
Chapter 62

She hesitated and lowered her eyes for a moment. "It's pure torture, Stephen." She mumbled.

"What are you talking about? What's pure torture?" He asked, even more confused.

"If I don't do it, she'll deprive me and I can't deal." She said in a quiet raspy voice.

"Who are you talking about? And what will you be deprived of?" Stephen pressed.

Grace nervously wet her lips now then carefully requested: "Please, I want you to make love to me."

Stephen's eyes widened a bit in surprise, then he started to draw back from her now. "What!" He exclaimed softly.

Grace sat up now. "Please, you have to or I'll go crazy! You really have to help me! Please, Stephen, make love to me." She pleaded. "She has refused to give me any until I make you do it!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Stephen asked, the sleep completely vanishing this time.

"Just make love to me!" She started to quickly take off her robe now and then her flimsy inner nightgown. "If you don't, she'll torture me! I've not had it all day and I'm on the verge of losing my sanity! All you just have to do is cum in me and I'll never bother you again, I promise!" She said in desperation.

Stephen moved further away from her now, placing his feet on the floor. "Grace, I don't know what you are talking about and I don't think I really want to find out right now. I'm sorry but I can't have sex with you. I have a lot of broken ties to be fixed and someone I've to make things up to, and believe me when I say that sex is the very last thing on my mind right now, so I'm sorry but I'll have to ask you to leave. Whatever you are going through right now, you'll have to wait till morning so that we can discuss it, but right now, please leave!" He said firmly.

Fully naked now, she got down from the bed and quickly walked around it to stand in front of him. "No, Stephen, you don't understand! It can't wait till morning! It has to be now or never! Please just do this simple favor for me. After all, it's just sex and every man likes to have sex, don't they? I'm giving you my body in a platter, so why not just accept it?!" She pleaded and insisted at the same time. "We can even pretend it never happened if that's what you want!"

Stephen couldn't believe his ears. He knew that fourteen years was an awfully long time to change someone but this new Grace was completely different from the one he had grown up with

"No, Grace, leave!" He said more firmly and started to rise and that was when she suddenly caught him off guard by shoving him on his back. When he fell on his back, she pounced on him and straddled him then she reached for her switchblade in her teddy bear and pointed the blade to Stephen's throat.

Stephen stared at her in shock as he held out his hands with open palms close to either side of his head. "Grace, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, Stephen but I won't take no for an answer." She told him. "Now, look at my tits!" She ordered. When Stephen made no attempt to lower his gaze, she snapped, almost nicking him. "Look at my fucking breasts goddamnit!" When Stephen involuntarily obeyed, he noticed the tattoo on her ribs under her left breast. "Now touch them! I want you to have a fucking erection!" She ordered yet again.

Stephen swallowed hard. The look in her eyes was scary and he had never seen her act this way. "Grace, you do know that not only am I a man and stronger than you are, but I'm also a soldier who was taught defense!" He carefully told her. 

"I'm the one with the knife here and you have to do what I say or I might just make you bleed!" She threatened.

"You know this is coercion right? This is rape!"

She rolled her eyes and chuckled wickedly. "Rape? You men fucking enjoy sex, Stephen and besides, I'm only making our teenage dream come true. If anything, you should be grateful, Stephen Michaels."

"I think we can reach a compromise. Just put down the blade and we can talk this out like two mature adults." He calmly suggested.

She scoffed now. "You don't seem to get it, do you? I don't want to talk, all I want you to do is to fuck me and cum in me!" She hissed down at his face.

"We could do this without your having to use force, you know?" He tried to smartly talk her out of it.

"Oh, now you wanna be compliant?! I have been giving you all the green light there is but you started avoiding me all because of that Violet girl! See, I don't really care whom you really want to settle down with, not that I'm really into this bull-crap game anyway but I've gotta do what I have to do, now touch my tits!" She ordered but when Stephen hesitated still, she suddenly grabbed his hand and placed it on one of her breasts then began to forcefully use his hand to fondle them. "All I want for you is to get an erection so that this can be over with!"

Although Stephen was very reluctant but the little guy between his thighs had a mind of its own and soon he felt himself rising in his boxers. "I can't do this!" He suddenly said, snatching his hand away.

"I'll stab you, Stephen!" She threatened now. "I'm that desperate that I don't care about your life right now. What matters is that I get the relief I want before I go crazy! You have no idea what I'm going through!" She hysterically said.

"I can't, Grace. I just can't!" Stephen remained adamant, calling her bluff.

When she saw the look in his eyes and confirmed that he was serious, she sniffled as she quickly began to think of what to do next. Soon, an idea struck her in seconds and she directed the blade to her throat now. "If you don't, I'll kill myself!"

Flustered, Stephen frowned now. "Have you lost your mind?"

"Yes, I've! I have actually lost my mind, Stephen! I'm going crazy! My own body is rebelling against me! I can't think straight, I can't sleep! I feel so incomplete right now that suicide seems like the next best option for me to escape this torture!" She rambled like a madwoman, still holding the blade to her own throat.

"But what has having sex with me got to do with it?!"

"A lot Stephen! Having sex with you is the ticket to my antidote and if you don't do what I want right now, I swear, I'll slice my own fucking throat open!"

Stephen searched her eyes now and carefully said. "No... I don't think you'll do such."

She suddenly pressed the blade to the side of her neck, giving herself a cut in the process and Stephen, much to his horror, saw crimson liquid leak from her skin down to her collar bone. Knowing that she would indeed do as she had said, he quickly stopped her. "Fine, fine, fine! I'll do as you say, just put the fucking knife down for God's sake!"

"Not until you do as I want! Get an erection!" She said. Stephen had no choice but to reluctantly return his hands to her boobs. Against his will, he began to gently fondle them. "Do it like you mean it!" She hissed now. "In fact, pretend that I'm Violet and fucking enjoy it!"

Stephen pursed his lips then mustered whatever courage he could. He continued to fondle Grace and at the same time think of Violet just as she had suggested and in no time, he was fully erect. Pleased, she discarded his boxers without completely getting off him then she sank down his shaft. As she began to move on him, he shut out the image of her as she helped herself on him. Soon, she impatiently complained. "You are taking too long to cum! Get it out already! I can't wait any longer!"

Stephen frowned. Was this girl crazy? It had only been three minutes and she was demanding that he ejaculated. She began to fiercely ride him now as if trying to force it out of him and soon, he worked on his mind and exaggerated whatever pleasure there was and in no time, he was pumping out his goo of protein within her a few minutes later while she sat still on him and took everything in. 

After a moment, she got off him. Got down to the bed and walked to the other side of the bed to quickly put on her clothes while he sat up, consumed by guilt. Returning to him, she squatted in front of him, trying to peer into his face since he had his head down and his hands on each side of his head, elbows on knees.

"Stephen?" She called softly now. "I'm sorry that I had to do this. Please forgive me."

"Leave, Grace," was all Stephen could mutter.

"You have to understand that if I didn't do this, I-" She started to explain when he rudely cut her off.

"Please just leave already! Go!"

Sighing in resignation, she rose to her feet, took her teddy bear and started to head for the door but suddenly halted when she saw Violet who was passing by. Stephen lifted his head and when he saw Violet too, he suddenly felt even worse. Could things get any worse? Violet who had woken up and was on her way downstairs to drink some water in the kitchen, glanced from Grace to Stephen. Deducing what had happened between the two after realizing that Stephen was naked, she angrily walked past the open door before Stephen could stop her.


A minute or two later after Grace had left Stephen's room, she knocked on her mother's door. Without hesitation, Mrs. Eweala who had deliberately stayed up, waiting for her daughter, opened the door, let her in and closed the door.

"Give it to me!" Grace requested without delay.

"Did you do it?" Her mother asked.

"Yes, but it didn't really go as planned. I had to coerce him!" She started to tremble now.

"Did he cum in you?" Mrs. Eweala who chose to ignore her daughter's condition, instead lowered her eyes to her daughter's crotch.

"Yes, he did! Just give it to me already!" Grace impatiently hissed.

"You are bleeding!" Mrs. Eweala said when she saw the blood but when she tried to reach for it, her daughter slapped her hand away. 

"Don't pretend like you care, just give me the fucking dope!" Grace was irritated now at her mother's unnecessary delay.

Without a word, Mrs. Eweala walked to her wardrobe, pulled out a plastic bag from a corner and tossed it to her daughter who quickly caught it, sat down on the bed, tore the plastic open, pulled a small stash of heroine then she scrambled to her knees, quickly pulled a small glass table closer, carefully tore open the stash and poured the white powder on the table and began to separate and flatten the small heap with her switchblade. Soon, she lowered her head and took a sniff. When she raised her head again, her eyes went dazed and her eyeballs rolled as she was soon engulfed in true ecstasy. She lifted her eyes up to the ceiling and began to foolishly smile in satisfaction and euphoria. It felt so great and also made her so happy.

"Look at you!" Mrs. Eweala said, shaking in disgust now after she watched her daughter for several minutes, smiling and hallucinating too as the drug took effect. "Just look at you! See what you have become! You are a complete mess! You have totally reduced yourself to nothing but a drug addict! A junkie! You'd practically do anything to get relief! If I had known, I never would have taken you abroad!" She said ruefully.

After taking another sniff, Grace raised her head and retorted. "Mum, if you care so much, you'd have taken me to the rehab a long time ago and not trying to force me on Stephen by blackmailing me with more drugs!" Grace replied. "He's a good man and doesn't deserve such! You knew I'd do anything for some dope and you used it against me. You have been using it to make me do your bidding, so don't you dare act like you care, because all you care about is yourself!" She bit back.

"Now listen to me, young lady!" Mrs. Eweala hissed, pointing a warning finger at her. "What I'm doing is for your own good! I'm not the enemy here! I'm trying to help you! If anything, you should be grateful that I'm trying to salvage the shameless situation you brought upon yourself!"

"Brought upon myself? Jeezzz!" She scoffed. "Your asshole of a husband raped and got me pregnant and you still say that I brought the situation upon myself?! You are unbelievable!" She lowered her head for another sniff.

"If you had not come visiting in my absence and without informing me, this wouldn't have happened! I still don't believe that my husband raped you, it's more like you seduce him! You and your stupid act of dressing seductively!" Mrs. Eweala accused. "You never liked him! You even refused to call him dad and now, you want him to go to jail for something you caused!"

"Wow! Now you shift blames? Now you blame me for being raped by my fucking stepdad?! How wonderful! How you never cease to amaze me, mother. If I didn't know you better, I'd have said that you are evil! Your husband raped me! Me!" She pointed at her chest as she rubbed under her nose. "I was the victim here! I was going to report him to the cops and have him arrested, but instead, you refused! You told me that we could sort this issue out ourselves! Only for you to deceive and bring me down to Nigeria! What sort of a mother are you?! Why the hell would you prefer to save your marriage over your own daughter?! Your only child!"

"Yea, you are my only child but I won't watch you destroy everything I've built for the past eleven years! I've come too far with Duncan to have you pull all my hard work down! My marriage with your irresponsible father hit the rocks after ten years and while he ditched us and ran off with some other woman, you think that I'm just going to let you ruin my second marriage now that I've found true happiness?! Besides, if not for Duncan, we would have been deported back to Nigeria ten years ago! I married him so that we could become citizens! He has a church and do you know what your confession to the police would have cost us?! He would have lost everything! Everything, Grace!"