
Man In American Comics: Start Regenerative Healing Factor

Lu Chuang's journey into the Marvel world with a Danganronpa game panel had started with high hopes of unlocking super high school-level talents by achieving various milestones. His encounters with iconic Marvel characters like Tony Stark, Domino, and Doctor Strange led to some interesting exchanges. However, as time passed, the talents he unlocked began to take a bizarre turn. It wasn't long before he encountered a special talent: Super High School Level Despair. Lu Chuang couldn't help but feel perplexed. Was this new talent meant to compel him to reenact the ominous events of Danganronpa within the Marvel universe? With uncertainty looming, Lu Chuang pondered the implications of his newfound ability and the challenges it might bring to his adventure in this extraordinary world.

ReaperSlayer101 · Komik
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18 Chs


Lu Chuang left Sister Margaret's bar and walked down an alley, clutching the black card in his hand. This particular card offered a reward of one thousand USD for taking down Jeff Mond, a member of the Russian Ross gang. Among the stack of black cards, it was considered one of the less challenging tasks.

The reason Lu Chuang opted for this assignment was mainly due to his financial situation. Accepting a higher-level black card mission required paying a 10% deposit upfront, and he simply couldn't afford it. Thankfully, Weasel had temporarily covered the deposit for him.

Weasel provided some basic information about the target person, including places they frequented. However, these locations were somewhat distant, and Lu Chuang was unfamiliar with the area. Without money for a taxi, he faced a dilemma.

Before he could find a solution, two young men of African descent blocked his path in the alley. One of them had golden front teeth and began to demand, "Hey, Asian guy! Hand over your money and phone..."

But before the demand could even finish, Lu Chuang swiftly kicked the speaker between his legs. The young man with golden teeth crumpled to the ground, clutching his groin, while the other one was left stunned.

The second assailant tried to protect his sensitive area but was met with a punch that sent him sprawling to the ground. Lu Chuang retrieved a pistol from one of them and commented on the high-quality equipment found in Free America.

With his weapon drawn, Lu Chuang turned to face the remaining attacker, who had fallen to the ground. The man wisely raised his hands and lay flat on the ground, indicating his surrender.

Seeing the gun pointed at him, the subdued man didn't offer any resistance. Lu Chuang reached for his firearm, and the man immediately complied with a raised hand.

Lu Chuang's words revealed his intention: "As expected of Free America, look at this equipment drop rate, it is not at the same level as other countries."

He pointed the gun at the man with dreadlocks and asked with a smile, "Now, tell me how bad you are, and I'll consider whether to let you go."

Terrified and under the threat of the gun, the man quickly began listing his crimes, hoping to earn his freedom. However, Lu Chuang found his confession lacking and pressed him for more serious misdeeds.

The man confessed to a series of actions, including robbery, but none of it seemed bad enough in Lu Chuang's eyes.

With a frustrated expression, Lu Chuang criticized the man's crimes: "Not bad enough."

The man was flabbergasted, realizing that his criminal record was far from impressive.

Undeterred, he continued, "I haven't paid for sex!"

"Still not bad enough."

"I peeked at my neighbor while she was showering!"

"Crazy enough, but not bad enough."


The man with dreadlocks seemed to have unleashed a stream of confessions, revealing all his wrongdoings. This was something even the New York Police Department couldn't do, but Lu Chuang easily extracted the information from him.

However, Lu Chuang remained unsatisfied. He looked at the panel and noticed that the message still didn't match the unlocking conditions. Disgusted, he expressed his disappointment and chastised the man for his lackluster criminal record.

Feeling dejected, the man with dreadlocks maintained his silence. With a gun pointed at him, he had little choice.

Lu Chuang decided to loot their valuables. He instructed them to hand over all their valuable possessions, emphasizing that they shouldn't try anything funny. The man with dreadlocks helped his fallen companion, and they surrendered all their cash and phones.

However, Lu Chuang continued to express his dissatisfaction: "Did you not hear what I said? I meant all valuable items, including the two gold teeth in your friend's mouth. By the way, are your Air Jordans genuine?"

The man with dreadlocks understood what was expected of him. Compared to the menacing figure before him, his criminal activities seemed trivial.