susan frowned, feigning ignorance now. Outside the room, Laura who had come into the hallway probably to fetch her charging phone from her room, paused several feet away to listen after she heard Susan's and Jerry's voices.

"You tricked me!" Jerry yelled in fury. "You were the one in the bathroom, pretending to be Anne, weren't you?! You took advantage of that situation and lured me into having sex with you!"

"Oh! That?" Susan hissed now, knowing that since she was caught, there was no use pretending anymore. She knew that he would eventually find out but she didn't expect that it would be this soon. "As if you didn't enjoy it... mtcheeww... You had better not bring down the roof and draw everyone's attention all because of some sex!"

Surprised at her response, he stared at her in disbelief. "You come into the bathroom to seduce me why impersonating my fiancée and this is what you have to say?! Do you have any idea what you have done?!" Jerry asked in indignation.

"What?! What sef?! For Christ's sake, it's just sex, Jerry, so don't make such a big deal out of it! We are two adults and we made love, end of story!" Susan snapped.

"What do you mean by we made love?! I don't feel a fucking thing for you besides disdain, as a matter of fact, you disgust me, Susan! I still can't believe that you had the guts to come trick me into having sex with you after all my warnings to stay clear!"

"Well, I've been giving you the green light for a long time and since you had chosen to remain blind and adamant to my advances, I decided to cleverly take what I wanted! And trust me when I say that the sex was great! Not only was it exactly how Anne had described it, but it was also more." She seductively ran her tongue over her upper lip.

"God! Susan, have you no shame?! You just betrayed your own best friend and you don't even feel guilty about it?" Jerry was shocked.

"Why should I? In friendship, there are no boundaries when it comes to a good dick."

"What did you even come here for anyway? Are you really here for the anniversary, to win Stephen back or just to ensnare me and ruin my relationship?"

"Well, I did come for Stephen but it's obvious that all odds are against me. Grace is loved and daily doted upon by his mother. Violet keeps getting his attention, that of his sisters' and I can almost swear that his father likes her too... But me?" She scoffed. "Nobody even gives a fuck about me! Despite the fact that I'm going out of my way to be a better woman, nobody else seems to notice all I've done! I've cleaned, learned how to cook, done the laundry but no one notices anything! Do you know how it feels to feel insignificant? To feel like the whole world is against you? Do you know how it feels like not to feel wanted?! Do you have any idea how lonely each passing day has become for me?! Do you?!" She vented, panting softly.

"And that's all your fault, Susan! Everything happening to you right now is all your fault! You had Stephen all to yourself but you chose to let your gold-digging get the best of you! And what did you do? You ditched him on the wedding day! You brought all this upon yourself and it's high time you knew that you can't eat your cake and have it!" Jerry stated.