
Male Spy at an All-Girls School!!

Rin Grayson, Male Agent and Code name "Ant" of the Brotherhood Secret Service. He has one mission, protect the daughter of the Headmaster from all the inevitable danger that is directed on to her but there's a catch... He'll have to do it in disguise... as a girl at an All-Girls School!! "If it's cute, it's not gay!!!" - a certain Chameleon Author's summary: Basically, Boy crossdresses and disguises himself as a girl at an All-girls school for his Agent assignment in protecting the daughter of the headmaster and at the same time, forging friendships and bonds with his new classmates along the way. The Male lead is definitely a bad-ass in this story. He is both trustworthy and kind to his friends and the people that he loves and holds dear. At the same time, he is also shown to be ruthless and cold-blooded, showing no utter bullshit to his enemies, depending on the transgressions that they have done, most especially when they have acted upon his friends and loved ones. He also has his perverted moments, grinning like a lecherous old man having lewd thoughts to his female friends. He can be also quite dense, his knowledge sometimes is outside of the norm due to him being exposed mostly in his Agent duties much to some of the girl's displeasure. So many funny misunderstandings also await in here. The story is set on the fictional country of the Twilight Kingdom, a country where the Queen rules prosperously and is your typical modern one, with some exciting twist. Most especially, a certain place where only the criminal and lawless live... The Underworld. It is a forsaken place that will showcase a string of events that will definitely shake the heart of the very kingdom itself as webs of intrigue and plays intertwine with our MC, his friends, and allies being at the center. Male Spy at an All-Girls School not only deals with the story of our Male lead but also among others, showing how their lives are interconnected with one another in a single thread of fate, ultimately leading to an epic finale where everyone showcases growths in their physical and mostly emotional aspect with the MC leading on the top. In short, there will be cheesy moments, drama, comedy, romance, and definitely, action. It is a Spy story after all, with a harem, dark, comical twist. (Cover photo not mine. CTTO)

redmitte2x · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
75 Chs

Chapter 48: A noble's noble actions!!!

Everybody inside the whole room could not believe at what they just heard from the blonde woman Lucia Mayfield.

Kana and Meiko turned to look at each other, the gasp on their astonished faces as they confirmed at what Lucia has revealed to them all.

"W-wait…" Meiko spoke up, trying to clarify herself at this whole absurdity of the situation. "If what we heard was right, then Rin's cousin is actually some sort of big shot in your company!? And a noble too?!"

Kana simply nodded, although the look on her face shows that she too was dumbfounded at all of this. "It would seem so. I could only recall vaguely of a certain doctor that was working for our company. That and bits and pieces of a potential scientific breakthrough being discovered as Father might have mentioned in the past about a certain plant that they have found in China and all the innovations that could be achieved in it."

Kana's eyes then widen in realization. "Now that they have mentioned it, I've finally remembered. Leonard Mayfield is the head scientist of the Botany Department of our company. I've only seen him in various science magazines and personally, maybe only once or twice when I was still a kid. Wow, I guess that probably explains why Lucy also gets to visit me due to our family's connection with them."

Then she pulled her head in frustration, admitting her forgetfulness as she would never think that such events involving things would transpire at this very moment. "I can't believe that I never remembered all of this!!"

"Mayfield…"Kana mentioned the surname in a sad smile. "No wonder there was something that clicks me on the name the moment when I first met Rina and decided to be her friend very quickly as I felt an instant connection with her!! This is rather infuriating and I believe I owe Rina an apology for not diffusing this situation earlier due to me forgetting."

"Hey don't be so hard on yourself." Meiko patted Kana's back in comfort. "As you said, you were still a kid after all. You were what, like 3 years old or something when you first met your godmother and many of us can't recall a lot at the times when we were kids of that age."

As the self-regretting of Kana Erendal was going on the sidelines, Keana Blakes was definitely on a whole level of skyrocketing surprise as her camera came in with a lot of flashes and recording, eager to not even miss a single of this newfound revelation.

"Oh…my…Glob…" Keana was indeed mystified, not even gasping for breath and glued her very eyes on the scene. "So Rina's cousin is actually a prominent individual with connections to Kana's company. Wait, I did hear that her father, some sort of scientist is also a noble…"

Keana gasps, her mouth widely agape as she finally realized the implications behind. "If blondie's father is a noble, then by extension, Lucia Mayfield is obviously one. So that means…"

Keana then turns her amber eyes at Rina, the boy's expression now having a newfound vigor.

The violet haired journalist then assumed a huge grin as she breathe in relief at how things played out in the very end. "Rina Mayfield, a noble huh? You never cease to amaze me don't you."

Now back to our main group of interest, we find Edmund finally snapping out from his momentary state of stun but is still feeling caught off guard by what Lucia has revealed to him.

"Mayfield…" To his credit, Edmund was able to keep his composure himself as he recovered. "Tsk, No wonder the name sounded vaguely familiar. I never would have expected that this girl of yours is related to the esteemed Dr. Mayfield."

"Heh, perhaps you should have done a background check before making yourself look stupid don't we Von'laden?" Lucia smirk in triumphant, the sweet sensation of victory proving very delicious for her to savor.

"Hmm, so it seems." Edmund simply nodded in agreement as he eyed at Rina in a deadpan look. "I believe that this changes things. It appears that we have almost offended the noble name of the Mayfield and allowed this transgression to happen by succumbing to you in a level unacceptable as befitting of your status. Very well, I'll take back my condition and come up with a less harsh one for you to deal with."

Then Edmund cleared his throat to tell Rin his brand new condition to finally conclude this scene. "Just do what my daughter did, apologizing in any way that you see fit, no longer needing to comply with my unreasonable conditions earlier."

"Daddy!!!" Erica shouted in protest. "Her punishment seemed a bit light for my taste…"

"Silence Erica." Edmund commanded his daughter. "It seems that you have no idea about who you have dealt with for the past few days. Calling someone who is related to the great Dr. Mayfield a commoner… How shameful of you daughter."

Erica shrinks down with a sad look at her father berating her.

We find Rin looking at the ground, his expression dark as the bangs of his hair covered his crimson-red eyes.

'Hehe, who have thought that Boss' alter ago would save me from this heck of a madness.' Rin could not help but chuckle in his thoughts.

'Although, they want me to apologize? Heh, and me being a noble…'

A mischievous smile suddenly forms on the boy's mouth, a look of deviousness instantly being expressed behind his face.

'This fucking changes things...'

"An apology you say?" Rin said all too teasingly for the Von'ladens to hear, a feeling of grim being succumb by the latter as they feel a storm that is to about unfold unto them.

He then did something unbelievable for everyone to bear witness…

Something that could very well shake the foundations of the social hierarchy system that all of the people of the Kingdom have grown accustomed to.

Something that might as well change the very perception that most commoners would see on the nobles!!!

Rina Mayfield despite now revealed to be a noble, having equal or even more status with the Von'ladens is now seen as all eyes widen at what he just did.

Their minds are being blown away on the blue-haired boy being down on his knees of his own accord.