

Amaya Luz, a talented and driven businesswoman, has always prioritized her career over her personal life. She proposes a marriage of convenience to Adam Brooks to expand her business empire. But beneath her confident exterior, Amaya hides a deep vulnerability - a mental health condition that makes her struggle with emotions. Adam Brooks, heir to a vast fortune, has distanced himself from his family's business empire. Scarred by a past relationship where his ex used him to gain benefits from his family, Adam has grown cynical and disillusioned. Despite his reluctance, he agrees to Amaya's proposal, seeing it as an escape from his family's expectations and a chance to redefine his own identity. As Amaya navigates her complicated relationship with Adam, she must confront her painful past, her complex relationship with her birth mother, Maria, and her own dark fears and insecurities. Her condition worsens, and she begins to lose control, pushing away those who care about her most. Forced to confront her inner demons, Amaya must make a choice: surrender to her darkness or fight for a chance at happiness. But as she struggles to find her footing, she realizes that her future is tied to the fate of her business, her relationships, and her very sanity. Through Amaya's eyes, this story explores the cutthroat world of business, the fragility of mental health, and the power of human connection. It's a raw, unflinching portrayal of a woman's fight to reclaim her life, her love, and her very self.

Milola · History
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7 Chs


An exquisite boutique in Country Z, renowned for its luxury and elegance. The boutique is adorned with crystal chandeliers, plush velvet carpets, and elegantly displayed clothing from top designers.

Chris enters the boutique, immediately captivated by the opulent decor. He walks past racks of designer dresses, stopping at the display of "Luz" where a particular skirt catches his eye. Just as he stretches his hand to pick it up, another hand reaches for the same skirt.

'Excuse me, I was just about to grab that skirt.' Chris said, looking up at Joanne with a hint of annoyance.

'Well, it looks like we both have good taste. Though I doubt it would look good on you.' Joanne replied with a teasing grin.

'Ha ha, very funny.' Chris said sarcastically.

'I really need this skirt.' Chris urged, trying to maintain his composure. 'My sister's been nagging me to get it for her, and I don't want to deal with your tantrums too.'

'My best friend designed this skirt, and I must have it.' Joanne countered, her determination evident. 'Why should your sister's demands outweigh my plans?'

'Because I saw it first.' Chris snapped, his patience wearing thin.

Joanne smirked, 'And I grabbed it first. Don't you think it's inappropriate for a guy to be fighting over women's clothing? People are watching.'

Chris reluctantly backed off, aware of the attention they were drawing.

'Fine, have it. But you'll regret this.' he threatened

The one thing he hated most was not getting his way. He rolled his eyes annoying before selecting another skirt and a few dresses.

Joanne smiled triumphantly, excited she had won the battle. 'We'll see.' she said and proceeded to pay for the coveted skirt.

In The Brooks Mansion

Adam arrived at the dining table and found it just as it had been that morning. He greeted both his parents; his mom responded with a warm smile, but his dad ignored him. He then sat down to have his dinner.

'Kimberly, your 18th birthday is just around the corner. We're planning something special.' Alexander announced, his voice tinged with the excitement he reserved only for his daughter.

'Really, Dad? Well, I was thinking of throwing the party in a new bar that just opened.' Kimberly said beaming with excitement. She said it with such enthusiasm that the room seemed to light up, a stark contrast to the shadow that had fallen over Adam.

'A bar!!' Her mother yelled in shock, her voice breaking the fragile peace of the dining room. The sudden outburst shocked her father and both her brothers.

'No member of the Brooks family has ever had their birthday thrown outside our house.' their mother continued, her voice firm. 'And you young lady are fully aware of this. We host a great feast here, where extended family joins us to celebrate. It's been this way for generations.'

'Your mother's right'. Alexander said not failing to show his disappointment and anger. First his older child and now the youngest. Kimberly's excitement dimmed slightly, but she was not one to back down easily. 'We'll invite all of our business associates, and maybe even some potential investors. It'll be a great opportunity for us to network and make some valuable connections and of course, we'll spare no expense. The best catering, the finest decorations, the most extravagant gifts. It'll be a night to impress. All your friends would be invited as well. You're not going to have your friend in some 'bar' and that's final.' Alexander said finalizing everything.

Kimberly rolled her eyes, feeling a familiar frustration. 'That's all you ever care about, isn't it? Using our birthdays as an excuse to make more business deals. You did the same thing for my brothers' birthday and now you're doing it again with mine.'

Her parents exchanged a glance,shocked by her sudden outbrust but her mother quickly recovered. 'Kimberly, that's not fair. We just want to celebrate your special day in a way that benefits everyone.'

Kimberly scoffed. 'Benefits everyone? You mean benefits your business? I don't want a birthday party that's just a disguise for a networking event. Can't we just have a normal, simple celebration for once?'

Her father's face hardened. 'You either have your birthday celebrated in this house or in your room sleeping.'

'Argh this is soo annoying.' She got up from her seat and ran to her room crying. All the ever cared about was their business. She thought sadly.

'Kimberly! Kimm! Her mom yelled from behind but she just ignored.

Felix observing everything decided to speak up in her defense. 'Mom, Dad, come on. Can't we just have a normal birthday party for once? No business, no networking, just family and friends?' He said. Their 16th, 18th and 20th birthday party as always celebrated like this. He never complained but he was well aware of how irritating it was.

'Yeah, must our personal lives be used further the company's interests.' Adam added

Their father's face turned red with rage. 'How dare you question my decisions! You're just a disgrace, Adam! You're throwing away your future and your heritage!'

Their mother tried to intervene when she saw the situation going out of control 'Honey, calm down-'

But her father continued, his voice thundering. 'No, I won't calm down! You kids are so unappreciative! I'm trying to build a legacy for this family and you're all just fighting me every step of the way.'

'No one's fighting you dad. You just want our own way of doing things.' Adam said plainly

Alexander sneered. 'Your own way? You mean like your friend Chris, who's wasting his life on useless dreams? No, Adam, you're going to follow in my footsteps and take over this company.'

Adam shook his head, 'No, Dad. I won't do it. I won't be a part of your empire if it means sacrificing my own happiness.'

Adam stood tall, his eyes locked on his father's. 'I'm not afraid of you, Dad. I'm not afraid to stand up for what I want. And what I want is to be my own person, not just a pawn in your game of power and money.'

Alexander's sneer grew wider. "You're letting a little girl play you like a fiddle, Adam. Rachel used you and now you're too afraid to take over the company? That's pathetic."

Adam's face burned with shame and anger the moment he heard the name 'Rachel'

'You're letting your emotions cloud your judgment. You're acting like a child who's afraid of getting hurt again. His father continued. His mom and brother just watching. They all knew about Rachel. How she had pursued him with such charm and grace, how she had listened to him with such empathy and understanding. But it was all a ruse, a way to get close to him and gain access to his father's business dealings.

They recalled the day she had revealed her true intentions, how she had used him to get information to help her father's rival company. The betrayal had cut deep, and Adam had felt like a fool for trusting her. What hurt him the most was how deeply he had fallen in love with her. Since then Adam refused to trust anyone especially when it came to love. He ever since saw the business world as a place where lies and hate ruled.

'You're a Brooks. We don't get used. We use others. And we certainly don't let our emotions get in the way of business."

The room fell silent, Alexander's words hanging in the air like a challenge. Adam felt a surge of anger and resentment, but also a deep-seated fear that he was indeed letting his emotions control him.His dad left followed by his mother. Felix just sat there. He sighed. What a dramatic house. He thought to himself.

In The Luz Mansion

Catherine Luz sits anxiously on the couch, waiting for Amaya to return from the hospital. The clock ticks loudly, adding to the tension. The front door opens, and Amaya walks in, looking weary and fragile.

'Amaya, thank goodness you're back. How are you feeling?' Catherine asked

'I'm fine, Catherine. Just tired.' Amaya said softly.

' Am glad...soo glad. Am sorry I couldn't be there. Alexander Brooks had called wanting to talk.' She explained why she had to leave.

'Alexander Brooks!' Amaya said stunned. 'What did he want?' she asked

'We can talk about that in the office tomorrow. Right now I need you to tell me something. Martin just called me. Amaya, honey, what is this about you wanting to marry this man.' Catherine asked. She was shocked when Dr. Martin had called her. He informed her about everything since she had to leave. This man Amaya had encountered seemed to be a link to her getting cured.

'The color drained from Amaya's face, and she looked away, biting her lip.

'I don't want to talk about it. I've already decided, and I don't want anyone to try and change my mind.

'Catherine took a step closer, her voice gentle but firm. 'But marrying him won't necessarily solve everything. Just because he might help with your illness doesn't mean you should rush into a marriage.' Amaya's composure shattered.

'Do you have any idea what it's like for me? The pain and suffering I've been through? The sleepless nights?' Her voice cracked, and she collapsed onto the couch, tears streaming down her face. 'Catherine, I can't even close my eyes at night. The fear, the torture, and the torments...'. She sobbed uncontrollably, memories flooding back: the nights spent curled in a corner, trembling with anxiety; the headaches so intense they made her feel like she was losing her mind; the countless tears shed in the dark, feeling less than human. Her shoulders shook with each sob, revealing the fragile being behind the strong facade.Catherine knelt beside her, wrapping her arms around Amaya, offering silent support as Amaya's anguish poured out. Catherine hugged her as tightly as she could, her mind drifting to the first day she had seen Amaya. The girl had tucked herself in a corner in a room filled with her peers, her face devoid of expression, as if the corner was her home. When Catherine saw her, a wave of pain hit her like a physical force.Catherine had just divorced her husband of eight years, a man who had relentlessly cheated on her after discovering she could never bear children. Her father's death a few years later had left her with the responsibility of the L.F.I., but also with a void in her heart. The moment she saw Amaya, she felt a connection, a sense that this was the one who could fill that emptiness.After the adoption, it took nearly a year before Amaya began to open up, even a little. Night after night, Catherine would find her curled up in the corner of her room, tears streaming down her face. Catherine would sit beside her, offering silent comfort, wishing she could do more for her than just give her unconditional love

'I know it's been hard, Amaya, but rushing into this won't fix—' she was interrupted but Amaya

'Hard? You think it's just hard? Catherine, I can't sleep without taking pills. Every time I close my eyes, I see her. I see her coming, to hurt me. The fear paralyzes me. The headaches are so intense, sometimes I feel like my head will explode. You don't know what it's like to be trapped in your own mind, to be a prisoner of your own thoughts.' Amaya just welled and poured out all her emotions. She just couldn't take it nor control them anymore.

'Amaya, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize—' Catherine was interrupted again

'No, you don't realize. No one does. If this guy or whoever is the one to help me then so be it.'

'Amaya, I want what's best for you. I just don't want you to make a decision out of desperation. Marriage is a big step. You need to be sure it's what you truly want, not just a way out of the pain.'

'What do you expect me to do? Live like this forever? Constantly on edge, afraid of my own mind? I need something to change, Catherine. I need to believe there's a way out.'

'I want that for you too, Amaya. I just don't want you to lose yourself in the process. Please, let's take this one step at a time. We'll find a way to manage your pain, together.'

' I don't know if I can keep going like this. It's too much.'

' You can. You're stronger than you think. We'll get through this, one day at a time. I promise, we'll find a way to help you heal.'

Catherine said as Amaya tells in her arms shedding tears. Catherine could only hold up crying along and sharing her pain with her. In the room also was Joanne. They didn't notice her enter. She stood at the door also crying. She had no idea her best friend was going through soo much all alone.