

The west of the Nile lies the great kingdom of the Lugbara people. They are a hostile tribe with strict cultural noms to be followed. They are one of the most feared tribes of present day Uganda.

But, even with such stronghold, they were ounce a timid nation sorounded by the Greatest nations including the Madi, the Nubi , the Acholi and the Alur. In the 17th century, the Lugbara under King Njakara had 4 provinces, Okoro, Lamo, Soria and Ombokolo. Ombokolo was Under looked among the 4 and the Chief, Chief Ambele was the weakest of them all. Chief Ambele the head of Ombokolo province one evening as he was heading to his home from the King's palace, he found the strongest women from Okoro. He was humiliated by these women and Kajangu the strongest of them all even raped him and left him in torn attires. The people of Ombokolo cried to the Gods to repay Kajangu for what she had done. Ambele in total humiliation committed suicide and left a letter to the king "let a worthy man rule".