
Man and machine

Caution: dubious science, and brutal fu*kng ahead Mc waked up with a quantum computer as his cheat there will be world travel worlds planned- Marvel Genshin ROR TBATE Worlds to be planned- Talentless nana Black clover Tensura continuation depends on feedback

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58 Chs

Meeting the inhabitants

"WOOOHOO! This is amazing!" I yelled while jumping off the roof. The wind brushed against my hair and I could feel my muscles tense from the sensation of an no platform below me. It was exhilarating.

[Although I have blocked cameras. You are not invisible from the public eye]

"It's okay~Let me enjoy the moment." I pulled in the rope and used it to swing across the billboard, landing crudely. The concrete beneath my feet almost gave out from the sudden impact, but held on in the end.

"So what's the status?"

[Strength: 1.5Tons

Agility: 103Km/h (64mph)

Vision: 87Fps

Overall Combat Index:50]

The serum worked its magic almost instantly. My once skinny body was now packed with taught muscles. My senses were now sharper than ever. However, this also brought a new problem in my life.

'It's slow'

The world around me was moving so slow that it started to get frustrating. It felt like watching a video play in .25x speed. Although I'm not a very sociable person to begin with, it was still frustrating. Time seemed to move much slower than before. Any form of media services now seemed like a slideshow of pictures at 12-24Fps.

I wanted to ask Veritas to suppress it, but deep down, I knew that would bite me back at some point. I was stronger than I was before, but there were still people stronger than me.

'Spiderman had to adapt to his newfound powers, so why can't I?'

My prideful demeanor reared its ugly head once again. And I indulged it…

"Any update on Tevyat?"

[I have found a lot more species and their special characteristics. Would you like to see them?]

"Wait let me put on my headset."

Yes. I build a headset to experience that world in 3D. It was getting boring to just observe everything through a screen. So I spent the next few days making some mechanical arms to help me around and a headset.

The equipment synced to my brain, feeding on the electric signals to control C16. The word had humanoid monsters capable of utilizing vision as well as providing materials to gain strength.

Other than a few monsters, most of the humanoid ones seem to be cursed with immortality. Their bodies rapidly decay and turn to ashes after receiving a certain amount of damage, leaving behind things like broken masks, tusks, cores and even crystals that can be used to strengthen the vision bearers.

If I wanted to acquire these materials for myself, I could try to avoid the public and try to monopolize the cavities(Dungeons). Mondstadt seems to be under pressure from a literal blue dragon, so they won't be able to stop me for now…

'But in the end…I'm stealing things that is rightfully theirs' Although I've procured several illegal items till now, to accumulate strength, I still paid for them. It weighed down on my conscience knowing that I'll be stealing from an entire city because they are weak…

"Fuck it…let's do this the right way." I pumped myself and put on the headset after laying down.

[Activating Immersion in 3...2…1]

The darkness quickly faded and I was pulled into the blinding light. As soon as it subsided, I found myself facing the city from the Cathedral Bell tower. The high resolution cameras moved as I desired it to, without any noticeable delay. Although I couldn't feel anything from my other four senses, I knew it was just a temporary situation.

Turning on the jet engine, I activated stealth mode and made my way to the acting grandmasters room.

The Knights of Favonius that protects Mondstadt was founded by Vennessa with the help of Barbatos 1,000 years ago. It was an order established to act as the police as well as the army. The Grand Master of the Knights Varka was currently out of Mondstadt on an expedition with his squad leaving a blonde girl in chanrge.

[Her name is Jean]

"I see, Heen.."

[That is nothing like what I just said]

"Let's go." I went close to her room from the outside and very politely knocked using the deactivated sound canon. The sudden noise seemed to instantly alert the young woman in her 20s, who stood up while facing the window.

I had to admit, it was pleasant to see her so clearheaded yet so tired. Her grip on the sword tightened in vigilance. I would be too, if something invisible knocked my window so high up the building/Castle.

"I believe we can have nice conversation here instead of throwing hands acting grandmaster." I spoke through the speaker in a gentle voice but that seemed to rile her up even more. She seemed to now be heading towards the bookshelf while trying to locate me.

"And yet, you not shown yourself to me." Heen spoke in a low voice while slowly walking over.

"Does that bookshelf have an alarm to notify the guards of intruders?"

My question was met with a bright blue glowing sword swirling with wind.

[She may be trying to locate you suing wind currents]

'Turn off stealth mode.'

Her eyes widened after seeing C16 outside the window. It was a little intimidating to see a black flying object as big as a desk, but I suppose me showing myself worked, seeing how the sword stopped glowing.

She slowly opened the windows but didn't permit me to enter. Possibly still cautious.

"I mean no harm. I want to made a trade with Mondstadt." Her eyebrows rose slightly at my remark and she propped up her chin, asking me to elaborate.

"I'm not from any organization, just a lone individual. You might be wondering why I exposed that, but I simply have nothing to lose. Even if you destroy this drone, I can make another one."

"…So you are not this thing but a person controlling it from elsewhere?"


"Why should I humor you then?"

"Eh…..I haven't thought that far. I just want to trade, so why not hear what I have to offer."

"I will not consider it until you show yourself." Heen still refused to budge and I relented by turning on the projector.

"Is this enough?" I looked ahead in slight annoyance and she seemed surpised now.

"I did not expect someone so young…"

"Whatever… we've wasted enough time already. Let's get into business."

"As promised, I will hear you out, but do not place too much hope."

"Humu humu….I want resources from you cavi…dungeons, in return I'll take care of the blue dragon terrorizing your city."

"….Please leave before I call the guards."

"Ah HEY HEY WAIT! What's wrong with my offer?"

"You claim to be stronger than a dragon while being inside a machine smaller than a person."

"I have machines that are BIGGER. This one is a non-combatant, mainly used for reconnaissance. The stronger ones can actually put up a strong fight. I guarantee it!"

She held her chin while looking down, mumbling about someone named Klee and then focused back on me.

"Why do you need resources?"

"Are you even in a position to ask me that. From the looks of it, you guys are the ones in a crisis. In a few months, most of your citizens will start evacuating and your army cannot fly, last time I checked."

"You spied on us?"

"Yes. But think about it this way, I could just ignore your problems and go into those dungeons myself, me standing here should be enough to tell you that I'm looking for cooperation, not monopoly."

"….I will need some time to think about this."

"Sure! Here take this button. Once you've made up your mind, press it and I'll come to you." I said after handing her a small button the size of a baby's finger.

"May I know you name?"

"Andrew Rivers, the greatest Inventor."