
male Reader kashimo hajime X my hero

male Reader X my hero

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3 Chs


Pov future narrator Decades after his rise as the Lightning Avenger, Ryujin Hajime has transformed into a lone wolf, driven by an insatiable thirst for battle against the strongest. He left his former allies behind, believing his true destiny lay in testing his limits against worthy adversaries. In a dark future, a cataclysmic event would shake the world, putting Ryujin on a collision course with all of Japan's heroes. Led by the enigmatic All For One, the Union of Villains emerged from the shadows, threatening to plunge the world into chaos. The Japanese government ordered all heroes to unite to face this unprecedented threat, but Ryujin refused to join them. He believed that the heroes were too weak and that only he had the power necessary to defeat the Union of Villains. Isolated, Ryujin faced Japan's heroes one by one, his supernatural speed and electrical powers proving a devastating combination. High-ranking heroes, including Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist, easily fell before his overwhelming power. As he advanced, the number of heroes willing to face him decreased. Those who remained formed a tenuous alliance, determined to stop Ryujin at all costs. But even united, they were no match for his overwhelming power. One by one, the heroes fell, their Quirks overwhelmed by Ryujin's power. Soon, only Izuku Midoriya, the Symbol of Peace, remained. Exhausted but not defeated, Midoriya gathered all his strength for one last attack. With a cry of determination, he readied his One For All Quirk, a power accumulated from previous generations of heroes. Ryujin smiled, anticipating the final confrontation. He had found an opponent worthy of his strength. With a gleam in his eyes, he prepared to face the Symbol of Peace and the remaining heroes who dared to oppose him. And so, in a moment of suspense, Ryujin Hajime, the Lightning Avenger, stood before the heroes of Japan, ready for a battle that would determine the fate of the nation.                      12 years ago On a sunny morning, Ryujin Hajime and Izuku Midoriya, both four years old, entered the hospital with their mothers for their Quirk Test. This test was an important milestone for all children in Japan, as it would reveal their unique superpowers. Ryujin was looking forward to the test. He wanted to discover his Quirk so he could use it to fight. He didn't dream of becoming a hero and saving lives; he just wanted to have a license to fight. Midoriya, on the other hand, was apprehensive and nervous. He dreamed of having a powerful Quirk that would allow him to become a hero and protect others. The two mothers, Akari Hajime and Inko Midoriya, chatted while their children took the test. "I'm so excited to see Ryujin's Quirk," Akari said. "I wonder if he will inherit my electrical powers." "I hope Izuku has a Quirk that will help him achieve his dream of becoming a hero," Inko said. When Ryujin's test was complete, the doctor smiled and said, "Congratulations! Your son has a very powerful Quirk. He can generate and manipulate electricity." Ryujin smiled widely. He was excited to finally have a Quirk that he could use to fight and get his license. Meanwhile, Midoriya's test didn't show any results. The doctor said, "I'm sorry, but your son has not manifested a Quirk." Inko was devastated. She couldn't believe her son didn't have a Quirk. Ryujin looked at Midoriya and said, "Don't worry, Even without a Quirk, you can still be a hero. You have a brave heart and an unwavering determination. That's more important than any Quirk." Ryujin's words confused Midoriya. He didn't understand how anyone could be a hero without a Quirk. But Inko understood. She knew her son had a brave heart and unwavering determination. And that was more important than any Quirk. And so, the two boys left the hospital with different destinations, but united by their friendship and unshakable determination. Ryujin would continue on his path to becoming a licensed fighter, while Midoriya would continue dreaming of becoming a hero. And his mothers, Akari and Inko, would promise to support them every step of the way, regardless of whether or not they had Quirks. Author: they didn't know each other it was just a kid thing.                Time break after consultation Ryujin and Momo were only four years old when Ryujin discovered his Quirk. He ran all the way to her house, excited to share the news. When he arrived, he found Momo sitting in the garden, reading a book. "Momo!" he exclaimed, running up to her. "Guess what!" Momo looked up in surprise. "What's wrong, Ryujin?" "I discovered my Quirk!" Ryujin said, his eyes shining with excitement. "I can generate and manipulate electricity!" Momo widened her eyes in shock. "Wow, Ryujin! That's amazing!" "I know!" said Ryujin. "I can't wait to start training and learn to control my powers." Momo smiled. "I'm sure you'll be a great hero with this Quirk." "Hero?" asked Ryujin, confused. "But I don't want to be a hero. I just want to fight." Momo was surprised. "Fight? But why?" "Because it's fun," Ryujin said. "I like the feeling of competition and the challenge of testing my limits." Momo sighed. "It's okay, Ryujin. I'll support you no matter what you decide to do." "Thank you, Momo," Ryujin said, hugging her. "You're the best friend anyone could ask for." "You're welcome, Ryujin," Momo said. "But I have a request." "What is it?" asked Ryujin. "Promise me that no matter what happens, you will always keep your promise," Momo said. Ryujin was confused. "What promise?" "The promise you made when we were kids," Momo said. "The promise that you would always protect me." Ryujin smiled. "Of course I promise, Momo. I'll always be here for you." Ryujin and Momo's parents, who were watching the scene from the garden, couldn't help but smile. They found the two children's friendship adorable and touching. And so, Ryujin and Momo continued their friendship, united by their unbreakable bonds and each other's support. And Ryujin kept his promise to Momo, always protecting her from any danger and always being by her side no matter what. Author: well enjoy it boy because what awaits in the future is something that I will really like hahahaha Flashback: Imbuing the Quirk into the Bo Staff Ryujin was 7 years old when he discovered that he could imbue his Quirk into his bo staff. He was training at his father's dojo when he suddenly had the idea of ​​channeling his electricity through the staff. To his surprise, it worked. The bo staff became charged with electricity, becoming an even more powerful weapon. Ryujin was amazed. He had never thought of using his Quirk in this way before. He began experimenting, discovering different ways to use his electrified bostaff. He could use it to shoot lightning, create electric fields, and even move faster. Flashback end, time skip (both are 10 years old).                   Pov Ryujin and Momo Ryujin and Momo finished their daily workout and were heading home when they encountered a group of bullies blocking their path. The bullies were bigger and older than Ryujin and Momo, and they seemed to be looking for trouble. "Hey, brats," said the leader of the bullies. "What are you doing here?" "We're going home," Ryujin said. "Not so fast," said the bully. "First you have to pay a toll." "A toll?" Momo asked. "That's right," said the bully. "If you want to pass, you'll have to give us all your money." Ryujin and Momo looked at each other. They didn't have money to give the bullies. "I'm sorry," Ryujin said. "We do not have money." "Then I guess you can't pass," said the bully. He and his friends laughed and started approaching Ryujin and Momo. Ryujin prepared to fight, but Momo held him back. "No, Ryujin," she said. "Not worth it." Momo looked at the bullies and said, "Please let us pass. We don't want any trouble." But the bullies weren't listening. They continued to get closer, laughing and mocking Ryujin and Momo. Ryujin couldn't take it anymore. He wielded his bo staff and shouted, "Enough!" The bullies stopped and looked at Ryujin. "What are you going to do, brat?" asked the leader of the bullies. "I'll protect you," Ryujin said, pointing his bo staff at the bullies. The bullies laughed. "You can't defeat us," said the leader of the bullies. "We are much stronger than you." "Maybe," Ryujin said. "But I won't let you guys hurt her." And with that, Ryujin attacked.                     Time break Ryujin soloed the bullies with ease, taking them down one by one with his electrified bo staff. When the bullies were all on the ground, defeated, Aizawa appeared and said: "Very well, kid. But don't use your quirk again." Ryujin was surprised. "Why?" "Because you don't have full control over her yet," Aizawa said. "If you use it too much, you could hurt yourself or others." "I control my quirk very well," Ryujin said. "I would never hurt anyone with it." "Still, it's best to be careful," Aizawa said. Ryujin sighed. "Alright. I won't use my quirk again until you say I'm ready." (Author lies less boy) "Good," Aizawa said. "Now, let's take care of these bullies." Aizawa approached the bullies and handcuffed them. "You're under arrest," he said. "You will be taken to the police station and face charges." The bullies got scared and started begging for mercy. But Aizawa wasn't listening. He took them to the police station and handed them over to the authorities. Ryujin and Momo thanked Aizawa for his help. "Thank you for saving us," Ryujin said. "You're welcome," Aizawa said. "It's my job to protect people." Ryujin looked at the bullies being taken away and said: "I only acted because those idiots were bullying my friend. I have no interest in fighting weaklings." Aizawa smiled. "I understand. You have a good heart, boy."(author:  my heart is pure) And with that, Aizawa disappeared into the night. Ryujin and Momo continued on their way home, their hearts filled with gratitude. They knew that Aizawa was a real hero, and they were determined to become heroes like him. Author: in the case of Momo only.                  Timeskip (start of canon both have 16)                      Pov narrator. Ryujin ignored the crowd and entered the auditorium. He wasn't interested in talking to the other candidates. He was there to take the test and get into U.A. He found an empty seat in the auditorium and sat down. He looked around and saw that the auditorium was packed. There were hundreds of applicants, all competing for a place at U.A. Ryujin was not intimidated. He was confident in his abilities. He knew he had what it took to become a hero. He closed his eyes and concentrated. He imagined himself using his powers to fight General. When Present Mic took the stage to explain the rules of the test, Ryujin opened his eyes and listened intently. He wanted to make sure he was prepared for the test. (Author forgot to fix this part anyway). He listened carefully to Present Mic's explanations, and when the test began, he was ready to do his best.